Kinds of PPDB 2024 Submissions for SD, SMP, SMA, and SMK

by:Eva Simorangkir

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Amira Sofa

07 Jun 2024

PPDB (Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru) is the process for getting to a higher level of education in Indonesia. For instance, once you graduate from elementary school (SD/Sekolah Dasar), the next level is middle school (SMP/Sekolah Menengah Pertama). For registration, there are several kinds of submissions (jalur-jalur) to choose, based on the condition of the prospective students (CPDB/Calon Peserta Didik Baru):

  1. Jalur Zonasi (zonation submission);
  2. Jalur Afirmasi (affirmation submission);
  3. Jalur Perpindahan Tugas Orang Tua/Wali dan Anak Guru/Tenaga Kependidikan (transfer of duties of parents/guardians and children of teachers/education personnel submission); and
  4. Jalur Prestasi (achievement submission).


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The PPDB submissions are regulated in Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 1 Tahun 2021. However, not all educational levels have the same number of submissions. For SD level, there are only three submissions without Jalur Prestasi. Meanwhile, for SMK level, prospective students have the chance to pick any submissions except Jalur Zonasi. To understand better, please read all about the 2024 PPDB submissions below!


PPDB in Jakarta. Source: Berita Jakarta



PPDB Submissions for SD Level


  1. Jalur Afirmasi

  • has a quota of 25% of the capacity;
  • the quota includes children with disabilities, with up to two students per study group.
  • Jalur Afirmasi Prioritas Pertama:
  • Anak Asuh Panti (foster children);
  • Anak Tenaga Kesehatan yang Meninggal Dunia dalam Penanganan Covid-19 (children of health workers who died in handling Covid-19); and
  • Anak Penyandang Disabilitas (children with disabilities).
  • Jalur Afirmasi Prioritas Kedua:

CPDB are registered in DTKS  (Data Terpadu Kesejahteraan Sosial):

  • Anak dari Pekerja/Buruh Penerima Kartu Pekerja Jakarta (children of workers/labourers holding Kartu Pekerja Jakarta;
  • Anak dari Pengemudi Mitra Transjakarta yang Mengemudikan Bus Kecil (children of Transjakarta partner drivers driving small buses).

 Jalur Afirmasi Selection Process:

  • No selection process for Jalur Afirmasi Prioritas Pertama, which includes:
  • Anak Asuh Panti (foster children); and
  • Anak Tenaga Kesehatan yang Meninggal Dunia dalam Penanganan Covid-19 (children of health workers who died in handling Covid-19).
  • Selection order if Anak Penyandang Disabilitas and Jalur Afirmasi Prioritas Kedua submission exceed capacity:
  1. priority zone;
  2. school choice order;
  3. age from oldest to youngest; and
  4. registration time.
  • Unmet quota for Jalur Afirmasi Prioritas Pertama will be transferred to Jalur Afirmasi Prioritas Kedua.
  • Remaining Jalur Afirmasi quota will be transferred to PPDB Tahap Kedua Jenjang SD (PPDB second stage SD Level) on 24–25 June 2024.


  1. Jalur Zonasi:
has a quota of 73% of the capacity.

Jalur Zonasi Selection Process

  • Determined based on the domicile of CPDB.
  • Zona prioritas pertama (first priority zone): for CPDB residing in the same neighbourhood as the target school.
  • Zona prioritas kedua (second priority zone): for CPDB residing in the same or nearby subdistrict as the target school.
  • Selection order if Jalur Zonasi exceeds capacity:
  1. age from oldest to youngest within priority zone;
  2. school choice order; and
  3. registration time.
  • Remaining Jalur Zonasi quota will be transferred to PPDB Tahap Kedua Jenjang SD (second stage PPDB for SD Level) on 24–25 June 2024.


  1. Jalur PTO (Perpindahan Tugas Orang Tua/Wali) dan Anak GTK (Guru/Tenaga Kependidikan)

  • has a quota of 2% of the capacity;
  • priority given to PTO submission; and
  • remaining Jalur PTO quota will be transferred to Jalur GTK if the chosen school is the same as the parent/guardian's workplace.

Jalur PTO and GTK Selection Process

  • Selection order if the number of CPDB exceeds capacity (prioritising Jalur PTO):
  1. age from oldest to youngest within priority zone;
  2. school choice order; and
  3. registration time.
  • Remaining Jalur PTO and GTK quota will be transferred to PPDB Tahap Ketiga Jenjang SD (third stage PPDB for SD Level) on 1 July 2024.


PPDB Submissions for SMP Level


  1. Jalur Prestasi

  • Jalur Prestasi Akademik (academic achievement): has a quota of 18% of the capacity.
  • Jalur Prestasi Nonakademik (nonacademic achievement): has a quota of 5% of the capacity.

Selection Process for Jalur Prestasi

  • If the number of CPDB exceeds capacity, the selection order is:
  1. total weighting of academic achievement index;
  2. school choice order; and
  3. registration time.
  • Unmet quota for Jalur Prestasi will be transferred to PPDB Tahap Kedua Jenjang SMP (second stage PPDB for SMP Level) on 1 July 2024.


 2. Jalur Afirmasi

  • has a quota of 25% of the capacity; and
  • the quota includes children with disabilities, with up to two students per study group.
  • Jalur Afirmasi Prioritas Pertama:
  • Anak Asuh Panti (foster children);
  • Anak Tenaga Kesehatan yang Meninggal Dunia dalam Penanganan Covid-19 (children of health workers who died in handling Covid-19; and
  • Anak Penyandang Disabilitas (children with disabilities).
  • Second Priority Affirmation submission:

CPDB registered in DTKS  (Data Terpadu Kesejahteraan Sosial):

  • active holders of Pemegang Kartu Jakarta Pintar Plus;
  • Anak dari Pengemudi Mitra Transjakarta yang Mengemudikan Bus Kecil (children of Transjakarta partner drivers driving small buses);
  • children of Workers/Laborers holding Kartu Pekerja Jakarta; and
  • recipients of Program Indonesia Pintar.

Selection Process for Jalur Afirmasi

  • No selection process for the First Priority Affirmation submission, which includes:
  • foster children; and
  • children of health workers who died in handling Covid-19.
  • Selection order if the number of Children with Disabilities and Second Priority Affirmation submission exceeds capacity:
  1. priority zone;
  2. school choice order;
  3. age from oldest to youngest; and
  4. registration time.
  • Unmet quota for Anak Penyandang Disabilitas in Jalur Afirmasi will be transferred to PPDB Jalur Afirmasi Prioritas Kedua.
  • Remaining Affirmation submission quota will be transferred to PPDB Tahap Kedua Jenjang SMP (second stage PPDB for SMP level) on 1 July 2024.


  1. Jalur Zonasi:
has a quota of 50% of the capacity.

Selection Process for Jalur Zonasi

  • Determined based on the domicile of CPDB.
  • Zona prioritas pertama (first priority zone): for CPDB residing in a neighbourhood directly adjacent to or intersecting with the target school location.
  • Zona prioritas kedua (second priority zone): for CPDB residing in neighbourhoods around the school based on mapping.
  • Zona prioritas ketiga (third priority zone): for CPDB residing in the same or nearby subdistrict as the target school.
  • Selection order if the number of CPDB in the Zoning submission exceeds capacity:
  1. priority zone;
  2. age from oldest to youngest within the priority zone;
  3. school choice order; and
  4. registration time.
  • Remaining Jalur Zonasi quota will be transferred to PPDB Tahap Kedua Jenjang SMP (second stage PPDB for SMP level) on 1 July 2024.


  1. Jalur PTO (Perpindahan Tugas Orang Tua/Wali) dan Anak GTK (Guru/Tenaga Kependidikan)

  • has a quota of 2% of the capacity;
  • priority given to CPDB from Jalur PTO; and
  • remaining Jalur PTO quota will be transferred to Jalur GTK if the chosen school is the same as the parent/guardian's workplace.

Selection Process for Jalur PTO and GTK

  • Selection order if the number of CPDB exceeds capacity, prioritising Jalur PTO:
  1. total weighting of academic achievement index;
  2. school choice order; and
  3. registration time.
  • Remaining Jalur PTO and GTK quota will be transferred to PPDB Tahap Kedua Jenjang SMP (second stage PPDB for SMP level) on 1 July 2024.


PPDB Submissions for SMA Level

  1. Jalur Prestasi

  • Jalur Prestasi Akademik (academic achievement): has a quota of 18% of the capacity.
  • Jalur Prestasi Nonakademik (nonacademic achievement): has a quota of 5% of the capacity.
  • Special priority for SMA Negeri 69 di Kabupaten Administrasi Kepulauan Seribu: given to CPDB domiciled in Kepulauan Seribu.

Selection Process for Jalur Prestasi

  • If the number of CPDB exceeds capacity, the selection order is:
  1. total weighting of academic achievement index;
  2. school choice order; and
  3. registration time.
  • Unmet quota for the Achievement submission will be transferred to PPDB Tahap Kedua Jenjang SMA (second stage PPDB for SMP level) on 1 July 2024).


  1. Jalur Afirmasi

  • has a quota of 25% of the capacity; and
  • the quota includes children with disabilities, with up to two students per study group.
  • First Priority Affirmation submission:
  • Anak Asuh Panti (foster children);
  • Anak Tenaga Kesehatan yang Meninggal Dunia dalam Penanganan Covid-19 (children of health workers who died in handling Covid-19; and
  • Anak Penyandang Disabilitas (children with disabilities).
  • Jalur Afirmasi Prioritas Kedua:

CPDB registered in DTKS  (Data Terpadu Kesejahteraan Sosial):

  • active holders of Pemegang Kartu Jakarta Pintar Plus;
  • Anak dari Pengemudi Mitra Transjakarta yang Mengemudikan Bus Kecil (children of Transjakarta partner drivers driving small buses);
  • children of Workers/Laborers holding Kartu Pekerja Jakarta; and
  • recipients of Program Indonesia Pintar.

Selection Process for Jalur Afirmasi

  • No selection process for Jalur Afirmasi Prioritas Pertama, which includes:
  • foster children; and
  • children of health workers who died in handling Covid-19.
  • Selection order if the number of children with disabilities and Jalur Afirmasi Prioritas Pertama exceeds capacity:
  1. priority zone;
  2. school choice order;
  3. age from oldest to youngest; and
  4. registration time.
  • Unmet quota for children with disabilities in Jalur Afirmasi Prioritas will be transferred to PPDB Jalur Afirmasi Prioritas Kedua.
  • Remaining Jalur Afirmasi quota will be transferred to PPDB Tahap Kedua Jenjang SMA (1 July 2024).

  1. Jalur Zonasi:
has a quota of 50% of the capacity.

Selection Process for Jalur Zonasi

  • Determined based on the domicile of  CPDB.
  • Zona prioritas pertama (first priority zone): for CPDB residing in a neighbourhood directly adjacent to or intersecting with the target school location.
  • Zona prioritas kedua (second priority zone): for CPDB residing in neighbourhoods around the school based on mapping.
  • Zona prioritas ketiga (third priority zone): for CPDB residing in the same or nearby subdistrict as the target school.
  • Selection order if the number of CPDB in Jalur Zonasi exceeds capacity:
  1. priority zone;
  2. age from oldest to youngest within the priority zone;
  3. school choice order; and
  4. registration time.
  • The remaining Jalur Zonasi quota will be transferred to PPDB Tahap Kedua Jenjang SMA (second stage PPDB for SMA level) on 1 July 2024.

  1. Jalur PTO (Perpindahan Tugas Orang Tua/Wali) dan Anak GTK (Guru/Tenaga Kependidikan)

  • has a quota of 2% of the capacity;
  • priority given to CPDB from Jalur PTO;
  • remaining Jalur PTO quota will be transferred to Jalur GTK if the chosen school is the same as the parent/guardian's workplace.

Selection Process for PTO and GTK Submission

  • Selection order if the number of CPDB exceeds capacity, prioritising Jalur PTO:
  1. total weighting of academic achievement index;
  2. school choice order; and
  3. registration time.
  • Unmet Jalur PTO quota will be transferred to Jalur GTK.
  • Remaining Jalur PTO and GTK quota will be transferred to PPDB Tahap Kedua Jenjang SMA (second stage PPDB for SMA level) on 1 July 2024).


PPDB Submissions for SMK


  1. Jalur Prestasi

  • Jalur Prestasi Akademik (academic achievement): has a quota of 50% of the capacity.
  • Jalur Prestasi Nonakademik (nonacademic achievement): has a quota of 5% of the capacity.
  • Special priority for SMK Negeri 61 di Kabupaten Administrasi Kepulauan Seribu: given to CPDB domiciled in Kepulauan Seribu.

Selection Process for Jalur Prestasi

  • If the number of CPDB exceeds capacity, the selection order is:
  1. total weighting of academic achievement index;
  2. school choice order; and
  3. registration time.
  • Unmet quota for Jalur Prestasi will be transferred to PPDB Tahap Kedua Jenjang SMK (second stage PPDB for SMK level on 1 July 2024).


  1. Jalur Afirmasi:
has a quota of 43% of the capacity.

  • Jalur Afirmasi Prioritas Pertama:
  • Anak Asuh Panti (foster children);
  • Anak Tenaga Kesehatan yang Meninggal Dunia dalam Penanganan Covid-19 (children of health workers who died in handling Covid-19; and
  • Anak Penyandang Disabilitas (children with disabilities).
  • Jalur Afirmasi Prioritas Kedua:

CPDB yang telah terdaftar di DTKS  (Data Terpadu Kesejahteraan Sosial):

  • active holders of Pemegang Kartu Jakarta Pintar Plus;
  • Anak dari Pengemudi Mitra Transjakarta yang Mengemudikan Bus Kecil (children of Transjakarta partner drivers driving small buses);
  • children of Workers/Laborers holding Kartu Pekerja Jakarta; and
  • recipients of Program Indonesia Pintar.

Selection Process for Jalur Afirmasi

  • No selection process for Jalur Afirmasi Prioritas Pertama, which includes:
  • foster children; and
  • children of health workers who died in handling Covid-19.
  • Selection order if the number of children with disabilities exceeds capacity:
  • age from oldest to youngest;
  • school choice order; and
  • registration time.
  • Selection order if the number of CPDB in Jalur Afirmasi exceeds capacity:
  1. total weighting of academic achievement index;
  2. school choice order; and
  3. registration time.
  • Unmet quota for children with disabilities in Jalur Afirmasi will be transferred to PPDB Jalur Afirmasi Prioritas Kedua.
  • Remaining Jalur Afirmasi quota will be transferred to  PPDB Tahap Kedua Jenjang SMK (second stage PPDB for SMK level) on 1 July 2024).

  1. Jalur PTO (Perpindahan Tugas Orang Tua/Wali) dan Anak GTK (Guru/Tenaga Kependidikan)

  • has a quota of 2% of the capacity;
  • priority given to CPDB from Jalur PTO;
  • remaining Jalur PTO quota will be transferred to Jalur GTK if the chosen school is the same as the parent/guardian's workplace.

Selection Process for Jalur PTO and GTK

  • Selection order if the number of CPDB in Jalur PTO exceeds capacity:
  1. total weighting of academic achievement index;
  2. school choice order; and
  3. registration time.
  • Unmet Jalur PTO quota will be transferred to Jalur GTK.
  • Remaining Jalur PTO and GTK quota will be transferred to PPDB Tahap Kedua Jenjang SMK (second stage PPDB for SMK level on) 1 July 2024).


JAKI: Students’ Best Friend in Jakarta

JAKI Notification Feature

When participating in PPDB, you definitely don’t want to miss any schedules, right? Besides that, there are surely important pieces of information that you need to read.

By downloading JAKI, you can receive notifications containing information about PPDB. The sources are official, so don’t worry about hoaxes! How do you do it? After you get JAKI, every notification will be sent to your device. You can also read them through the Notification menu in the app.


JAKI Notification about PPDB 2024. Source: JAKI

JAKI Notification about PPDB 2024. Source: JAKI


JAKI Student Feature

There’s a special feature for you in JAKI called the Students Feature. If you need information about the Jakarta Library, you can find it here. Need to find a park to study together or want to use Free Wifi? Go ahead and use the search bar and try the feature! Here’s a list of services that are perfect for you:

  • Jakarta Library;

  • Free Wifi;

  • Tebet Eco Park;

  • Parks in Jakarta;

  • Rent sports equipment; and

  • Career in Jakarta.


Students Feature. Source: JAKIStudents Feature. Source: JAKI

Students Feature. Source: JAKI

Do you understand all the PPDB submissions? If you understand the submissions, every CPDB will know the procedures to follow. Don’t forget to prepare all the documents. Follow @officialppdbdki  on social media if you need official information about PPDB. Good luck!

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