14 Jul 2023

Here's a follow-up on citizen reports during JuneĀ 2023

by:Muhammad Raedyan Kahfi

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

14 Jul 2023

Smartcitizen, did you know that the Jakarta Provincial Governmentā€™s Cepat Respon Masyarakat (CRM) system resolves more than 9,000 reports of citizen problems every month on average, with a resolution percentage rate of over 95% during 2022.

The reports come from various sources of complaint channels that you can check here:

  • Jakarta Kini (JAKI)
  • Twitter @dkijakarta
  • Facebook Pemprov DKI Jakarta
  • Email dki@jakarta.go.id
  • Governorā€™s Personal Social Media
  • WhatsApp 08111272206
  • City Hall pavilion
  • Inspectorate Office
  • Mayorā€™s Office
  • Sub-district Office
  • Head of Sub-District Office
  • Public Aspiration Mass Media
  • LAPOR 1708

Integration of 13 complaint channels with CRM system facilitates the bureaucratic process, resulting in shortened coordination between Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD). As a result, public complaints are handled more effectively and efficiently. Equipped with a report tracking menu, you can also easily see how far and where the progress has been handled, through the JakLapor feature or what is now known as the Citizen Report feature in JAKI and the crm.jakarta.go.id website.

In early 2023, road problems were the most reported category, reaching 9,371 reports. A total of 11,133 reports were submitted through the Lapor feature on the JAKI super-app out of a total of 71,695 reports throughout early 2023.

Entering mid-2023, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is committed to continuing to improve the quality of public complaint services. Then how is the follow-up of the report during June 2023? Letā€™s find out more.

Report Follow-up

In handling a report, the CRM system takes several steps or processes before it is finally followed up. Public reports will be received and confirmed, then coordinated with the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD), then will be forwarded to the relevant officers for follow-up. After being verified by the Government Bureau, the report is finally declared complete.


Persentase Laporan

In June 2023, the number of reports received reached 13,000 reports with 4,755 reporters. This is one proof that the people of Jakarta care about their surrounding environment. In fact, each person on average sends 2ā€“3 problem reports through 13 official complaint channels.

The DKI Provincial Government is committed to completing the reports that have been submitted. Evidently during the period 1ā€“31 June 2023, the percentage of report completion reached 98.4%, or a total of 12,327 reports out of 13,000 reports received.

The fastest time taken by officers to complete a report is 1 hour. While the average report time is completed for 3ā€“4 days, you know! Waahh, really fast! It makes you more confident to report and help Jakarta get better.

Report Category


Kategori Laporan

The reports received came from 13 official complaint channels that are integrated into the Rapid Response system. These reports are based on different categories of urban problems, ranging from Roads to Noise Disturbance.

During the period 1ā€“31 June 2023, illegal parking became the most problematic category with 1,191 reports. This was followed by Tree problems with 1,144 reports and Road problems with 1,100 reports. These three topped the list as the most reported categories.

Below that is the Security and Noise Disturbance category with 844 reports, followed by 823 reports on Banners and 789 reports related to Trash. Isnā€™t the category complete? You can find all your city problems here.

Citizen Testimonials


Testimoni Masyarakat

One of the goals of the Rapid Response system is to make public services and reporting more effective and efficient. This will certainly have an impact on the public itself, especially Jakarta residents.

As stated by Sri Lasmidjah, a 68-year-old retired civil servant who lives in Tebet, South Jakarta. She shared her experience of reporting problems through one of CRMā€™s official complaint channels, which is coming directly to the City Hall Pavilion. ā€œI once had a problem with a water pump. I came to the City Hall Pavilion to report the problem. After that, not long, a few days later PDAM (Regional Water Company) officers came and checked to install a booster pump. Exactly at the time promised. I am satisfied because the report was processed immediately and got satisfactory results,ā€ she said.

Pendopo City Hall is one of the face-to-face complaint channels integrated with the Rapid Community Response system. This channel is provided for people who want to meet directly with officers to submit their reports. Sri added, ā€œReporting through Pendopo is very good, especially for those of us who arenā€™t tech savvy.ā€

Well, this is the process of following up on the CRM report during June 2023. Of course, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government cannot be alone in making Jakarta better. Collaboration is needed from various parties, including citizens. By reporting through the Lapor feature in JAKI or 12 other complaint channels, you can make changes for Jakarta. Stay tuned to CRMā€™s social media for the latest information about the reporting system or the performance of the officers.


More in CRM Category

If you encounter issues in Jakarta, you can report them face-to-face or digitally. Choose the channel that suits you best. Check it out here!

In the first six months of 2024, Jakarta's 13 complaint channels received more than 95,000 reports. Read more here.

CRM (Citizen Relation Management) Jakarta continues to follow up on reported problems. This is his journey through 2023.

Citizen Relation Management integrates 13 complaint channels. Want to hear what the reporters have to say about CRM? Read here.

For three months, CRM received various reports from reporters in Jakarta. Check it out here!

Using Twitter or Facebook to report your problems, CRM or Cepat Respon Masyarakat integrates the channels suitable for you. Read here!