04 Jun 2021

Insightful Story From Small Business Owners who Join Jakpreneur

by:Teresa Simorangkir

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

04 Jun 2021

Smartcitizen! Ever dreamed of being an entrepreneur? Or are you currently looking for an opportunity to start a business? Your intention was there, but still, you won’t budge because your business plan was nowhere to be found. To top it all off, getting initial funding as well as business license may become the number one stumbling block that made people keep putting off their desire to start a business. But, don’t worry. This article might have found its way to you as a sign for you to start a business with Jakpreneur. A program currently managed by the Jakarta Provincial Government, Jakpreneur intends to bring fresh air to small business owners. So, let’s delve into the stories of these business owners and see how they deal with challenges and grow their business with Jakpreneur!

Vidi Damayanti, Owner of MamaIbu Chicken Wings and Sauce



Vidi Damayanti started her culinary business in 2017. Ever since the beginning, she has always been into the culinary world and her hobby of cooking is always there. The business that she named MamaIbu Chicken Wings and Sauce was originally started from a recipe that she tried herself.

“I like to cook and create my own recipes. I'm also a fusion food lover and like to taste it all. However, I think the products are quite expensive, so why don't I just try to make my own? Then I started experimenting by creating MamaIbu signature sauce recipe and kept trying until I found the right flavor. Turns out, all my friends love it. They’ll ask for the chicken wings whenever they come over. That's when I started to think of opening a business. Thank God, the euphoria was there ever since the beginning," said Mrs. Vidi.

Over time, Mrs. Vidi felt that she doesn’t want to just sell products. She wants to take her business to another level. She wants to be an entrepreneur. However, she kept the dream to herself only because she didn't know where to start. Until finally in 2019, through some information from her friends, Mrs. Vidi registered MamaIbu Chicken Wings and Sauce to Jakpreneur. Mrs. Vidi realized that if she wanted to become an entrepreneur, she needed access to support her business. Mrs. Vidi is optimistic that she will move forward by joining Jakpreneur. Her dream that was once just a dream, is starting to come to a realization.

“At the start, I didn’t know how to manage my business finance. Both my personal fund and business fund were just there without management until I learned how important it is to separate those two things. Also, at first, I didn't know how and where to start to upgrade my business. However, after I joined Jakpreneur, my dream seems reachable”, recalls Mrs. Vidi.

Not only does Jakpreneur provide its members with entrepreneurial knowledge, Jakpreneur also provides opportunities for small business owners to participate in various bazaars that are regularly held. It’s through this bazaar that the door to new opportunities begins to open. Business owners have the opportunity to build a network with fellow entrepreneurs, consumers, and even the bazaar organizers. In addition, during the bazaar, members of Jakpreneur were given a free place to rent, a luxury that won’t be obtained by non-Jakpreneur members.

After years with Jakpreneur, Mrs. Vidi hopes that more business owners will join Jakpreneur, especially women.

“Housewives should use their time to learn because women can do it. We must always develop ourselves and develop our business. With Jakpreneur, everything is made very easy. For example, if we need certification registrations, we’ll know very clearly on what to do. Things that were impossible before, became very possible.”

However, being a business owner is not always fun. When the pandemic hit, Mrs. Vidi’s business had no revenue at all. In spite of that, MamaIbu came with a new strategy and now it's back to normal, even with a bigger plan. At almost 50 years old, Vidi is aiming for the biggest target she wants to achieve this year: preparing MamaIbu for export.

“This year, I have to export my product! I have met with investors and there are people who are interested in franchising. I want to expand MamaIbu Chicken Wings and Sauce brand because my biggest dream is to create jobs by recruiting women from underprivileged families, especially housewives. I want this business to be 100% female. It’s my dream to create an inclusive work environment for women that is free sexual harassment, catcalling, and so on,” said Mrs. Vidi passionately.


MamaIbu signature sauce

Chicken wings by MamaIbu

Want to get a taste of MamaIbu? Head over to their Instagram @mamaibu.chickenwingsand make your order!

Alyta Siti Indahati, Owner of Jari Indahati

Alyta, owner of Jari Indahati handicraft shop

"It bothers me when I see an item is just being plain," Alyta tells about her decoupage hobby. Decoupage is the art of decorating objects with colorful and patterned paper, combined with special paints and other decorative elements. This art requires precision and patience because the decoration will look just like a painting that blends beautifully on the surface of the decorated object.


Decoupage bag, one of Jari Indahati pretty collections

Since elementary school, Alyta has loved handicrafts. She enjoys learning and making crafts. Then, when she was in high school, the woman who is now 20 years old, started to sell her handicrafts through the school bazaar. From those humble beginnings, Alyta began to diligently participate in bazaars until she finally joined Jakpreneur.

“I know Jakpreneur from the bazaar organizer. I was told that Jakpreneur would provide useful activities for me like, training, and it will help me get business permits as well as getting connections to curation. And that's all true, after joining, I got it all,” added Alyta.

In addition to being assisted in getting Micro and Small Business Permits (IUMK), Alyta shared that she would always get informed when there is a curation or bazaar. In fact, it was through these curations that she managed to get a pretty kiosk for Jari Indahati in the strategic area of ​​Sudirman-Thamrin, Central Jakarta.

Jari Indahati Kiosk in Sudirman-Thamrin area. Source: @jari_indahati

"If I didn't join Jakpreneur, maybe I wouldn't be here now,” Alyta testified. She went on, “I got this (the Jakpreneur kiosk) from the curator. Initially, they told me that there was a curation at Thamrin 10, so I went there and brought my product along with me. After my product was being examined, it turned out that I passed and got this stall in return.”

Alyta also informed that members of Jakpreneur will be prioritized to participate in bazaars or entrepreneurship events. These businesses will go through a curation process first to ensure the quality of the products to be sold at bazaar. If the packaging is not attractive, the business owner will be guided and trained again so they can create a nice-looking packaging.

After joining Jakpreneur, Alyta admitted that it really helps with Jari Indahati's journey. She hopes that Jakpreneur can help more small businesses in Jakarta. Alyta also invites Jakarta citizens, especially the young ones, to start entrepreneurship.

"Don't be shy to move forward! With Jakpreneur, business owners will be helped to advance their business," added Alyta.

You can find the Jakpreneur kiosk of Jari Indahati at the end of Purworejo street, in the Sudirman-Thamrin area, next to The City Tower building. To see the beauty of Jari Indahati's collection or to place an order, check out Jari Indahati's Instagram profile at @jari_indahati.

Wina Salsabila and M. Farid Alfa Rizki, Owners of Tanemtanam Art

The Tanemtanam Art Team. Source: @tanemtanamart

Tanemtanam Art started as a collaboration between two students, Wina and Farid, who wanted their free time to be more useful during their final year of study. Farid said that at first, Tanemtanam Art was a plant business. However, once the business was born, they knew that the risks that come together with this business are not worth it. Wina and Farid then replanned the business strategy of Tanemtanam Art while maintaining the plant background.

Wina has always loved painting and often shares her works on Instagram. While Farid, he has set his eyes on the world of entrepreneurship. From this situation, it turns out that there is a new opportunity that they’re willing to embark upon: they want to start a pot painting business.

Tanemtanam Art colorful painted pot. Source: @tanemtanamart

“I was looking for ways to introduce Tanemtanam Art products, and that’s how I bumped into Jakpreneur program. I looked through its program and decided it was suitable for me, a beginner in business,” said Farid.

Through Jakpreneur, Tanemtanam Art's business has been greatly helped from the marketing to the business location. Farid said, Tanemtanam Art was able to get a place at M Bloc Market because of Jakpreneur's recommendation. M Bloc saw that Tanemtanam Art's products matched perfectly with M Bloc concept, so the curation process didn't take long.

“The advantage of joining Jakpreneur is that if you have business problems, you can consult with Jakpreneur coaches. Also, we’re regularly invited to attend seminars and if there’s a curation, we’re always encouraged to participate. The point is, if you need someone to brainstorm with or consultation to develop your business, Jakpreneur is the right place. It's also safe, because Jakpreneur is managed by the Jakarta government,” added Farid.

Wina also added, “Our marketing is getting better. Previously, we only promoted the products through Instagram and Facebook Ads. After joining Jakpreneur, our marketing target is expanding to all over Jakarta. There was a time when we participated in a bazaar in Jakarta and we didn't need to pay any rent at all.” 

It doesn’t stop there. Apart from marketing, Jakpreneur also provides an exposure for Tanemtanam Art so their business is more known to the public.

“Our Instagram is also getting more engagement after it was featured on Jakpreneur Instagram," Wina elaborates. In addition, according to Wina, joining Jakpreneur will help small businesses to develop its businesses online and offline. Through offline selling, prospective buyers can see our products directly, an advantage that we won’t be getting when we only market our products online.

We know that during the pandemic, a lot of businesses were struggling, especially the small ones. However, it’s quite a different story for Tanemtanam Art. They were getting many offers for collaborations which set Wina to achieve a new target: having a team of pot painters to help her grow Tanemtanam Art. She also dreams of having a pot painter community. 

Wanna take home a beautiful painted pot of Tanemtanam Art? Oh, and do you know that you can also order a customized painted pot with a motif of your taste? Yup! Go visit Tanemtanam Art on Instagram @tanemtanamartfor more information!

Start Growing Your Small Business with Jakpreneur

You’ve read these stories of small business owners who joined Jakpreneur. One thing that we all can agree on is that with persistence and focused intention, Jakpreneur can be a golden bridge to hone your entrepreneurial skills and open up new unexpected opportunities. So, let's take the benefits of this program as much as possible! Especially now that Jakpreneur has been integrated into JAKI, you can easily access important info in one app! Lastly, to get a more proper grip on Jakpreneur programs, you can also read the following article from Jakarta Smart City regarding Jakpreneur:

How To Apply for Jakpreneur and Its Requirements

The Benefits of Joining Jakpreneur for Small Business

Good luck and hope it shines some light for you, Smartcitizen!

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