13 Jul 2024

First Aid Tips for Emergency Conditions

by:Amira Sofa

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

13 Jul 2024

Recently, we have heard distressing news reminding us of the importance of first aid, such as the incident of an athlete experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. In addition to sudden cardiac arrest, proper and swift first aid is also needed for other conditions like choking and seizures.

Such attacks can occur at any time, so we need to know the first aid that can be performed to handle them. Here are some first-aid tips you can apply if those around you need it, including using the JAKI application.

First Aid for Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Sudden cardiac arrest occurs when a person's heart suddenly stops beating. If it happens to someone around you, you can move them to a safer place. The Ministry of Health recommends the following first aid stepsto help someone experiencing sudden cardiac arrest.

Source: HSE Prime

  1. Check the victim's response: Check the victim's consciousness by calling out to them while tapping their shoulder. If they do not wake up, call out louder.
  2. Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR): Next, perform CPR to increase the chance of survival from cardiac arrest.
  3. Call for help: If the victim is unresponsive, you or someone else needs to immediately contact the nearest emergency services. Inform the responders of the victim's condition and location to request an Automated External Defibrillator (AED).
  4. Perform chest compressions: While waiting for medical responders to arrive, perform chest compressions on the victim. Once the responders arrive, they will perform further defibrillation and take the victim to the hospital.

First Aid for Choking

Choking is a condition where the airway is blocked by a foreign object. This condition may seem trivial but is very dangerous if not treated immediately. Therefore, when someone near you experiences it, perform thisfirst aid.

  1. Encourage coughing: You can encourage them to cough. If the obstruction is severe, they might hold their chest or throat and be unable to speak, breathe, or cough. In this situation, you need to assist them.
  2. Bend over and give back blows: Bend them forward and give up to five back blows to try to dislodge the obstruction. Firmly hit their back using the heel of your hand between the shoulder blades. These blows create a strong vibration and pressure in the airway, often enough to expel the obstruction. If the obstruction is cleared, they will be able to breathe again.
  3. Perform abdominal thrusts: If they are still choking, perform up to five abdominal thrusts. Hold their waist and pull inward and upward above the navel. These thrusts force air out of the lungs and may dislodge the obstruction.

First Aid for Seizures (Epilepsy)

Seizures can be very frightening to witness, but they are dangerous if left untreated when they occur in someone near you. Quoting the Ministry of Health, with the properfirst aid, you can help them before it gets worse.


  1. Place the victim in a flat and safe area, and provide a pillow to support their head.
  2. Remove all sharp objects that can injure the victim.
  3. Loosen tight clothing, especially around the neck.
  4. Turn the victim to one side to prevent vomit from entering the lungs.
  5. Stay with the victim during the seizure until it subsides, or until medical help arrives.

In addition to the steps above, you need to note things such as not restraining the victim's seizures, not inserting anything into their mouth, not moving the victim unless they are in an unsafe place, not giving CPR if the victim is breathing and still has a pulse after the seizure, and not feeding or giving drinks until the seizure stops.

Suppose the seizure lasts more than two minutes. In that case, if there are behavioral disturbances or fainting after the seizure, recurrent seizures, or if the victim is pregnant or has diabetes, immediately contact medical services.

Use the Ambulance Feature in the JAKI Application for Emergency Conditions

If the attack is severe or continues after first aid, you must call for medical assistance. It is also important to get quick medical help in such emergency conditions. The Ambulance feature in the JAKI application is ready to help you call an ambulance in just 3 seconds. Don’t have the app yet? Download it on the Google Play Storeor Apple App Store

With the correct first aid knowledge, you can help those around you who experience emergency health attacks. Stay alert and ready to save lives! Let's be more caring and ready to help others in emergency conditions.

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