20 Apr 2020

A Closer Look at Features on corona.jakarta.go.id

by:Aditya Gagat Hanggara


20 Apr 2020

As a form of public information disclosure in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic disaster, the Government of Jakarta has established the Jakarta Response COVID-19 website at corona.jakarta.go.id. Through this, the public can see the latest data, information, and situation regarding the COVID-19 case in the capital. The following is a brief explanation of the available features.

Emergency Number

The Government of Jakarta has formed the COVID-19 Response Team Command Post to answer questions from the public about the coronavirus pandemic. This service can be contacted through three emergency numbers at 112, 081-112-112, and 081-388-376-955.

Find Out What COVID-19 Is

The nature or characteristics of the COVID-19 pandemic is not yet fully understood by some people in Jakarta. Therefore the site includes an information section to answer some basic questions like:

What is COVID-19?

How Is COVID-19 Transmitted?

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?


People who feel symptoms similar to COVID-19 can do a self-assessment test. The answers given will determine the next steps in handling it.

How to Protect Yourself from COVID-19

Know what can and can't be done to help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, from the call to stay home, to the prohibition of hoarding masks or other medical devices.

Data Monitoring

By visiting the Data menu, you can get the most up-to-date data on the number of COVID-19 cases in Jakarta. Not only those that have been confirmed positive but as well as those included in the category of People under Monitoring (ODP) and Patients under Monitoring (PDP).

Case Mapping 

In the Mapping section, you can also see the number of ODP, PDP, and Positive cases in each sub-district in five administrative cities of Jakarta.

Gender and Age Group

The data feature also provides gender and age group graphs. In addition to seeing the gender percentage, you can also find out the number of ODP, PDP, and COVID-19 positive cases in each age group.

Accumulation Table

With the accumulation table, you can see historical data on ODP, PDP, and Positive COVID-19 cases in Jakarta which have been recorded on the site since March 1, 2020.

The Curve and Daily New Cases

The curve of COVID-19 cases is also displayed on a trend chart, not only in the Jakarta area but also nationally for comparison. While on the right, you can find out the number of daily new positive cases, recoveries, and deaths.

Rapid Tests

The Government of Jakarta has distributed around 164 thousand rapid test devices to more than 100 health facilities. With this chart, you can follow the progress by looking at the results of the examination and the number of tests that have been done.

Funerals with COVID-19 Procedure


Data on the number of funerals carried out with a COVID-19 standard procedure are recorded in this graph. As regulated by the procedure, the body is first wrapped in a plastic bag to prevent the spread of the virus, before then being put in a coffin. No later than four hours after the patient died, the body had to be buried and carried out by officers equipped with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Social Aid Monitoring

In addition to monitoring the progress of the COVID-19 case, you can also see data on the distribution of social aid during this pandemic. On the map, you can find information about its distribution as well as the types of social aid they received. You can also see the number of beneficiaries per RW who have received assistance in the beneficiary chart. The progress of social aid distribution in the Jakarta administration area is also displayed in the form of a percentage in the lowest graph.

Case Map

You can monitor the location point of COVID-19 in each village (Kelurahan) with the Case Map feature. The data displayed are not only positive cases (red dots) but also those that are still waiting for results (yellow dots). There is also a location point of referral hospital and data on the number of positive cases in Jakarta that includes patients in care, recovered patients, deaths, and those who are in isolation.

Chronological Map

You can monitor the location point of COVID-19 in each village (Kelurahan) with the Case Map feature. The data displayed are not only positive cases (red dots) but also those that are still waiting for results (yellow dots). There is also a location point of referral hospital and data on the number of positive cases in Jakarta that includes patients in care, recovered patients, deaths, and those who are in isolation.

Map of The Spread

With help of Arcgis Map provided by the Department of Spatial Planning and Land Management, you can see the number of positive cases, and also includes the number of patients treated, cured, died and under isolation in each village.


Make sure to get your source reliable and based on the actual fact. Check on the Publication feature through corona.jakarta.go.id to get the latest information on the development of COVID-19 cases in Jakarta. Infographics and documents contain daily tips to keep healthy during the pandemic to the latest regulation issued by the provincial government.


During a pandemic, make sure you get information about COVID-19 from verified sources. In the Publication section, you can view and download the official infographic that has been issued by the Government of Jakarta.


The latest news and guide about the mitigation of COVID-19 can be found in the document section. As with infographics, all press releases displayed are official releases from the Government of Jakarta.


Learn more about the COVID-19 pandemic with more than 60 frequently asked questions (FAQ), from "Who is considered in the ODP?" to questions about the Social Assistance Program during the Large-Scale Social Limitation (PSBB) of COVID-19.

Contact Us

Find more information about referral hospitals on the contact page. In addition to that, you can also find the Jakarta Development Collaboration Network (JDCN) contact number to joining the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

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