31 Mar 2022

Tips for Fasting in the Third Year of the Pandemic

by:Kholid Zufar Guncoro

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

31 Mar 2022

This year’s Ramadan will be the third time for Jakartan to fast in the holy month with the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic. And because of that reason, we still must not be careless and ignore health protocols as this pandemic is not over yet. We also have to stay fit by fasting in these still challenging times. To stay healthy and safe while fasting, here are some tips for you, read more!

Apply a Healthy Lifestyle

Consume Nutritious Food

While fasting, we need to eat nutritious foods, including those that contain protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins. Immune cells, which help keep us in shape, can be produced by the body from the protein we eat and is strengthened by vitamin intake. Animal and vegetable protein is needed by the body. However, you also should not ignore the nutrients from carbohydrates as a source of energy. Carbohydrates can also help metabolize fat and protein while fasting.

Consume Vitamin Supplements

To strengthen our immunity in the face of Covid-19, we need many types of vitamins, such as vitamins C, D, and E. Not only to deal with viruses, but vitamins can also keep us fit and fit in carrying out activities in this month of Ramadan.

Drink more water

To avoid dehydration while fasting, you need to drink lots of water. In addition to maintaining kidney health, drinking lots of water also increases the body's metabolism while fasting.

Do Light exercises

Fasting is not a reason to stop exercising. However, we must not strain our body too much, especially with the absence of water intake since suhoor. Some light exercises including light walking are recommended. This light exercise can also be done before dawn or after breaking the fast.

Pay Attention to Health Protocols in Mosques

In contrast to the previous two years, this Ramadan, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has relaxed worship in mosques with a capacity of 75%. Even though it has been relaxed, you still have to strictly observe the health protocol. One of them is by bringing your worship items, such as mukena, sarong, or prayer rug. You can also do other things as a preventive measure against the spread of Covid-19, such as performing ablution at home, keeping a distance from other congregants, washing your hands with soap or hand sanitizer as often as possible, actively using masks when worshiping, and avoiding physical handshakes with other congregants.

Ensure Cleanliness When Buying Food

When you have to leave the house to buy groceries at markets, stalls, or restaurants for suhoor and iftar, pay attention to the conditions of the places you will buy them from, such as the level of crowds and the implementation of health protocols. You can also use a delivery service to avoid crowds in the dining area. Don't forget to always wear a mask and wash your hands regularly with soap or hand sanitizer after doing the transaction.

Avoid Eating in Public Places


According to the Governor's Decree, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government does allow eating activities in public places, such as stalls, restaurants, and cafes, with a capacity of 75%. However, it is highly recommended to avoid eating in public places at dawn or breaking the fast. You can do suhoor or iftar with your family at home. In addition to avoiding the spread of Covid-19, you can have more time with family at home. That way, you can also be creative by cooking for suhoor and iftar together, or you can also order food from outside and eat it with your family at home.

Do a Booster Vaccination to Improve the Immune

For those of you who have been vaccinated with two primary doses, it's now a perfect time to get a booster vaccine to increase your immunity against Covid-19 during Ramadan. You also don't need to hesitate to vaccinate during the fasting month. The Islamic Ulema Council (MUI) has emphasized that fasting is not an excuse for people to avoid the Covid-19 vaccine. This is stated through a fatwa regarding the Covid-19 Vaccination Law. In the case of the Covid-19 vaccination, the vaccine is given by injecting the vaccine through a muscle. This model is also known as an intramuscular injection, so the Covid-19 vaccination is declared not to break the fast. You can also find out information on booster vaccinations in Jakarta through the corona.jakarta.go.idwebsite or through the JAKI application which you can download on Google Play Storeand App Store.

Now, you can apply these tips to fast during this pandemic with enthusiasm and feel safe. Don't forget to keep implementing health protocols in your every activity. Happy fasting.


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