25 Oct 2021

Revitalized, Palmerah Station is Now More Integrated

by:Teresa Simorangkir

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

25 Oct 2021

If you’re working around the Palmerah area and regularly taking public transportation, you must be familiar with Palmerah Station. Last September, Palmerah Station came out with a new face after the revitalization. Besides Palmerah Station, Tebet Station was also presented with a new look during the same month. The station revitalization is intended to give people easier access to public transportation, as well as to provide a more comfortable journey for us commuters. In addition, this revitaliation is carried out to realize Jakarta’s big goal of having integrated transportation access. The revitalization of Palmerah Station was carried out in early 2021 and was born through the collaboration between the Jakarta Provincial Government, PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI), PT Transport Jakarta (Transjakarta), and other collaborators.

New Integrated Transjakarta Stops on the East and West Sides

The crowded and chaotic situation around the station during the rush hour is old news for the people who come to Palmerah Station every day.  The vehicles that pass by around this area often cause discomfort for public transportation users. Pedestrians who are heading to the station have to be extra careful so they wouldn’t get hit by the vehicles. For these reasons and to provide public transportation that can be used by more people, the revitalization of the Palmerah Station was started. The initiative was also aimed to fulfill the smart mobility principle. Unlike the pre-existing situation, now Palmerah Station comes with a new face of Stasiun Palmerah Bus Stop (on the east side) and Pasar Palmerah Bus Stop (on the west side) which are connected to the pedestrian bridge (JPO). The Palmerah Station revitalization was focused on integrating the Transjakarta stop and Palmerah Station so public transportation users can feel more comfortable when changing their modes of transportation.

The new integrated stops are equipped with shelters, to protect you from the scorching sun and rain. The bus stop is designed with a high deck to adjust to the height of the Transjakarta bus, so it’s safe to get on and off the bus. Along the bus stop you’ll also find yellow guiding blocks to help people with visual impairment to walk in the area. Informative wayfinding is also available to give you the information you need at Palmerah Station.

Wayfinding and guiding blocks at the Bust Stop

If you need information related to Transjakarta or commuter line routes, just look up the answer through the information boards. For your information, the Transjakarta that stop at these bus stops are 1B (Palmerah-Tosari Station), 1F (Palmerah Station-Bundaran Senayan), and 9E (Jelambar-Pasar Kebayoran Lama).

The information board in Stasiun Palmerah Bus Stop

Drop-Off Point for Microtrans, Ojek, and Bajaj

In addition to this integration access, the revitalization of Palmerah Station also brought a new  drop-off point for those who use Microtrans, bike taxis, and bajaj (tuk-tuk). This drop-off point is aimed to avoid traffic jams due to buildup when the passengers are getting on and off from those transportation modes. The presence of drop-off points is also expected to make public transportation users feel safe when changing modes of transportation.

Palmerah Station has thousands of passengers every day. The revitalization and the integration of public transportations surely will bring positive responses from commuters. With a more integrated, comfortable, and affordable access to public transportation, it’s hoped that more people will alter from their preferred vehicles to public transportation. Besides being more environmentally friendly, by using public transportation, we also save more energy because we don’t have to drive alone.

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