17 Nov 2023

Jakarta Smart City Forum 2023: Jakarta’s Spirit as a Global City

by:Eva Simorangkir

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

17 Nov 2023

The capital city of Indonesia will relocate in 2024. You already know, right? The Capital City of Nusantara  in East Kalimantan will officially replace Jakarta as the capital. The Presidential Palace and ministries will also move to the new location. So, what is next for Jakarta? Certainly, Jakarta will address urban issues and realise a globally standardised smart city. Jakarta's role as a centre for the economy, business, cultural melting pot and technological development will continue.

global city  excels competitively and stands out in the global economic arena. Examples of influential global cities include New York in the United States of America, London in England, and Tokyo in Japan. The condition of a global city drives the development of a smart city. In Jakarta alone, the development of a smart city has begun with Jakarta Smart City, aiming to reach a global level and equalise its status with other global cities. Through the Jakarta Smart City Forum 2023, Jakarta showcases efforts to become a globally recognised smart city.


  Yudhistira Nugraha (Jakarta Smart City) dan Sigit Wijatmoko (Asisten Pemerintahan Sekretaris Daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta)   di Jakarta Smart City Forum 2023.  Foto: Arya Wirawan Maulana/Jakarta Smart City

Yudhistira Nugraha (Jakarta Smart City) and 

Sigit Wijatmoko (Assistant of the Regional Secretary) at Jakarta Smart City Forum 2023.

Photo: Arya Wirawan Maulana/Jakarta Smart City


Preevent as Smart City Education

The Jakarta Smart City Forum 2023 event started with a series of activities focusing on educating all participants: civil servants, community members, related organisations, and the general public. Held at the Future City Hub, the activities include:

  1. Reading Group: a program that dissects scientific literature for the public. Participants were asked to read a written work on technology, data, and smart cities. Other participants discussed the written work together at the end.

  1. JSCLab Sharing: a discussion forum with experts in various fields. Here, experts shared their experiences and expertise with all participants.

  1. Digital Talent Training: training on smart cities and digital transformation for government representatives. Participants engaged in intensive workshops with collaborators.

  1. JSCTalks: a discussion space and workshops addressing urban services and issues. Participants discuss data, cities, technology, research, and the concept of Jakarta as a smart city with representatives from the community, experts, and the Jakarta Provincial Government.

The above series of activities aim to provide the groundwork for the development of information and communication technology. Hopefully, the residents of Jakarta and the Jakarta Provincial Government civil servants are ready to support the transformation of Jakarta into a global city.


 Reading Group dan JSCLab Sharing di Future City Hub.   Foto: Safina Zora Hassanah/Jakarta Smart CityReading Group dan JSCLab Sharing di Future City Hub.   Foto: Safina Zora Hassanah/Jakarta Smart City

Reading Group and JSCLab Sharing at Future City Hub. 

Photos: Safina Zora Hassanah/Jakarta Smart City


Digital Talent Training dan JSCTalks.  Foto: Safina Zora Hassanah/Jakarta Smart CityDigital Talent Training dan JSCTalks.  Foto: Safina Zora Hassanah/Jakarta Smart City

Digital Talent Training and JSCTalks.

Photos: Safina Zora Hassanah/Jakarta Smart City


Welcoming Jakarta on a Global Scale

The spirit of Jakarta becoming a globally recognised smart city is evident at the Jakarta Smart City Forum 2023. Themed “Transformasi Jakarta Menjadi Kota Cerdas Berskala Global” (Transforming Jakarta into a Global Smart City”, the pinnacle event was held on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, at Ayana Midplaza, Central Jakarta.

Yudhistira Nugraha, Director of the Jakarta Smart City Management Unit, kicked off the Jakarta Smart City Forum 2023. "The Jakarta Smart City Forum 2023 is Jakarta's contribution to Indonesia in its last year as the Special Capital Region. May Jakarta's success become a work of national pride, inspiring other city governments, students, and the future generations," he stated.

Sambutan dari Kepala Unit Pengelola Jakarta Smart City.   Foto: Ahmad Baihaki/Jakarta Smart City

Greetings from the Head of the Jakarta Smart City Management Unit.

Photo: Ahmad Baihaki/Jakarta Smart City

Acting Governor of Jakarta Provincial Government, Heru Budi Hartono, expressed appreciation for the Jakarta Smart City Forum 2023. "I welcome the implementation of the Jakarta Smart City Forum as an effort to drive Jakarta's transformation into a global city. Hopefully, this event can enhance the information and communication technology readiness index and prepare Jakarta as a digital talent centre," he said virtually.

The pinnacle event of the Jakarta Smart City Forum 2023 was officially opened by the Assistant of the Regional Secretary (Aspem Sekda/Asisten Pemerintah Sekretaris Daerah) Sigit Wijatmoko. He emphasised that the participation of various parties is key to success. “The government can create various smart city innovations for Jakarta to become a global city, but without the community and the participation of various parties, the results will not be optimal. Hopefully, Jakarta Smart City Forum will generate ideas about the basic needs of a city and recommendations for the direction of Jakarta as the economic centre of the city.”


Apresiasi dari Penjabat Gubernur Provinsi DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono dan   pembukaan oleh Asisten Pemerintahan Sekretaris Daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta Sigit Wijatmoko.   Foto: Ahmad Baihaki/Jakarta Smart CityApresiasi dari Penjabat Gubernur Provinsi DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono dan   pembukaan oleh Asisten Pemerintahan Sekretaris Daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta Sigit Wijatmoko.   Foto: Ahmad Baihaki/Jakarta Smart City

Appreciation from the Acting Governor of Jakarta Provincial Government and

opening by Assistant of the Regional Secretary.

Photo: Ahmad Baihaki/Jakarta Smart City


Awards for Innovators and Startups

The excitement of the Jakarta Smart City 2023 pinnacle event continued with the presentation of several awards. Students, academics, and startups that presented their solutions to Jakarta's problems were honoured through the Jakarta Smart City programs. The Jakarta Provincial Government presented awards to these individuals:

  1. JakBon: Jakarta Carbon Reduction Solution

JakBon (Jakarta Karbon) got to be a startup selected through their innovation in the Hack4ID program with Jakarta Smart City Gerakan Nasional 1000 Startup Digital. Comprising Risa Rouli, Fajrul Akbar Zuhdi, and Dedy Surya, they successfully introduced an innovation in carbon footprint monitoring automation. The carbon footprint reduction could be achieved through data integration on the JAKI  super-app, providing a solution to the air quality issue in Jakarta. The service is offered in the form of a carbon footprint calculation feature, gamification badges for users, and a carbon trading feature. Congratulations on the brilliantly presented innovation!

  1. Sheila Maulida Intani: Researched on How JAKI Categorizes Problems Automatically

The future of Jakarta rests in the hands of the next generation. Jakarta Smart City is also proud to acknowledge the educated talents who will help Jakarta become better. As a participant in the Data Science Trainee  program from Jakarta Smart City, Sheila Maulida Intani succeeded in becoming the best research champion. The results of the research are entitled How JAKI Categorizes Problems Automatically. She discussed the need for an efficient text classification system to categorise citizen reports in the Citizen Reports feature in JAKI. The research also shows an extensive comparison of several algorithms to identify the best model for the report category in the Citizen Report feature. In addition, through this research, significant performance evaluation and keyword identification are proposed to improve the Citizen Report feature and provide faster and more accurate services based on report categories. Impressive!

Jakarta Smart City proudly acknowledged the talents like Sheila Maulida Intani, who, as a participant in the Data Science Trainee program, achieved the best research award. Her research, titled "How JAKI Categorizes Problems Automatically," focused on the need for an efficient text classification system to categorise citizen reports in the JAKI Citizen Report feature. The research provided an extensive comparison of several algorithms to identify the best model for report categories in the Citizen Report feature. Furthermore, the research proposed a significant performance evaluation and identified keywords to enhance the Citizen Report feature, providing faster and more accurate services based on report categories. Impressive!

  1. SIJAWAN: Seeking Solutions to Waste Problems

Students from SMK Negeri 26 Jakarta showcased their research through the Student Science Research program at the high school/vocational school level. The SIJAWAN group, consisting of Destio Hardiansyah, Atthallah Kafka Putra Deryandri, Fendi Setiawan, Rava Akmal Abellon, and Syamil, became the first-place winner with their research titled "Reviewing the Cleanliness of Pulo Gadung District: Challenges and Progress in Waste Management." Their research aimed to find the most effective solution to reduce and manage waste problems in Pulo Gadung District. The research showed that Rawamangun Subdistrict had the highest number of reports, with 117 reports, indicating a serious waste management problem. They proposed solutions in the form of government regulations and further steps. Remarkable!


Penghargaan kepada pemenang Hack4ID, Data Science Trainee, dan Student Science.   Foto: Arya Wirawan Maulana dan Faith Arighi Arsyadi/Jakarta Smart CityPenghargaan kepada pemenang Hack4ID, Data Science Trainee, dan Student Science.   Foto: Arya Wirawan Maulana dan Faith Arighi Arsyadi/Jakarta Smart City

Awards to winners of Hack4ID, Data Science Trainee, and Student Science.

Photo: Arya Wirawan Maulana and Faith Arighi Arsyadi/Jakarta Smart City

Panel Discussion and Expert Perspectives

The Jakarta Smart City Forum 2023 also conducted a panel discussion on the topic of Digital Transformation toward a Smart City (Transformasi Digital menuju Smart City). Led by Shita Laksmi, the speakers discussed input related to Jakarta relinquishing its DKI (Daerah Khusus Ibu Kota/Special Capital Region) status, Jakarta's transformation into a globally recognized smart city, and inspiration for other city governments, startups, and students to be part of Jakarta's smart city.

Panel Discussion 1: Transformasi Digital menuju Smart City: Pengalaman dan Pembelajaran dari Jakarta

Yudhistira Nugraha, ST, M.ICT Adv., D. Phil (Head of the Jakarta Smart City Management Unit, teacher, and facilitator in the fields of privacy, cybersecurity, and smart cities), explained what Jakarta Smart City has done to become a global city with the potential to be an economic centre. He then cited six global city indicators from the Characteristics of Global Cities of the Jakarta Provincial Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda/Badan Pembangunan Perencanaan Daerah) in 2023:

  1. a mature and globally connected economic sector;

  1. good and continuous research and innovation capacity;

  1. a comfortable and inhabited environment;

  1. attractive cultural value for visitors;

  1. internally and intercity connected; also

  1. a clean, comfortable, and sustainable environment.


Enam indikator kota global.   Foto: Paparan Yudhistira Nugraha/Jakarta Smart City

Six global city indicators. 

Photo: Yudhistira Nugraha/Jakarta Smart City


He said, “So far, Jakarta Smart City has implemented innovations based on each of these indicators. We have developed a digital startup ecosystem and organised programs that educate students to improve the economic sector, publish scientific works, and provide open data dashboards to enhance continuous research and innovation capacity. We provide an integrated digital service platform through JAKI to be internally and intercity connected, amongst other innovations.”

It should be acknowledged that these innovations cannot be achieved by Jakarta Smart City alone. He also hoped that Jakarta could be a place for innovators to grow and contribute to the nation.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Suhono Harso Supangkat, M.Eng. (Bandung Institute of Technology) also explained about the future of Jakarta. Even though the status of Indonesia's capital will soon be replaced by another special status, the development and development of the city of Jakarta requires careful planning. "Sensing, understanding, acting, the end is how to improve the quality of life," he said as a recommendation for the realisation of a global city.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc also supported this through her presentation. She explained that we need to make citizens care for existing innovations. Regarding smart city development, she stated, “It is important for us to pay attention to equity, inclusivity, and social impact, privacy and transparency, security and resilience, operational and financial sustainability, and openness and interoperability in building a globally recognised smart city.”

Dr. Ir. Cahyana Ahmadjayadi (CitiAsia) shared his experience in developing smart cities. Jakarta is a clear example of how cities can adapt to modern technology to improve services, productivity and quality of life for their citizens. "Digital transformation and sustainability: these are the two big themes that always influence various parties, stakeholders, related to smart city development," he said.

The use of Artificial Intelligence, blockchain technology, and the metaverse were suggested for smart city implementation. The end of this panel discussion summarised important factors for building Jakarta as a global city: strengthening collaboration, ecosystem development, sustainability and balance, and respecting the environment.


Panel Diskusi 1: Transformasi Digital menuju Smart City: Pengalaman dan Pembelajaran dari Jakarta.  Foto: Ahmad Baihaki/Jakarta Smart City

Panel Discussion 1: Transformasi Digital menuju Smart City: Pengalaman dan Pembelajaran dari Jakarta.

Photo: Ahmad Baihaki/Jakarta Smart City 


Panel Discussion 2: Food Waste Framework untuk Ketahanan Pangan dalam Mengurangi Emisi Karbon

The next panel discussion focused on the contribution of food waste to the environment. Moderated by Zahra Damariva, this panel discussion presented several policy solutions from the speakers.

Deftrianov (Head of Sarana Prasarana Kota dan Lingkungan Hidup and leader of the TKPSDA/Tim Koordinasi Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air Wilayah Sungai Ciliwung–Cisadane) explained that food waste accounts for 3,000 tons per day, making it the largest component of waste in Jakarta. From 2000 to 2019, the amount of discarded food waste ranged from 23 to 48 million tons per year. This resulted in an economic loss of approximately 213 to 551 trillion rupiah per year, equivalent to 4–5% of Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product.

Deftrianov explained, “Efforts to reduce this waste can be undertaken not only by the government but also by industry and the community. Forms of business or startup involvement could include partnerships/POC [proof of concept], open innovation challenges, governance venturing, governance accelerator programs, third-party accelerator programs, mentoring, reverse pitching, and sponsorship.”

Muhammad Agung Saputra, CEO of Surplus, explained the innovation that solves the problem of food waste. "We have a vision to address food waste by providing a service to buy unsold food from food stores before closing time with a minimum 50% discount," he said. Until now, Surplus has prevented more than 300 tons of food from being discarded, avoiding potential losses of around five billion from 3,000 businesses and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by more than 5,000 tons.


Panel Discussion 2: Food Waste Framework untuk Ketahanan Pangan dalam Mengurangi Emisi Karbon.  Photo: Ahmad Baihaki/Jakarta Smart City

Panel Discussion 2: Food Waste Framework untuk Ketahanan Pangan dalam Mengurangi Emisi Karbon.

Photo: Ahmad Baihaki/Jakarta Smart City

Presentation on Smart City

BRIN (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional/National Research and Innovation Agency) and Jakarta Smart City also presented research. Bahtiar Rifai, Ph.D., Project Leader at BRIN, presented a study titled “Institutional Dimension on Readiness for Digital Data Utilization for Better Policy Making and Public Service Experience from Jakarta and Some Provinces in Indonesia.”

Juan Intan Kanggrawan and Irfan Dwiki Bhaswara as the representatives from the Data and Analytics Division of Jakarta Smart City, continued the presentation. They successfully explained the “Exploration of Image Blur Detection Methods on Globally Blur Images.”


Pemaparan tentang Smart City dari BRIN dan JSC.  Foto: Ahmad Baihaki/Jakarta Smart CityPemaparan tentang Smart City dari BRIN dan JSC.  Foto: Ahmad Baihaki/Jakarta Smart City

Presentations on smart city from BRIN and JSC.

Photo: Ahmad Baihaki/Jakarta Smart City

Enthusiasm and Hopes for Jakarta Smart City's Future

The Jakarta Smart City Forum 2023 was attended by more than 500 participants from various segments of society. Elitery, Delameta, CitiAsia, and Bali Tower were amongst the supporters of this event.

Grateful for the support and enthusiasm shown, Yudhistira Nugraha, Head of the Jakarta Smart City Management Unit, expressed his hopes, “May the Jakarta Smart City Forum 2023 not only be a platform for reviewing Jakarta's smart city journey, but also the beginning of new innovations to lead this city toward a globally recognized smart city.”

With extraordinary collaborative spirit and cooperation, Jakarta has the potential to become a magnificent global city. You, too, can get involved. Keep supporting Jakarta's dreams! If you want further information about Jakarta and its innovations, feel free to follow Jakarta Smart City  on social media. Also wait for the programs you can take part in!


Participants and the minds behind Jakarta Smart City Forum 2023.

Photos: Ahmad Baihaki/Jakarta Smart City


Peserta dan panitia Jakarta Smart City Forum 2023.  Foto: Ahmad Baihaki/Jakarta Smart City

The minds behind Jakarta Smart City Forum 2023.

Photo: Eva Simorangkir/Jakarta Smart City

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