Public School Enrollment Requirements for All Education Levels
With the Public School Enrollment (PPDB) for 2021-2022 academic year still underway, the prospective new students (CPDB) and their parents are still busy with the registration, selection, and self-reporting process. However, before registering the prospective new students to their desired school, there are several requirements for each education level that you need to know. What are they? Let’s read the article below!
Requirements for PAUD (Early Childhood Education) Level
- Aged 2 to 6 years old on the July 1 of the current year for Daycares and similar PAUD units;
- Aged 3 to 4 years old on the July 1 of the current year for Play Group;
- At least 4 years old on the July 1 of the current year for Group A in Kindergarten;
- At least 5 years old on July 1 of the current year for Group B in Kindergarten;
- The age requirement is proven with Birth Certificate(Akta Kelahiran)/Birth Report (Surat Keterangan Laporan Kelahiran) from the authorized party; and
- Recorded in the Family Register.
Requirements for SD (Elementary School) Level
- At least 6 years old on July 1 of the current year;
- The age is proven with Birth Certificate/Birth Report from the authorized party; and
- Recorded in the Family Register that is issued at least 1 year before the start of the registration date.
Requirements for SMP (Junior High School) Level
- Maximum age of 15 on July 1 of the current year;
- Have completed grade 6 of elementary school or equivalent education and proven by a graduation certificate or other documents that certifies graduation;
- The age is proven with Birth Certificate/Birth Report from the authorized party; and
- Recorded in the Family Register that is issued at least 1 year before the start of the registration date.
Requirements for SMA (Senior High School) Level
- Maximum age of 21 on July 1 of the current year;
- Have completed grade 9 of junior high school or equivalent education and proven by a graduation certificate or other documents that certifies graduation;
- The age is proven with Birth Certificate/Birth Report from the authorized party; and
- Recorded in the Family Register that is issued at least 1 year before the start of the registration date.
Requirements for SMK (Vocational High School) Level
- Maximum age of 21 on July 1 of the current year;
- Have completed grade 9 of junior high school or equivalent education and proven by a graduation certificate or other documents that certifies graduation;
- The age is proven with Birth Certificate/Birth Report from the authorized party;
- Recorded in the Family Register that is issued at least 1 year before the start of the registration date; and
- For CPDB with disabilities, take the characteristics of the desired skills into account when choosing the skills competence in the SMK.
Requirements for SLB (Special Education School) Level
- Have Birth Certificate/Birth Report from the authorized party; and
- Recorded in the Family Register
- At least 6 years old on July 1 of the current year;
- Have Birth Certificate/Birth Report from the authorized party; and
- Recorded in the Family Register that is issued at least 1 year before the start of the registration date.
- Maximum age of 18 on July 1 of the current year;
- Have completed grade 6 of elementary school or equivalent education and proven by a graduation certificate or other documents that certifies graduation; and
- Recorded in the Family Register that is issued at least 1 year before the start of the registration date.
- Maximum age of 24 on July 1 of the current year;
- Have completed grade 9 of junior high school or equivalent education and proven by a graduation certificate or other documents that certifies graduation; and
- Recorded in the Family Register that is issued at least 1 year before the start of the registration date.
Requirements for PKBM (Center for Community Learning Activities) Level
- Minimum age of 7 on July 1 of the current year for Package A equivalent to elementary school;
- The age is proven with Birth Certificate/Birth Report from the authorized party; and
- Have a graduation certificate for students who will take Package B equivalent to junior high school and Package C equivalent to senior high school.
As an additional information, CPDB grade 7 of junior high school or grade 10 of senior high school/vocational high school who is a citizen of Indonesia coming from schools abroad must obtain a study recommendation permit. The application for the letter of study recommendation permit is then submitted to:
- General director in charge of early childhood education, basic education, and secondary education for new junior and senior high school students; and
- General director in charge of vocational education for prospective new vocational high school students.
That’s the CPDB requirements for this year’s Public Schools Enrollment. For those of you who don’t want to miss the latest information on PPDB, you can download the JAKI application through Google Play Storeor Apple Store. JAKI will periodically send you push notifications and reminders regarding registration, selection, and self-report of PPDB through push notifications, so you won’t miss it. If you experience any technical or non-technical problems during the PPDB process, you can also use the JakLapor feature on JAKI to report it. It’s a life-saver, isn’t it? So, let’s use JAKI and support the PPDB implementation in Jakarta!