05 Jul 2024

Jakarta’s Achievements to Becoming a Global City

by:Eva Simorangkir

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

05 Jul 2024

Jakarta recently celebrated its 497th anniversary. As the center of government, economy, and culture, this city has undergone a major transformation over time. In its nearly five centuries of existence, Jakarta has achieved many significant accomplishments that bring it closer to its vision of becoming a global city. In this article, we will explore these achievements and how they affect the lives of Jakarta’s residents. Let’s read it here!


Jakarta’s Efforts to Becoming a Global City

A global city is a city that is competitively superior and stands out in the global economic arena. The evaluation of global cities is also carried out based on the GPCI (Global Power City Index). Jakarta itself has the potential to become a global city. This can be seen from the six indicators of a global city from the Characteristics of Global Cities of the Bappeda (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah)/Regional Development Planning Agency of DKI Jakarta Province 2023:

  1. a strong and globally connected economic sector;

  1. good and continuous research and innovation capacity;

  1. comfortable and habitable;

  1. cultural value that is attractive to visitors;

  1. Intra and intercity connectivity; and

  1. a clean, comfortable, and sustainable environment.


So far, Jakarta has implemented innovations in accordance with the six indicators above. The hope is that Jakarta will always grow to provide work to Indonesia. Below are the things that have been achieved by Jakarta to become a global city.


Jakarta’s Achievements to Becoming a Global City


Jakarta Becomes a National Economic Center

The GRDP (Gross Regional Domestic Product) of DKI Jakarta Province has reached Rp3,200 trillion. This is the highest GRDP amount in Indonesia. As of 2022, Jakarta has also reached US$3.7 billion or equivalent to Rp53.8 trillion for foreign investment.

In the beginning of 2024, DKI Jakarta Province also reached the highest area in Indonesia for the realization of PMDN (Domestic Investment). The Head of the PMPTSP (Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu) of DKI Jakarta Province said that DKI Jakarta reached Rp35.3 trillion in early 2024. The realization of PMA (Foreign Investment) investment in DKI Jakarta Province also reached USD1.5 billion or around Rp231 trillion. This investment growth is what drives Jakarta as a global city.


Implementing Sustainable Projects in Jakarta

The environmental conditions in Jakarta must always be observed and maintained. Residents will also feel safe and comfortable living in Jakarta. Projects carried out by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to maintain sustainability in the city include:

1. TOD (Transit-Oriented Development): city planning that integrates various modes of transportation.

2. RDF Plant Jakarta: a place to manage waste into alternative fuel.

3. NCICD (National Capital Integrated Coastal Development): an integrated solution to address the challenges of flooding, sanitation, and better water provision.


TOD (Transit-Oriented Development) di Jakarta. Source: Jakarta Smart City

TOD (Transit-Oriented Development) in Jakarta. Source: Jakarta Smart City

International Publication

Jakarta is able to publish at the international level. This publication is in the form of journals or scientific papers that are useful for developing science. So far, the types of journals that have been published include:

  • Q1 Indexed Journals;
  • IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2) Journals; and
  • Latest Smart City Journals.

If you are doing research on smart cities or smart cities, you can use the available journals as references. Please click smartcity.jakarta.go.id/en/jurnal/  to access it.


Also read: Introducing Our New Journal of Future Cities


Conducting R&D (Research and Development)

R&D (Research and Development) must always be carried out in Jakarta. It’s something that will create capacity and innovations in the city. When conducting R&D, there is important data to collect, then analyze. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government provides a portal satudata.jakarta.go.id  which contains data from all Satuan dan Unit Kerja (work units) in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. 

An open data dashboard is also presented to present the best decisions in Jakarta. The existing dashboards include floods, poverty mitigation, spatial/kelurahan, stunting, Cepat Respon Masyarakat, Peta Jakarta Kini, Kelas Bersama, and City Data. 

Full of Cultural Places for Visitors

A global city needs to have a rich and authentic culture. This makes it a major draw for local and foreign tourists. Jakarta also has various cultural places that are open to the public. You can visit the following places if you want to experience a unique cultural experience:


Taman Ismail Marzuki. Source: Jakarta Smart City

Taman Ismail Marzuki. Source: Jakarta Smart City

Jakarta Smart City

Smart city development can produce innovations based on technology. Its application can also help residents in their daily lives. That is why Jakarta Smart City is present under the Jakarta Provincial Government to carry out smart city values. In its application, there are indicators that must be considered, namely:

1. Smart governance;

2. Smart economy;

3. Smart environment;

4. Smart mobility;

5. Smart people

6. Smart living; dan

7. Smart branding.


Since 2014, Jakarta Smart City has been responsible for solving urban problems. One of the innovations provided is a super-app called JAKI(Jakarta Kini). Jakarta’s various needs can be taken care of using just one application. For example, reporting problems in Jakarta is now easier using the Citizen Report feature on JAKI.

Jakarta Smart City. Source: Jakarta Smart City

Jakarta Smart City. Source: Jakarta Smart City

With these various achievements, Jakarta is getting closer to its vision as a competitive, inclusive and sustainable global city. Challenges still exist. However, with hard work and synergy from various parties, Jakarta can continue to develop and achieve more achievements in the future. Hopefully, everyone in Jakarta will play an active role in maintaining and advancing this city. Still curious about innovations from Jakarta? Don’t forget to peep at @jsclab!

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