15 Mar 2020

A Look at Jakarta Health Agency Command Center for COVID-19 Pandemic

by:Aditya Gagat Hanggara


15 Mar 2020

The Government of Jakarta has stepped up its effort in battling the coronavirus pandemic by establishing a dedicated post for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the Jakarta Health Department command center. In addition to monitoring the current conditions and situation, the post which has been operating since March 2 also has a function to provide education to the public regarding the prevention and handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this command center, the team from the COVID-19 post sharing the same room and collaborates with the SPGDT (Integrated Emergency Management System) team, which has responsibility in sending an AGD unit (Ambulance) when needed. To maintain an optimum level of the operation, the command center is equipped with several facilities and supporting devices.

Monitoring Situation with Giant LED Screen

A row of monitors and a giant LED screen offers an unobstructed view for the staff in the command center to monitor the latest conditions and situations of COVID-19 pandemic in Jakarta. These monitors are used to display a variety of information, one of which is COVID-19 monitoring status, both for those in ODP (Person Under Monitoring) and PDP (Patient Under Supervision). 

ODP is a status given to a person who in the last 14 days has a history of travel to a country with a confirmed case of COVID-19 and showed or previously showed symptoms like fever or upper respiratory tract infection (URTI). A person will also get an ODP status, even without showing symptoms, if that person is already in contact with another person who is positive of contracting COVID-19. While PDP is a status given to a patient that shares the same condition of ODP, but with the addition of having a light to severe pneumonia. This data is periodically updated once a day at 6 PM.

Live Ambulance Position with GPS

On the same giant screen, the staff in the command center could also monitor a real-time position of all 86 ambulances owned by the Government of Jakarta. Combined with live CCTV images of streets of Jakarta, the team could provide a quicker response in an emergency situation.

In handling reports related to COVID-19, Jakarta Health Department has readied one dedicated ambulance, with an addition of five, acting as a backup. Officers assigned to pick up suspected COVID-19 patients are also equipped with protective gear to prevent transmission.

Indicator Lights on Each Desk

Each of the officer's desk from SPGDT team is equipped with a special three-color indicator light, red-yellow-green. Red is used to indicate that the officer is needing assistance from a doctor. Yellow indicates that the desk is empty, for example when the officer is resting or on a break. Green means that the officer is in the process of helping a caller.

Serving Public 24 Hours

The COVID-19 post in the command center is operating for 24 hours, with three shifts comprising six officers in each shift. In addition to 112 and 119 emergency number, the public could also use 0813-8837-6955 for direct contact with the team at COVID-19 post. “The number can be contacted via phone and Whatsapp,” said Ani Ruspitawati, Jakarta Health Agency official who is in charge of COVID-19 post. 

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