Five Jakarta Provincial Government Assistance Programs during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Covid-19 pandemic has changed a lot of aspects in our life. The culture of helping each other is one of them. The Jakarta Provincial Government realizes the importance of working through this pandemic together. Therefore, five assistance programs are created to help people who are affected by Covid-19 in Jakarta.
Bantuan Sosial Tunai: Helping Families to Fulfill Their Basic Needs
Bantuan Sosial Tunai (BST) is a social assistance given to families who are affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, so they could fulfill their basic needs. This program is the continuation program of Bansos PSBB 2020 and is being distributed from January to April 2021 with source of funding from DKI Jakarta Regional Budget.
The assistance given is in the form of cash amounting to Rp300.00 rupiahs per month to each family. After that, the recipients of BST will be receiving Bank DKI savings book and ATM card which can be used to retrieve their BST funds.
If you have ever been registered as the recipient of Bansos PSBB 2020, automatically you are registered as the recipient of BST. To check your status, you can visit corona.jakarta.go.idand insert your family registers number on the search box. You can also check it through JAKI app on the “Jakarta Tanggap Covid-19” menu in the Informasi Bansos feature.
[Check the information of Bantuan Sosial Tunai Jakarta here]
KSBB Pangan Program: by the People for the People
Quite different compared to Bantuan Sosial Tunai (BST), Kolaborasi Sosial Berskala Besar (KSBB) Pangan is a platform facilitated by the Jakarta Provincial Government to help fellow residents of Jakarta. The assistance that is given through this program comes from the people for the people. The target of this program is foundations or communities that need help, such as certain RW (Rukun Warga) that are considered a priority, orphanages, nursing homes, disability homes, and other priority locations.
You can be a collaborator for KSBB Pangan program by lending a helping hand through this program’s official distributor, which are Palang Merah Indonesia, Baznas DKI Jakarta, Yayasan Rumah Zakat, Aksi Cepat Tanggap, Human Initiative, Yayasan Dompet Dhuafa Republika, Soliditas, Lembaga Amil Zakat NU, and Lembaga Amil Zakat MU. If you want to help the recipients of the program directly, you can visit KSBB Pangan Platform to decide what assistance package and which location you want to give your assistance to.
Assistance packages that are provided are as follows:
- Siap Saji Package amounting to Rp45.000,00 for each person;
- Sembako Package amounting to Rp200.000,00 per family/week;
- Lebaran Package amounting to Rp85.000,00 for 1 time of assistance;
- THR Package amounting to Rp50.000,00 for each person and for 1 time of assistance.
You can find further information about KSBB Pangan, join as collaborator, or notify your funding distribution through KSBB Pangan Platform.
KSBB UMKM Program: Moving the Capital City's Economy Forward
If KSBB Pangan is aimed at the people who are affected by Covid-19, then KSBB UMKM is specifically aimed to help small and medium-sized enterprises (UMKM) actors in Jakarta.
There are 3 alternative reference package for this program, as follows:
- Sarana Prasarana Package
This package consists of UMKM Package amounting to Rp200.000,00 per enterprise, in the form of supporting tools, such as masks, face shields, apron, etc. There is also Hawker Center Package amounting to Rp5.000.000,00 per location, in the form of supporting infrastructure, such as portable sink, big trash can, disinfectant and its spray bottle, etc.
- Pinjaman Modal Package
This package is in the form of cash as a capital loan consisting of Package 1 amounting to Rp5.000.000,00 per enterprise, Package 2 amounting to Rp7.500.000,00 per enterprise, and Package 3 amounting to Rp10.000.000,00 per enterprise.
- Pelatihan Package
This package consists of a hard skill or soft skill training regarding entrepreneurship. The hard skill training such as fashion training/creative crafting worth Rp5.800.000,00 per 40 participants (including interviewees and props), or other hard skill training. Meanwhile soft skill training such as entrepreneurship motivational, marketing strategy, financial management, and branding training worth Rp5.000.000,00 per 40 participants.
You can find further information about KSBB UMKM program, help building the economy in Jakarta, or notify your funding distribution through UMKM KSBB Platform.If you are an entrepreneur who needs funding support, register your enterprise to Jakpreneur through Jakpreneur website.
[KSBB UMKM: Helping Small-sized Enterprises in Jakarta during Pandemic]
KSBB Pendidikan Program: Creating an Evenly Distributed Education
Not all teachers and students in Jakarta have proper gadgets to support their teaching and learning process during Covid-19 pandemic. We may have heard about the students who have to share their gadgets with their family members. It is probably even including us or one of our family members.
Due to that condition, Jakarta Provincial Government asking everyone’s help in creating an evenly-distributed education access in Jakarta through KSBB Pendidikan platform. There are several alternatives of reference packages in this program, such as:
- Gawai Pendidikan Package
By choosing this package, you can donate gadgets for schools. Then the school will lend the gadgets to the teachers who need them for teaching their students.
Several choices for Gawai Pendidikan package:
- New/feasible to use kind of PC worth Rp4.200.000/unit;
- New/feasible to use kind of laptop worth Rp5.000.000 /unit.
- Gawai Peserta Didik Package
By choosing this package, you can donate gadgets directly to students who need them for studying.
Several choices for Gawai Peserta Didik package:
- New/feasible to use kind of tablet worth Rp1.800.000/unit;
- New or/feasible to use kind of handphone worth Rp1.200.000/unit.
You can read further information about KSBB Pendidikan, help create an evenly distributed education in Jakarta, or notify your funding distribution through KSBB Pendidikan platform.
[PGRI Pasar Minggu Donated 200 Gadgets for Students and Teachers Through KSBB Pendidikan Program]
KSBB Permukiman Program: Creating Healthy and Safe Residence for Jakarta Citizen
Not only assistance regarding daily needs, business funds, and gadgets for studying and learning process, people who are affected by Covid-19 also need proper homes with healthy, safety, and neat environment. This is because crowded habitations that do not have health-supporting infrastructures have the potential to accelerate the spread of the virus.
Due to that condition, the Jakarta Provincial Government asks everyone to contribute in creating sustainable and healthy kampungs or villages through KSBB Penataan Permukiman program. The option of assistance packages that can be donated are as follows:
- Penataan RW Utama Package
A complete kampung improvement within 1 RW (Rukun Warga)
- Heavy assets
- Reforestation
- Sanitation
- Other facilities and infrastructure (item cannot be chosen, must include all items)
Estimated value: Rp2.000.000.000/RW
- Penataan RW Lengkap Package
A complete kampung improvement within 1 RW (Rukun Warga) for the whole item category, except for item category Heavy Assets.
- Reforestation
- Sanitation
- Other facilities and infrastructure (item cannot be chosen, must include all items)
Value estimation: Rp200.000.000 - Rp500.000.000/RW
- Penataan RW Bersama Package
Partial kampung improvement by providing certain facilities and infrastructures.
- Reforestation
- Sanitation
- Other facilities and infrastructure (item cannot be chosen, must include all items)
Value estimation: Depends on the chosen items.
Each assistance category consists of several choices such as:
- Reforestation
- Vertical garden
- Tress
- RTH (Ruang Terbuka Hijau) Management
- Trash can
- Sanitation
- IPAL (Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah)
- Facilities and infrastructure
- Traffic mirror
- Gate
- Portal
- Heavy assets
- Road
- Drainage
- Sidewalk
- Street lights
If you want to know more about KSBB Penataan Permukiman, helping improve our kampungs so that the quality of life in Jakarta could be increased, or notify your funding distribution, you can visit KSBB Permukiman Platform.
We cannot get through this pandemic alone. Therefore, we need to work hand-in-hand in helping others. Give your help by supporting, monitoring, or being a collaborator of the assistance program provided by Jakarta Provincial Government. So that every assistance can be given right on target and is effective for those who are in need.