14 Jul 2021

How To Report PPKM Violations Around Your Neighborhood Safely

by:Amira Sofa

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

14 Jul 2021

Since July 3, 2021, Jakarta has implemented the Emergency PPKM (Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities). This PPKM is carried out as the number of Covid-19 cases in Jakarta increased, and will continue to be imposed until July 20. During the Emergency PPKM, our movement is more restricted and the list of health protocols that must be applied when we are outside of home will be much stricter. 

[Do’s and Don’t s During The Latest PPKM Restrictions]

But unfortunately, there are still some people around us who don’t obey health protocols. These things can be immediately solved if we report their actions. So far, Jakarta has 14 complaint channels that you can use to report problems in Jakarta, including PPKM violations. For those of you who are used to using smartphones, the most simple complaint channel for you to use is the JAKIapplication. 

However, the problem does not end when we report the violations. When we report PPKM violations around our neighborhood, we may be concerned that our identity as a reporter will be revealed and cause discomfort between us and our neighborhood or the violator. To prevent this from happening, you need to send PPKM violations reports around your neighborhood by following the guidelines of the Jakarta Provincial Government. 

How To Report PPKM Violations Around The Neighborhood 

  1. Use JakLapor Feature in JAKI 

When you see people around your neighborhood don’t wear masks, gather in crowds, or disobey any other PPKM rules, you can open the JAKI application, then access JakLapor feature by clicking the camera in the bottom middle side of the homepage. 

  1. Take picture from the outside  

The first thing you need to do is to upload the report picture, and you should not take a picture directly from inside the house/place where the violation occurs. Just take the picture from outside the house/place where you see the violation and make sure you are not under CCTV surveillance or seen by other people, so that your identity remains anonymous. Besides, don't show any picture that is related to your identity or your house.

  1. Don’t include the reporter’s identity 

After taking pictures of the violation, next you’ll be asked to choose the violation category. When reporting crowd cases, you can choose the “Gangguan Ketenteraman dan Ketertiban” category, then type the report description. There you need to include the address of the violation, details of violation, and additional information like location description to help the responding officer. Remember, don’t include your personal identity. After that, you need to review the report first. If the picture, description, and category of the report are correct and safe, you can go on to the next step. 

  1. Hide report from public 

JAKI keeps reporters’ identity a secret. In the next step, you can just choose “Sembunyikan” (Hide) if you don’t want the public to see your report, or choose “Tampilkan” (Show) if you want the public to see your report. In the last step, you are requested to check “Saya setuju” for confirmation, and click “Kirim Laporan” to send your report. 

Although your anonymity is guaranteed with JAKI, you can always log out from the application if you still worry that your identity will be revealed. This won’t cancel the report that you just made, and you can still monitor the progress of your report through the Profil (Profile) menu. 

[How JAKI Maintain Your Privacy in Reporting Violations]

Why Is Reporting PPKM Violations Necessary? 

The pandemic we faced today is too complex to be solved if there’s only one working party or entity. To fasten the mitigation of Coronavirus transmission, the Jakarta Provincial Government needs everyone’s cooperation to obey the health protocols, educate one another, and report PPKM violations. 

The issue of PPKM violations, especially those that take place around the neighborhood area in which people know each other, may be sensitive for some people. That is why you need to report the violations anonymously. JAKI supported this principle by providing a hiding report feature so your identity will remain unknown, as long as you follow the reporting guidelines. So, there is no reason for you not to use JAKI! If you want to report PPKM violations through JAKI, you can download the application via Google Play Storeor Apple App Store

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