Vaccination Registration Guide For Age 6-11 in Jakarta
As years go by, the current Covid-19 pandemic is not over. Therefore, as a measure to curb the spread of the virus, participating in a vaccination program has become a must, which not only protects yourself but also loved ones. Thus, both old and young now need to get their vaccines. In Jakarta, vaccines for children aged 6-11 years are available. The main goal of vaccinating the young is to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 in children, protect them during activities in public spaces, and also as an extra protection for their body. If you have a child or relatives of that age, it's worth reading the following guide.
Vaccines for Children: The Requirements
Covid-19 Vaccination for children is carried out in two doses with intervals of at least 28 days using Bio Farma and/or CoronaVac (Sinovac) vaccines. The requirements for children aged 6-11 years can be seen in the following Health Service regulations:
- Children must have passed health screening.
- Vaccines for children will be administered in schools, health centers, and other vaccination posts for all Indonesian citizens without the condition of domicile.
- Vaccinations in schools follow the scheme of school children's immunization month during the pandemic.
- The activities of administering vaccines will follow strict health protocols to prevent the spread of Covid-19 cases.
The administrative requirement for child vaccination is a Family Card or other document that includes the child's NIK (Identification Number) / Certificate of Domicile from the RT (neighbourhood), according to the residential address in the DKI Jakarta area and has been registered in the Citizen Data application.
For vaccinations other than at school, the following documents need to be brought:
- Domicile Certificate from RT according to the address of residence in the DKI Jakarta area and has been registered in the Citizen Data application for children who are not residents of DKI Jakarta and are not registered as students in the DKI Jakarta education unit.
- Family Card or Child Identity Card (KIA) that lists the address of living in the DKI Jakarta area for children who are residents of DKI Jakarta.
How to Register for a Child's Vaccination
You can register vaccinations for children through the JAKI application, with the following steps:
- Open the JAKI app.
- Select Pendaftaran Vaksinasi Covid-19 (Covid-19 Vaccination Registration).
- Enter NIK and the full name of the children who will be vaccinated.
- Pick date and location for vaccination appointment.
- Complete personal data and pre-screening process
- Wait for the validation and the status is changed to Siap Divaksin (ready to be vaccinated).
Where Your Children Can Get Vaccinated?
Children aged 6-11 years can be vaccinated in schools, health centers / hospitals, and vaccination sites that administer vaccines for children.
Preparations and Things to Do If There Is AEFI
Preparations that need to be done by parents/guardians before vaccinating children, includes:
- Make sure the date of vaccination and the place of vaccination of the child is appropriate.
- Make sure the child is fit, get enough sleep, and have breakfast before vaccination. If your child has comorbid disease, make sure you have taken your medication before you go to vaccination.
- Provide information to children about vaccinations, such as reasons why vaccination is needed and what to do when vaccinating.
Then, after vaccination, parents/guardians, need to do these following things:
- Wait 15-30 minutes to observe.
- Ask your child what you feel after vaccination, and tell them if your child has dizziness, pain at the injection site, fever, or soreness.
- Report to a health care worker if the child has more severe vaccine side effects.
What are the possible AEFI (Adverse Event Following Immunization) that occur in children?
Usually, vaccine side effects in children are mild and temporary, such as:
- pain in the arm
- headache or muscle aches
- joint pain
- nausea or vomiting
- fatigue, and
- fever (characterized by a temperature above 37.8 degrees Celsius).
If your child is experiencing the effects of the vaccine, try to remain calm. If your child experiences mild pain, apply cold compresses to the injected hand. If they have a fever, you can give them medicine as recommended by health workers. If symptoms after vaccination last more than three days or if a more severe reaction occurs, immediately contact the health care provider whose contact number is on the vaccination card.
So, for those of you who have children aged 6-11 years, now is the time to register the young ones in the vaccination program. After vaccination, make sure your child remains disciplined to perform the health protocols (washing hands, maintaining a distance, wearing a mask, reducing mobility, staying away from crowds, and avoiding eating together). Register your child for vaccinations through JAKI, download it through the Google Play Storeor Apple App Store.