22 May 2023

Pre-registration of Jakarta’s PPDB, What to Prepare?

by:Amira Sofa

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

22 May 2023

We are now halfway through the year, and for Smartcitizens with school-aged children or younger siblings, it's time to focus on the new Student Admissions (PPDB). Students must complete the pre-registration process before enrolling in their preferred school. What are the requirements and procedures for pre-registering for PPDB Jakarta for the upcoming 2023/2024 Academic Year? Let's explore together!

Who Can Participate?

It should be noted that New Students (CPBD) who can take part in PPDB Jakarta 2023/2024 pre-registration for SMP, SMA and SMK levels need to meet the following participant requirements.

  1. Domiciled in DKI Jakarta Province based on Family Card (KK) and attended school outside DKI Jakarta Province;
  2. CPDB who graduated in the previous year (no longer than two years), who is not registered in the Education Unit at the intended level and is stated in a Statement of Responsibility (SPTJM) sufficiently stamped by CPDB parents/guardians;
  3. Studying in Foreign Education Units by submitting a Letter of Recommendation from the Directorate General of Early Childhood Education, Basic Education and Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture for CPDB SMP and SMA;
  4. Have a Family Card issued by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Population and Civil Registry Office no later than June 1, 2022 and has been verified by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office verification team and are in school from outside of DKI Jakarta;
  5. Have a Family Card issued by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Population and Civil Registry Office no later than June 1, 2022 and have been verified by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office verifier team and graduates no later than two years earlier;
  6. Have a Family Card issued by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Population and Civil Registry Service no later than June 1, 2022 and have been verified by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office verification team and attend a foreign education unit.

Jakarta PPDB Pre-Registration Mechanism 2023

PPDB pre-registration for SMP, SMA, and SMK levels can be done from May 10 to June 9, 2023. Meanwhile, PPDB account applications for Elementary School (SD) levels can be done starting May 15, 2023Junior High School (SMP) starting 19 May 2023, and the Senior High School (SMA) and Vocational High School (SMK) levels starting May 24, 2023.

The following are the details for the pre-registration mechanism of PPDB Jakarta 2023. 

  1. CPDB needs to apply for Pre-registration through the following stages;
    1. CPDB registers online via the Pre-registration page on the Sidanira website;
    2. fill out the Pre-registration form online;
    3. upload pre-registration documents;
    4. printed proof of Pre-Registration submission containing participant number
    5. CPDB monitors the results of verifying the pre-registration files that have been uploaded on the Pre-registration page on the Sidanira website.
  2. the PPDB committee at the provincial level verifies the CPDB pre-registration files that have been uploaded on the Pre-registration page;
  3. CPDB obtains proof of the results of the pre-registration verification which contains approval for the statement of the correctness of the results of the pre-registration data;
  4. the pre-registration receipt is used for the PPDB registration process on the PPDB website.

Pre-Registration Documents of PPDB Jakarta 2023

When you apply for Pre-registration, you will be asked to upload documents. These documents can vary depending on the level of education you want to apply for. The details are as follows.

Junior High School

  1. DKI Jakarta Family Card no later than June 1, 2022;
  2. academic reports of grade 4 semester 1 and semester 2, grade 5 semester 1 and semester 2, and grade 6 semester 1 SD/SDLB/MI, Package A, or Certificate of Equal Award (SKYBS) in Citizenship Education (PKn), Language Indonesia, Mathematics, and Natural Sciences (IPA);
  3. original school accreditation certificate;
  4. certificate of the average rating of report cards in one school from the school of origin;
  5. academic achievement certificate;
  6. non-academic achievement certificate;
  7. a certificate obtained by means of a strictly non-competitive selection;
  8. Statement of Absolute Responsibility (SPTJM) regarding the Legitimacy of Documents from CPDB Parents/Guardians sufficiently stamped.

High School and Vocational High School

  1. Family Card issues by Jakarta’s Government no later than June 1, 2022;
  2. academic reports of grade 7 semester 1 and semester 2, grade 8 semester 1 and semester 2, and grade 9 semester 1 SMP/SMPLB/MTs, Package B or Certificate of Equal Award (SKYBS) in the subject Citizenship Education (PKn), Indonesian Language, Mathematics, Natural Sciences (IPA), Social Sciences (IPS), and English;
  3. original school accreditation certificate;
  4. certificate of the average rating of report cards in one school from the school of origin;
  5. academic achievement certificate;
  6. non-academic achievement certificate;
  7. certificate of non-competitive selection results;
  8. Principal Decree regarding OSIS/MPK Management for CPDB who have been OSIS/MPK administrators;
  9. Decree of the Head of School regarding the Composition of Extracurricular Management for CPDB who had been Extracurricular Administrators; and
  10. Statement of Absolute Responsibility (SPTJM) regarding the Legitimacy of Documents from CPDB parents/guardians sufficiently stamped.

After reading all those, do you understand more about PPDB Jakarta 2023? If you encounter problems during the PPDB process, including during pre-registration, contact the call centers below or visit the nearest PPDB posts.

Call centers and PPDB posts for PPDB Jakarta 2023

Call centers and PPDB posts for PPDB Jakarta 2023

Call centers and PPDB posts for PPDB Jakarta 2023

Those are the things you need to pay attention to for PPDB Jakarta 2023 pre-registration, starting from the participant requirements, and documents, to the mechanism. Hopefully, this can enrich Smarcitizen's information about PPDB. If you want more complete information about PPDB Jakarta 2023, keep an eye on Instagram @officialppdbdkiPPDB Jakarta Official Page Facebook, and Twitter @ppdbdki1.

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