21 Sep 2021

Jakarta Health Agency Strategy on JAKI Vaccination Quota

by:Teresa Simorangkir

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

21 Sep 2021

Various Covid-19 vaccination locations are available in Jakarta for all. The registration process can be done in several ways: collectively through RT, go-show, and the simplest way of all: registering through JAKI. With so many vaccination locations and various ways of making an appointment for vaccine, the vaccine quota must be mapped out carefully to ensure smooth distribution for everyone. 

JAKI vaccination registration was brought to you by the collaboration of many parties, and the Jakarta Health Agency is one of the collaborators. They have a big role in allocating quotas, locations, and the vaccination schedule that you get when registering for vaccination via JAKI. Through a video chat with Dr. Ngabila Salama, Head of the Epidemiology and Immunization Surveillance Section of the Jakarta Health Agency, let's find out how they strategize the allocation of vaccination quota on JAKI.

How the Allocation of Vaccination Quota on JAKI Began

Dr. Ngabila Salama, M.K.M, Head of the Epidemiological and Immunization Surveillance Section of the Jakarta Health Agency

Vaccination registration via JAKI was launched around February 2021. At that time, vaccination was still prioritized for senior citizens. The registration via JAKI wasn’t that busy at the time, because only a handful of people use it. When vaccination was finally available to the public, people began to look for information so they could be vaccinated immediately. This occurrence raised a special concern for those who are in charge of the vaccination program: there had to be a strategy to avoid crowds while people are queuing at the vaccination location. Upon this, vaccination registration via JAKI is reckoned as the right strategy to facilitate the public with vaccination providers. JAKI users can freely set their vaccination schedule and location, as long as the quota is available. On the other side, vaccination providers can predict the number of people who will come so they can prepare better. 

If you’re one of the people who registered for vaccination via JAKI, you must have printed the vaccination card before going to your vaccination location, right? According to Dr. Ngabila, this procedure helps a lot during the process at the vaccination site. She said it may even speed up the whole process three times faster than the conventional procedure.

Maintaining Vaccine Availability in Jakarta

“We have a database to monitor the availability of vaccines in Jakarta, down to health facilities level. Currently, the availability of Sinovac and AstraZeneca is running low, so we have to adjust the regulations, for example, the first dose will only use Pfizer and Moderna. That’s the strategy. We don’t [just say] ‘Ok, let’s stop the first dose for this vaccine’ out of the blue. We have a database as a reference to see the adequacy of our vaccines,” Dr. Ngabila explained. As JAKI is able to serve the vaccination registration, it’s hoped it can also contribute to the stability of the vaccine stocks in Jakarta. To make this happen, the Jakarta Health Agency issued circular letters for the sub-districts. Each sub-district must provide at least 300 quotas for vaccination registration via JAKI every day. To keep things more orderly, JAKI users will be served separately from those who didn’t use JAKI. Moreover, the Jakarta Health Agency also conducted socialization for JAKI registration at public health centers, hospitals, clinics, and vaccine centers. Amid the rush of the second dose, the Jakarta Health Agency also issued a circular letter for public health centers in Jakarta to give more services for the second dose quota. Furthermore, the Jakarta Health Agency is collaborating with Jakarta Smart City to update the JAKI vaccination quota continuously. The Jakarta Health Agency will coordinate with Jakarta Smart City if there are health facilities or vaccination centers that demand an increase for JAKI quota for Sinovac, AstraZeneca, Moderna, and Pfizer.

JAKI Helps Accelerate Covid-19 Vaccination in Jakarta

The vaccination registration via JAKI is an innovation that is currently only available in Jakarta, among all cities in Indonesia. JAKI integrates data from the Civil Registry Service Agency so its users can register, do the pre-screen, and finally get their digital vaccination status. Health facilities that provide registration via JAKI no longer need to print patient’s pre-screening because the patients can print and bring it themselves before they arrive at the location. This advancement certainly brings hope for all of us.

“Hopefully all Jakartans can download JAKI and understand the steps for vaccination registration. I hope JAKI can accommodate the registration continuously. We will continue to evaluate, our colleagues at health facilities are expected to deeply understand the procedures and register their services at JAKI. So, in the end, people will become more familiar with JAKI, the vaccine quota will always be available, and citizens will be more freely to choose their desired vaccination location. In the future, not only Jakartans will use JAKI, but also those who live in Bodetabek area (greater Jakarta),” Dr. Ngabila concluded.

Jakarta is still pursuing herd immunity. 51% of the 8.9 million people have been fully vaccinated. Children aged 12-17 years are now also eligible for Covid-19 vaccine. People from agglomeration areas who work in Jakarta must also be vaccinated to keep Jakarta safe. How about you, Smartcitizen? Have you and your family been vaccinated? If you know somebody who hasn't yet, get them to register for vaccination via JAKI! Download the app on Play Storeor App Store!

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