21 Jul 2023

What’s in Taxes Feature in JAKI 3.0?

by:Amira Sofa

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

21 Jul 2023

Have you ever checked vehicle tax online through JAKI? Or pay land and building taxes through it? If you have, you must have been familiar with JakPenda's feature. However, did you know that in the latest version of JAKI, JAKI 3.0, the name, icon, and positioning of JakPenda feature have changed?

Read also: Quick Ways to Find Features on JAKI 3.0

In JAKI 3.0, the JakPenda feature is known as Taxes with an icon like the one below. The placement has changed. In the previous version of JAKI, JakPenda feature could be accessed by clicking More in the features section on the homepage. Some of JAKI's top features will appear there, including JakPenda. However, in JAKI 3.0, you can find the Taxes feature directly on the Home page within the features section.

Ikon baru fitur Pajak di JAKI 3.0
Tampilan baru fitur-fitur di JAKI 3.0


Then, what are the Tax features in JAKI 3.0? Let’s find out together!

What's in the Taxes Feature?

After clicking the Tax feature, you will see this interface. 

At the top is a banner with the words "Cek Pajak Sekarang Lebih Mudah “Now, Checking Tax is Easier." The flag provides a functional description of the feature. Below are instructions for connecting your online tax account in order to use the Taxes feature. Click Login or Register to perform account linking. If you don't have a tax feature yet, you must register a tax account first. After the account is connected, you will return to the Taxes feature at JAKI. You can click on your name to see the taxpayer profile.

Scrolling down, there is a listing of tax services that you can access through JAKI, which are viewing and paying Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor (PKB) or Motor Vehicle Tax, Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB) or Land and Building Tax, Pajak Daerah (Regional Tax), and E-Retribusi (E-Retribution). Below it, there is a Cek Kode Bayar (Check Pay Code) button. At the end of the Taxes feature page, there is a direction to view complete information about taxation through the official website of the Jakarta Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda).

So that you can understand the flow of each service in the Tax feature, let's discuss each service one by one.

Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB)

This service serves to help you check motor vehicle tax. These are the steps to check motor vehicle tax through JAKI:

  1. Click the Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor (PKB) or Motor Vehicle Tax banner;
  2. Click Informasi PKB (PKB Information);
  3. Enter the motor vehicle registration number. After the number is filled in, click Cek Pajak (Check Tax).
  4. The page will show detailed information about the motorized vehicle, consisting of police number, brand, type, ownership, year of manufacture, selling value, blocking status, tax validity period, the amount of the last PKB principal, and the date of the last PBK principal payment.
  5. After getting the information you want, you can return by clicking Kembali ke Halaman Sebelumnya (Back to Previous Page).

Land and Building Tax (PBB)

Through this service, you can find out information and pay land and building taxes. To check land and building tax through JAKI, follow these steps.

  1. Click the Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB) or Land and Building Tax banner;
  2. Fill in the Nomor Objek Pajak PBB (PBB Tax Object Number). After the number is filled in, click Cek Pajak (Check Tax).
  3. Two services will appear that can be selected, namely Tagihan dan Informasi SPPT (SPPT Information and Billing and eSPPT). To check the SPPT (Notification of Taxes Payable), clickTagihan dan Informasi SPPT (SPPT Information and Billing);
  4. Then, Daftar Nilai SPPT (SPPT Value List) page will appear. You can see information on the year, payment status, and PBB value that has been and/or has not been paid.

Want to pay Land and Building Tax? From the previous step, these are the things you need to do.

  1. Click one of the SPPT details to make a payment. Detailed information on the SPPT that has been selected will appear;
  2. Review the information, then click Konfirmasi dan Bayar (Confirm and Pay).
  3. Choose a payment method;
  4. Payment details and instructions will appear. Click Lihat QRIS (View QRIS) to pay taxes;
  5. Show the QR Code and scan the payment code with the electronic money application to make payments.

With the PBB service at JAKI, you can also download a PBB tax return. The method is on the PBB service menu at the beginning, click eSPPT, then select Daftar eSPPT (Register eSPPT). You will go to the Unduh eSPPT (Download eSPPT) page. Complete the tax object data in the form of the Taxpayer's Name. Then, press the Selanjutnya (Next) button. You will be asked to complete the eSPPT downloader data. If so, click Selanjutnya (Next). The data confirmation page will appear. If you want to change your data, click the Ubah (Change) button. If the data is correct, press the Selanjutnya (Next) button. Then, the Ketentuan Khusus (Special Terms) page will appear. Review the conditions, then check the column to continue the eSPPT download process. If your application has been verified, a confirmation page will appear. All you have to do is check your e-mail to see the details of the eSPPT document.

Want to see the download history of eSPPT? Back on the PBB menu at the start, click eSPPT, then select Riwayat Pengunduhan eSPPT (eSPPT Download History). The download history page will appear. Press the Unduh eSPPT (Download eSPPT) button to download it.

Regional Taxes

You can also check information and pay local taxes. To do this, click on Pajak Daerah (Regional Tax) on the Taxes feature start page. Then, click Pajak Daerah Lainnya (Other Local Taxes) to see the bill. Select the object and the type of tax to be paid. Enter the Nomor Objek Pajak Daerah (Local Tax Object Number), then click Selanjutnya (Next). You will be redirected to the Tahun dan Masa Pajak Daerah (Regional Tax Year and Period) form page. After selecting a tax year and period, click Selanjutnya (Next). Then, fill in the data in the form of the principal deposit amount, then click Buat Kode (Generate Code). Your Detail Setoran Masa (Time Deposit Details) will appear. Next, press Konfirmasi dan Bayar (Confirm and Pay). Select your preferred payment method. Payment details and instructions will appear. Click Salin (Copy) on Kode Pembayaran (Payment Code) to pay regional taxes.


Through the Tax feature in JAKI 3.0, you can also check retribution information. Retribution is a regional levy as a payment for certain services or permits specifically provided and/or granted by the Regional Government for the benefit of certain individuals or entities.

To access e-Retribution information at JAKI, click e-Retribusi (e-Retribution) on the Tax feature start page. Click Informasi Retribusi (Retribution Information). Enter your NIK (ID Card Number)/NPWP (Taxpayer Identification Number) to search for a levy bill. A list and details of the levy bill will appear. Click the Cetak SKRD (Print SKRD) button or the Cetak SSRD (Print SSRD) button to print each file.

As previously mentioned, on the main page of the Taxes feature, there is a Cek Kode Bayar (Pay Code Check) button below the four tax service banners. You can use this service to check the tax payment code. To do this, click the button, then enter the payment code which consists of eighteen digits. Then, click Cek Status Pembayaran (Check Payment Status). The status of the tax payment code will appear.

Those are what is inside the Tax feature in the JAKI 3.0 application. To date, JAKI has not yet accommodated every kind of tax. But in the future, the feature will continue to be developed to facilitate the needs of Jakarta residents. If you want to be more familiar with how to use the Tax feature, let's try JAKI 3.0 right away. You can download the application through the Google Play Storeor the Apple App Store.

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