09 Mar 2023

Get to know, TransJakarta Route Changes During MRT Construction

by:Muhammad Raedyan Kahfi

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

09 Mar 2023

Smartcitizen, in handling and mitigating congestion, Jakarta needs various solutions. TransJakarta routes have indeed become one of the veins of mobility for the citizens of the capital city. However, the development of a good and sustainable public transportation system is still needed. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is not only committed to providing public transportation but also to making it integrated.

The construction of the MRT phase 2A north-south line is one of these commitments and has been running since last year. Connecting Bundaran HI Station to Kota Station along 5.8 kilometers and consisting of seven underground stations, the construction of this MRT prioritizes the concept of TOD (Transit Oriented Development) which will facilitate the transit process between transportation modes. One of the transit stations is Harmoni Station which will be connected to the Harmoni TransJakarta Shelter.

Harmoni Bus Shelter is one of the oldest and busiest bus shelters owned by TransJakarta. Serving passengers since 2004, this bus shelter is now the transit center for various TransJakarta corridors. The construction of MRT phase 2A makes Harmoni Bus Shelter be revitalized and temporarily relocated, which has an impact on adjusting TransJakarta routes, especially corridors that make the bus stop a transit point. How is the route adjustment? Let’s check out the article!

TransJakarta Route Adjustment

TransJakarta Bus

The construction of MRT phase 2A has had an impact on three TransJakarta bus shelters that must be adjusted and diverted to temporary shelters, such as Mangga Besar Shelter which has been using temporary shelters since February 25, 2023, then Sawah Besar Shelter on February 28, 2023. Starting March 4, 2023, Harmoni Bus Shelter was relocated to a temporary bus shelter. This will have an impact on the routes that serve these stops, so adjustments are needed.

The route adjustments are quite a lot, considering that Harmoni Shelter is a transit shelter. To minimize the accumulation of passengers at temporary shelters, transit points are scattered at various shelters, such as the National Monument (Monas) Shelter. You can see information about what routes have been adjusted in the image below:

Adjustment on TransJakarta's Routes

Smartcitizens who want to travel can also check the route change map in this image:

Adjustment on TransJakarta's Routes

Stay Slay on Public Transportation

The MRT construction process and TransJakarta route adjustments will also require adjustments to Smartcitizen’s schedule. The Harmoni bus shelter may be relocated, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop taking public transportation. Don’t let it interfere with your daily routine. Therefore, an understanding of the route and updated info is also needed, so that your daily activities using public transportation can run smoothly.

The right information and understanding also help you adjust your daily schedule, like Smartcitizen Raka who lives in Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta. This 24-year-old man uses TransJakarta to commute to his office located in the Monas area. Raka usually takes TransJakarta from the Kebon Jeruk bus shelter in Corridor 8 (Lebak Bulus-Harmoni). Then he transits at Harmoni bus shelter to Corridor 2 (Harmoni-Pulo Gadung). Finally, he gets off at the City Hall Shelter, all of which takes about an hour.

TransJakarta's 8th Corridor Route

When the Harmoni bus Shelter was relocated and route adjustments were made, Raka studied the latest route information. Thus, he can adjust his travel time appropriately.

Update of TransJakarta's Service

You can also do this. You can check the diversion route map and information about revitalization here. You can also access it via bit.ly/inforevitalisasitj. After updating the route and the latest information, you can also check the arrival schedule of TransJakarta buses through the JakLingko feature on JAKI, too! You can go everywhere without worrying about being late.

Read also: Jaklingko: Get Jakarta's Public Transport Info with Public Transport Feature

Well, that’s the information about the relocated Harmoni bus shelter and its route changes. Let’s continue to use public transportation and keep the facilities together. Don’t forget to follow JSClab and TransJakarta's social media for updates on the latest information about public transportation or other interesting info.

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