17 Feb 2022

Things You Can Do When There Is Heavy Rain In Jakarta

by:Syora Alya Eka Putri

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

17 Feb 2022

Lately, if you often monitor notifications on the JAKI application, it rains quite often in Jakarta, from moderate to heavy intensity. It is estimated that Jakarta will experience peak rainfall until the end of February. Extreme weather conditions like this of course make us have to be vigilant, especially when there is a puddle or flood. Well, if you are in an emergency situation due to extreme weather, there is some information to pay attention to.

When It Rains Heavily, Pay Attention to Some of This Information

When it rains with heavy intensity, you can access the information provided by the DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD). This information includes extreme weather warnings and their duration, as well as the potential for rainfall that will occur in the Jakarta area. In addition, there is other important information that you can also access from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to find out the potential for flooding, such as the following.

Monitor Water Level

You can monitor the water level from the floodgate post near your area. This information can be accessed easily because it is available online at bpbd.jakarta.go.id/waterlevel. There, you can view data about floodgates and water levels by the hour.



In addition to the BPBD website, you can also get information about the condition of the floodgates in your area through the JakPantau feature on JAKI. There you can see data on several sluice gates and the number of pumps operating and on standby in Jakarta.



Always Be Prepared with Disaster Preparedness PocketBook

In addition, if you are in a flood-prone area, you can also download a guidebook on preparedness that has been provided by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. In this book, there is a flood preparedness guide for residents and RT/RW administrators. Hopefully, this book can guide you through several scenarios: before, during, and after the flood comes. You can get this information for free here.

Get Flood Information from Flood Monitoring Sites

There is also a site that provides news about floods, historical data on floods in Jakarta, and maps of flood information. You can access this information via pantaubanjir.jakarta.go.id. One of the information that you can monitor is the flood map dashboard based in the RT area, where you can see flood areas from various RTs in Jakarta. The way to get this information is also very easy, that is, you simply select the RT-Based Flood Map menu.


[Read this article to find out how to read flood maps]

If You Find a Flood, Report It Through JAKI

Finally, if there is heavy rain that causes inundation or flooding, you can report it through JAKI. With JAKI, it only takes you less than five minutes and the report is based on GPS location, so it can be followed up more accurately. In addition, you can also track your reports in real-time. Your report means a lot to Jakarta in tackling floods. So, how to report it? You can follow these steps.

  • Open JAKI 
  • Press the camera icon
  • Select the public option, for inundation/flood reports. Then, select create a report
  • Take photos of the flood/inundation you find
  • Select “Banjir” (flood) category
  • Write a description and detail of inundation in full. Then, fill in the location info and put the local landmark in more detail.
  • Select Simpan. Then, if the report is appropriate, you can select Kirim (send report). After this, you can monitor the progress of your report.

[Watch this video to find out how to report puddles on JAKI]

 However, if there are emergency conditions, such as fallen trees, floods, flooded roads, rescues, and others, you can also call 112 for immediate help.

That's some information that you need to pay attention to when finding potential puddles/floods around your area. Especially when it rains moderately to heavy intensity. In addition, because we are still amid a pandemic, please maintain health and observe all of the health protocols (maintain distance, wash your hands, use masks, stay away from crowds, avoid eating together, and reduce mobility).

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