13 Jul 2023

Quick Ways to Find Features on JAKI 3.0

by:Amira Sofa

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

13 Jul 2023

Smartcitizen, have you tried the new version of JAKI? The latest version of the JAKI application or JAKI 3.0 has a series of innovations that make it easier and more comfortable for users to navigate in the app, such as a clean interface, bilingual feature, personalization and categorization of services, to the presence of a search bar.

Also Read: JAKI 3.0: New Release to Celebrate Jakarta’s Anniversary

This new appearance results in changes to the name, icon, and location of the features. In order for you to search for your desired feature easily, let’s deep dive to the new location of the features in JAKI 3.0.

New Location of Features in JAKI

Featured Features on Homepage

If you look at the JAKI Home 3.0, in the Features list section, you will find JAKI's top features, namely Citizen Reports, News, Taxes, Groceries Prices, Public Transport, Maps, and Ambulance.

Features' New Locations in JAKI 3.0

These features also exist in the previous version of JAKI, it's just that there are differences in name, icon, and location. The Citizen Report feature is a combination of three features in the previous version of JAKI, namely JakRespons, JakLapor, and Video Report. The News feature is the latest version of JakWarta. The Taxes feature is a feature of JakPenda. The Food Price feature was previously named JakPangan. The Public Transport feature used to take the name of JakLingko. The Map feature was previously named JakPeta. While the Ambulance feature is a JakAmbulans feature in the previous version of JAKI.

To make it easier for you to compare the name, logo, and placement of features with the latest version, the following is a view of the Features section in the previous version of JAKI.

Features' Old Locations in JAKI

As you can see, some of the features from the previous version of JAKI are retained in the Features section, while JakRespons is merged with JakLapor and Video Report to become Citizens' Reports. However, there are JakSiaga and JakEmisi which are not included in the features section on the JAKI 3.0 homepage. Even so, these two features can still be accessed along with other features on JAKI. How to access them? Check out the next discussion.

Features on the Top Picks Tab and Category Tab

Under the features section on Home, there is a More button. Click the button, then go to the Top Picks tab.

Features' New Locations in JAKI 3.0

You can find several excellent features that are not listed in the features section on the JAKI 3.0 Homepage, such as Emergency Contact which was formerly called JakSiaga. Then, where can you find JakEmisi?

The JakEmisi feature or what is now called Air Quality, along with other features that you haven't found yet, you can access by category. From the Featured tab, all you have to do is switch to the Categories tab. There, you will find thirteen categories of features, namely Health, Transportation, Residency, Education, Reports and Emergencies, Careers and Business, Social and Economic, Recreation, Sports, Environment, Public Information, Partnerships, and Public Administration.

Features' New Locations in JAKI 3.0

Then, select the category that corresponds to the feature you are looking for. A number of features related to that category will appear, including the features you want. As an illustration, when you want to look for Air Quality features, you can select the Environment category. Several features related to environmental issues will appear, one of which is Air Quality.

The following are the JAKI features found in each category.


  • For a Healthier Jakarta
    • Mental health consultation 
    • Check blood supply and donation
    • Check HIV and STI testing services
    • Check non-infectious disease risk
    • View climate-based dengue alerts
    • Check disease and outbreaks surveillance
  • Jakarta’s Covid-19 Response
    • Check vaccination coverage
    • Check the availability of hospital beds
    • Check isolation monitoring
    • Check monitoring data
    • Check Control zone map 


  • Public Transport
  • MRT-J
  • Tijeku


  • Alpukat Betawi
  • Check cemetery information
  • Sirukim


  • Jakarta Library
  • iJakarta
  • Prakerja Training Website

Reports and Emergencies

  • Citizen Report
  • Emergency Contact
  • Ambulance
  • Jakarta Aman

Career and Business

  • Permits and Licensing
  • Career in Jakarta
  • Start Your Business in Jakarta
    • View the business training schedule
    • Join business mentoring program
    • Get help with your business permits
    • Get funding for your business
    • Find out about SMEs activities
    • Buy SMEs products
  • Jakarta’s One-stop Service

Social and Economic

  • Taxes
  • Groceries prices
  • Check Social Assistance (DTKS) Status
  • JakOne Mobile


  • Travel Destinations
  • Tebet Eco Park
  • Parks in Jakarta
  • Jakarta Virtual Tour


  • Book Venues
  • Rent sports equipment


  • Flood Monitoring
  • Air Quality
  • Register and get emission test results

Public Information

  • News
  • Maps
  • Free Wifi
  • Jakarta Provincial Government
  • Jakarta Information Center
  • Official legal documents
  • Revenue & Expenditure Budget
  • The National Unity and Political Affairs
  • Jakarta Smart City


  • Jakarta Smart City
  • Sekolahmu
  • Gojek
  • Grab
  • Google Maps
  • Tokopedia
  • Shopee
  • Bukalapak
  • WRI Indonesia
  • Molecool
  • Nodeflux
  • DuitHape

Public Administration

  • Take the satisfaction survey
  • Share your ideas in the Musrenbang
  • Online Attendance (for Civil Servants) 

Search Features by Personalized Services

One of the strengths of JAKI 3.0 lies in personalized services based on user profiles. This can also be an alternative way to find your favorite features. To do this, open the Made For You section on the JAKI homepage. Choose one of the five personas in JAKI, which includes students, office workers, job seekers, entrepreneurs, and household managers. Then, the features related to each persona will immediately appear. For example, when you want to find the Free Wifi feature, you can click the Student persona, since Wifi is a basic need for students.

Features' New Locations in JAKI 3.0

Search Features by Categorized Services

This method is actually the same as when you search for features through the Category tab discussed in the previous point. However, using this method, you will enter each category directly from the Homepage.

Features' New Locations in JAKI 3.0

You just have to choose the category that corresponds to the features you want. Several features that are in the shade of that category will immediately appear, including the feature you are aiming for.

Access Features Using the Menu Bar

In JAKI 3.0, there is a menu bar consisting of Home, Activity, Report, Notification, and Profile. You can use the Activity menu to check reports that you have sent via Citizen Reports. You can use the Report button as a quick way to send reports which ideally is done through the Citizen Reports feature. Meanwhile, you can use the Notification menu to access messages with notifications from the News feature.

Features' New Locations in JAKI 3.0


Search Features by Search Bar

JAKI 3.0 is equipped with a search bar that you can use to find your favorite feature, especially if you don't want to navigate to persona or category first. Simply by entering keywords, which is the name of the desired feature in the search bar, you will find recommendations for related features, including the features you want. A few tips for selecting keywords, if the feature name is more than one word, use the first word of the feature name to be detected.

Features' New Locations in JAKI 3.0
Features' New Locations in JAKI 3.0

There you have it! To get a better grasp of the new look and feel of JAKI 3.0, why not give it a try yourself? You can download JAKI from either the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Still have questions about JAKI's new innovation? Jakarta Smart City will discuss it in different articles from the perspective of the application developers. Please, look forward to the article. In the meantime, have fun exploring JAKI 3.0!

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