23 Aug 2021

Public Places in Jakarta That Require Vaccination Certificate

by:Amira Sofa

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

23 Aug 2021

As the Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) Level 4 is being extended until August 23, 2021, there are new regulationsregarding public spaces that are allowed to operate. Public spaces that resume its operation will now require visitors to show their vaccination certificates or digital vaccination status as a requirement for activities in Jakarta. This provision is based on the observation that vaccines are able to reduce the risk of severity of illness and death due to Covid-19. 

Which public places in Jakarta that operate during PPKM and require its visitors and workers to show vaccination certificates?  Let’s read more in the following article. 

Public Spaces That Require Vaccination Certificates

The public places that may operate during PPKM and require their visitors and workers to show vaccination certificates are as follows.

  1. Essential sector workplaces/offices may operate with a maximum of 50% staff capacity. Meanwhile, for office administration, only 25% is allowed.
  2. Government sector workplaces/offices that provide public services and cannot be delayed may operate with a capacity of 25% of the staff. 
  3. Critical sector workplaces/offices may operate with 100% staff capacity. Meanwhile for office administration, only 25% is allowed.
  4. Supermarkets, traditional markets, grocery stores with limited operating hours until 8 p.m and 50% visitor capacity;
  5. Pharmacies and drug stores may operate for 24 hours;
  6. Public market that sells non-daily necessities may operate until 3 p.m and 50% visitor capacity;
  7. Street vendors, grocery stores, voucher agents/outlets, barbershops, laundry, hawkers, small workshops, vehicle washes, and similar places may operate until 8 p.m;
  8. Food stalls, street vendors, hawker stalls, and similar places may operate until 8 p.m with a maximum of 3 visitors eating in 1 table and a maximum dining time of 30 minutes; 
  9. Restaurants/cafes in closed buildings/shops located at their own location may operate with the provision not to provide dine-in services; 
  10. Restaurants/cafes in open-air or outdoor spaces may operate until 8 p.m with a maximum capacity of 25%, 1 table for maximum of 2 people, and maximum dining time of 30 minutes; 
  11. Shopping centers/malls/trade centers may operate with 50% capacity from 10 a.m to 8 p.m. In addition, visitors and employees are required to use the PeduliLindungi application for the screening process. Children under 12 years are not allowed to visit shopping centers/malls/trade centers;
  12. Restaurants/cafes in shopping centers/mall/trade centers may operate with a maximum dining capacity of 25%, 1 table for a maximum of 2 people, and a maximum dining time of 30 minutes;
  13. Construction site for public infrastructure may operate with adjusted operating hours and capacity; 
  14. Places of worship may operate with a maximum capacity of 50% or 50 people;
  15. Health service facilities may operate at 100% capacity;
  16. Outdoor sports facilities may operate until 8 p.m with a capacity of 25% of the maximum capacity, without spectators, a maximum of 4 people for small groups, and do not involve physical contact. Visitors to sports facilities are required to use the PeduliLindungi application for screening;
  17. Public transportation, mass transportation, conventional and online taxis, as well as rental vehicles may operate with a maximum passenger capacity of 50%;
  18.  Online and conventional taxi bikes may operate with 100% passenger capacity. 

All activities must be carried out in strict compliance with health protocols. From the regulations above, it can be concluded that all visitors and workers of the public places that operate during PPKM Level 4 must show their vaccination certificate. In addition, workers and visitors of shopping centers/malls/trade centers and outdoor sports facilities are also required to check in and check out via the PeduliLindungi application. You can read details about this regulation in the Governor’s Decree No. 987 Year 2021.

How To Show Your Vaccination Certificate

If you are asked to show a vaccination certificate when visiting public places in Jakarta, don’t worry! You can access it easily as long as you have been vaccinated, at least for dose 1. These are the steps. 

  1. Open PeduliLindungi application through JAKI 
  2. Choose “Akun” menu on the upper side of the main page
  3. Click “Sertifikat Vaksin”

  1. Choose the name of vaccine recipient

  1. Your vaccination certificate will show up

  1. Click on the desired certificate. Then, click “Unduh Sertifikat”.

  1. Certificate is downloaded. You just need to show it to the officer in public places. 

Digital Vaccination Status and Check In/Check Out System in JAKI

If you find it difficult to download a vaccination certificate via PeduliLindungi, JAKIoffers you a simpler alternative with digital vaccination status. Digital vaccination status is a documentation of a person’s vaccination status whose data is integrated with PeduliLindungi. You just need to show the digital vaccination status in the JAKI application to the officer in the public places. To do this, log in to JAKI, tap the “Pendaftaran Vaksinasi Covid-19” banner on the home page, enter your identity number (NIK) and full name according to your ID Card. Your digital vaccination status then will appear immediately. Besides the digital vaccination status system, JAKI is also currently developing check-in and check-out services. This feature is also integrated with PeduliLindungi and will help you to check in and check out when you want to go in and out of public spaces. 

That’s all the list of public places that operate during the PPKM Level 4 along with the requirements for visiting. Before traveling to public places, download the JAKI application on the  Google Play Storeor Apple App Storeand use it to show vaccination certificate, vaccination digital status, and later on, to check in and out in public places. While traveling, don’t forget to maintain health protocols! 

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