Let's Visit the DKI Provincial Government Platform at the Jakarta Fair 2022

by:Syora Alya Eka Putri

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

17 Jun 2022

After a two-year vacuum, Jakarta Fair is finally back again! Well, can't wait to come again to JI Expo Kemayoran while looking at the goods you want to buy or looking for services provided directly. For those of you who will come to the Jakarta Fair this year, you really have to come to one of the coolest platforms, especially if it is not a platform owned by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. Check out the reasons here!

What's Inside on the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Platform?


Jakarta Fair 2022 will be held from June 9 to July 17, 2022. For those who want to come on Monday-Friday, you can come at 15.30-22.00 WIB. Well, if you want to come on Saturday or Sunday, you can come from 10.00-22.00 WIB. Well, there are several platforms that you can visit, such as selling food, music concerts, providing services, or seeing the development of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.


If you are curious to see how the services and development of DKI Jakarta, you can come to Hall C1. There, you will find a variety of booths from agencies in Jakarta, for example the Health Office, the Regional Revenue Agency, and of course there is, Jakarta Smart City. Later at these official booths, you can wonder about the services or even enjoy the services available at the booth. Like you want to try a free medical test, you can come to the booth of the Health Office, or you want to pay taxes directly, you can just come to the booth of the Regional Revenue Agency. Well, if you are curious about jaki services or ask what is done in building a smart city, you really must come to the Jakarta Smart City booth!


In addition, there are also booths from several transportation services in Jakarta, yes JakLingko, MRT Jakarta, or Transjakarta. Then, there are also some MSME products from Jakarta that you can find in this platform. Not only that, you can also watch several activities on the platform, such as talk shows, Betawi art performances, or stand-up comedy. Then, you can also see what has been done by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in this platform area. 


Let's Come to Jakarta Fair!

Well, interesting, right? You can get to know more about some of the services and developments of DKI Jakarta! So, you will really have to stop by Hall C1, JI Expo Kemayoran. Oh yes, don't forget to maintain health protocols during your activities at this Jakarta Fair event. To find out the other agendas of the Jakarta Fair, you can point to it through @jakartafairid.

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