The Strategy to Climate Resilience in Jakarta
In January 2020, IQAir Website ranked air quality in Jakarta in the top 10 worst rates in the world. At that time, the air quality index in Jakarta reached 183 or unhealthy. When Jakarta implemented Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in April 2020, the air quality index gradually improved, dropping to a moderate level. Towards the end of 2020, the air quality index in Jakarta began to look better, reaching a value of 41 on December 14 and 15, 2020. Based on the IQAir website's data, the air quality index in Jakarta shows the number 52 or moderate on February 22, 2021.
Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta Strategy to Climate Resilience
Therefore, concrete steps to maintain the environment in the city and the health of its citizens. To protect the environment, climate resilience can be one of the main key. The Provincial Government of DKI Jakartahas been working to build climate resilience integrated into several programs such as low emission zone (LEZ) in Kota Tua, operating controlled atmosphere storage (CAS), playing a role in C40 Cities, and conducting emissions tests. But, precisely what does the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta do in these programs?
Low Emission Zone in Jakarta’s Historic Town
On February 8, 2021, the DKI Jakarta Transportation Department officially implemented a low emission zone in Kota Tua (Old Town), Central Jakarta. During the implementation, motor vehicles that do not have unique stickers are prohibited from entering the site. Only a few vehicles can pass through, such as Transjakarta and Commuter Line (KRL). Pedestrians and cyclists are also allowed to enter the LEZ area. The roads that become the LEZ area are Jalan Pintu Besar Utara, Jalan Kalibesar Barat, Jalan Kunir Sisi Selatan, Jalan Kemukus, Jalan Ketumbar, and Jalan Lada. The goalof implementing low emission areas is to improve air quality. The other purposeof applying this LEZ area in the Jakarta Old Town is to organize the area as an integrated culture of Jakarta.
[Low Emission Zone for Healthier Air in Kota Tua]
Climate Adaptation Summit (CAS)
On January 25-26, 2021, the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta participated in the climate adaption summit. This activity was attended by several leaders of institutions, countries, cities, and communities from more than 50 countries. The Climate adaptation summit aims to build a sustainable town during rapid economic development. Another goal is for cities to have climate resilience. Through this activity, the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta is committed to developing nature-based ideas to maintain world climate resilience.
C40 Cities
In the C40 CitiesForum, the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta sought to maintain the Paris Agreement's climate. One of the main concerns is the improvement of air quality in Jakarta. Efforts that have been made include:
- Supporting the Clean Air Partnership program.
- Making policies for handling air pollution through Governor Regulation No.66 Year 2020 on Motor Vehicle Exhaust Emissions Test.
- Making Governor's Instruction No.66 on Air Quality Control.
- The development of public electric bus facilities and bike lanes.
Emission Test
As an air pollution control measure, the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta applies the obligation to conduct emissions tests of two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles older than 3 years old. This emissions test regulation is made strictly under Governor Regulation No.66 the Year 2020 on Motor Vehicle Exhaust Emissions Test. The government will give the sanctions in the form of administrative sanctions and ticket sanctions. Through the Environment Agency, the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta vigorously held emissions tests for free in several areas in DKI Jakarta.
Four strategies to maintain climate resilience have been carried out by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta, such as implementing low emission areas (LEZ), having controlled atmosphere storage (CAS), participating in the C40 Cities forum, and also implementing emissions test policies. The purpose of running these programs can protect the environment, significantly improving air quality in Jakarta. Smarticitizen, let us support climate resilience programs in Jakarta