About Us

Jakarta Smart City

Jakarta Smart city in Years

Jakarta Smart City serves as a catalyst in creating a 4.0 smart city ecosystem in Jakarta. We are an innovation lab as well as a platform for synergy between citizens and the Provincial Government of Jakarta.

Jakarta Smart City

From The Director

Jakarta is approaching its landmark 500th anniversary as a vibrant city. It is solidifying its position as a city that preserves Indonesia's identity while competing as a smart city and global megacity. With a vision to rank among the top 20 global cities, Jakarta continues to thrive through growth and innovation. Together, let's shape a smarter future for Jakarta on the global stage.



Jakarta’s Super Apps!

> 60 government services

have been integrated

12 thousand reports

received via JAKI every day

Almost 5 million Jakartans

have already downloaded JAKI

Gold Medal ASEAN ICT Awards (AICTA) 2021

Public Sector Category

Top 45 Public Service Innovations 2022

Public Service Innovations Competition among the Ministry/Agency, Local Government, State-Owned Enterprises, and Regional-Owned Enterprises

Champion in World Summit of Information Society (WSIS) Prizes 2023

JakLapor: Privacy-Preserving Online Public Complaint Application in the Category Building Confidence and Security in the use of ICT


Get JAKI now!

Integrated Citizen Complaint System

Citizen Relation Management integrates the official complaint channel of Jakarta, so citizen's complaint can be followed up quickly and accurately.


report completion monthly

12 thousand

reports are received through CRM per month

Illegal Parking
Governor's Regulation Violation

Jakarta COVID-19 Information and Data Center

Get the latest update on Covid-19 in Jakarta. Here is your integrated, actual, and transparent information from Jakarta.

Daily data update by the Department of Health Jakarta

Data is processed by a dedicated, professional team

In partnership with the Department of Health of Jakarta and the Ministry of Health

Visited by more than 60 million visitors.

Our partnership make it possible