22 Jul 2022

Kendal Tunnel Too Crowded? Visit These Parks!


Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

22 Jul 2022

The area around the Kendal Tunnel, Menteng, Central Jakarta, is currently on the rise, due to the Citayam Fashion Week phenomenon. This phenomenon represents the gathering of young people from areas near Jakarta, such as Citayam, Depok, and Bojonggede, who fill the area with a distinctive style of dress.

This phenomenon is clear evidence that the third space, the space other than home and workplace, which is close to public transportation is coveted by residents as a comfortable gathering place, free of charge, and of course open to the public.

Well, apart from the Kendal Tunnel, Jakarta has a myriad of other public spaces in the form of interesting parks that are easy to visit and close to public transportation points. Because the Kendal Tunnel is close to Sudirman and BNI City KRL stations, as well as Dukuh Atas MRT stations and Tosari Bus Stop, you can easily visit other beautiful parks from here. Here are the parks that you can visit from the Kendal Tunnel, Dukuh Atas.

Rasuna Said Pocket Park

For those of you who want to hang out in a comfortable garden and stay with tall buildings in the background, this park is perfect for you. This park is a unique icon in the Rasuna Said area, because it utilizes an empty space that is not too wide to become a green open space between buildings.

Pocket Park Taman Rasuna Said is located opposite the Epicentrum Walk shopping center. From the Kendal Tunnel, you can walk to the Taman Kudus bus stop, then take Transjakarta 6Q and get off at Rasuna Pocket Park.

Mataram Park

After being revitalized, the park, which is located in Selong Village, Kebayoran Baru District, South Jakarta, is increasingly equipped with facilities that make you feel at home. Here there are play facilities for children, jogging track, ping pong play area, bicycle path, and toilets.

To get to this park from the Kendal Tunnel, you can walk to Tosari Bus Stop, then take Transjakarta. Then you can get off at the Al-Azhar Mosque, then walk again to this park.

Ayodya and Langsat Park

Ayodya Park, also known as Barito Park, can be another alternative hangout place for you and your friends. This 7,500 m2 park is equipped with a gazebo, pavilion, toilet, jogging track, and footpath.

Ayodya Park is adjacent to Langsat Park, so you can visit it at once. Langsat Park has a wider land area, which is about 3.6 hectares. In addition to having public facilities, this park is also a place for flora and fauna exhibitions as well as a place for cultivating king palm trees.

To get here, you can walk to Dukuh Atas MRT Station, then take the MRT towards Blok M. Arriving at Blok M, you can walk directly to these two parks.

Let’s Take Care of Jakarta’s Public Spaces

As a public space, the Kendal Tunnel and parks in Jakarta are the third space that we need to protect. Other than keeping these public spaces clean, you also have to take care of the various facilities in it. If you find a damaged facility, you can report it via the JAKI app which can be downloaded at Google Play Store and Apple App Store. You can take pictures of the damaged facilities and describe them clearly, then the officers will quickly fix them. Let’s protect the public space together.

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