The Journey of Large-Scale Social Collaboration (KSBB) Platform
As a platform to unite generous people of Jakarta who volunteered to help with fellow citizens.communities, the Large-Scale Social Collaboration (KSBB) is an effort by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta to provide a place for its citizens to help each other during this pandemic.
Since it was launched on April 23, 2020, the KSBB program has helped spread aid from citizens to residents through a KSBB platform in the form of maps, so that they are more even and targeted.
KSBB platform in
Thank you for collaborating!
As from April 24, 2020 to June 2, 2020, the KSBB has collected commitments from donors totaling 388,501 Food Packages, 154,411 Fast Food Packages, 31,347 Lebaran Packages, and 2,344 cash packages aimed at economically vulnerable citizens at the hamlets level, orphanage or pesantren (boarding school). Thanks to you, vulnerable citizens affected by the pandemic in DKI Jakarta have received assistance during this difficult time.
The KSBB was welcomed by various elements of the DKI Jakarta community, both the providers and recipients of aid. Collaborators who have committed and distributed aid on a large scale have a variety of backgrounds, from companies, communities / organizations, to individuals. In addition, there are also aggregators who collect funds in advance from the general public until they reach a large amount, and then channel it through the KSBB platform.
Following are the collaborators of humanitarian heroes who have participated in KSBB.
Corporate/Group collaborators
1 | PT Bank Mandiri Syariah | 51 | Amway Indonesia |
2 | PT Matra Olah Cipta (ITC Permata Hijau) | 52 | Komplek Perumahan Ozon |
3 | Kelurahan Gunung | 53 | Asosiasi Advokat Indonesia |
4 | Sekretariat RW 02 (Kel. Gunung) | 54 | Kelurahan Palmeriam |
6 | PT Indofood Sukses Makmur | 56 | Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia (KAMMI) |
7 | JNE | 57 | PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol |
8 | MKKS SMP JAKTIM | 58 | Ketua RT 008 RW 03 (Gandaria Selatan) |
9 | PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) | 59 | Komunitas Syariah Fren |
10 | Kelurahan Pasar Minggu | 60 | PT PLN (Persero) UID Jakarta Raya |
11 | Bagus Group | 61 | KSP Sahabat Mitra Sejati |
12 | Yayasan Sosial Chairunnisa | 62 | Bank DKI |
13 | PT Djarum | 63 | Thamrin City |
14 | PT Java Teak Furn | 64 | Tokopedia |
15 | India Club | 65 | Polda Metro Jaya |
16 | Northstar Pacific | 66 | PT Danone |
17 | Asosiasi Museum Indonesia DKI Jakarta | 67 | Kredivo |
18 | Gabungan Pengusaha Makanan dan Minuman Seluruh Indonesia (GAPPMI) | 68 | Realme Indonesia |
19 | Perkumpulan Penyelenggara Jasaboga Indonesia (PPJI) | 69 | Masjid At-Taqwa Sriwijaya |
20 | YBM PLN | 70 | MT XL |
21 | Palyja | 71 | YASPORBI |
22 | Aetra | 72 | Permata Bank Syariah |
23 | Sintesa | 73 | PT Krama Yudha |
24 | Indomilk | 74 | PT Piaggio Indonesia |
25 | PT Lippo Karawaci | 75 | PT Sasa Inti |
26 | Indosat Ooredoo | 76 | KTO |
27 | PT Kreasi Imaji Putra Rachman | 77 | Takaful General Insurance |
28 | BNI KCU Melawai | 78 | PPJI |
29 | AYO Community | 79 | Hijab Shandana |
30 | PT Ace Engineering dan Construction | 80 | RH Pertugas |
31 | PT Satkomindo Mediyasa | 81 | Mandiri Insani (PT Bank Mandiri Tbk) |
32 | PT Astra International Tbk | 82 | PT Bank Central Asia Tbk |
33 | PT Astrindo Toyota Fatmawati | 83 | Polsek Cilandak |
34 | SOKSI | 84 | Apartemen Kemang Village |
35 | Koramil 07 Cilandak | 85 | HIPPINDO |
36 | Yayasan Agung Podomoro Land | 86 | Dharma Wanita Provinsi DKI Jakarta |
37 | Foodbank of Indonesia | 87 | RW 04 (Kel. Gandaria Selatan) |
38 | Intiland | 88 | PT Tigaraksa Satria Tbk. |
39 | Reasuransi Maipark Indonesia | 89 | Deputi Direktur Bidang Project Management BPJS Ketenagakerjaan |
40 | Yayasan Maghfiroh BPJS Ketenagakerjaan | 90 | PT Jantra Swarna Dikta |
41 | PT Patra Dinamika | 91 | PT Sunter Pratama Mandiri |
42 | PT Mondelez International | 92 | PT Orindo Alam Kayu |
43 | ZIS/UPZ PT Jamsyar | 93 | PT HM Sampoerna |
44 | Bintal DJKN | 94 | Dapur Kita Bersama |
45 | Vanilla Hijab | 95 | Relawan Jokowi |
46 | UPZ BKN | 96 | Ray White Fatmawati |
47 | PGRI Provinsi DKI Jakarta | 97 | PT Polytama Propindo |
48 | RW 02 (Kel. Cilandak Barat) | 98 | Ikatan Alumni Diklatpim III Angkatan 51/2019 |
49 | Gereja Santo Stefanus Paroki | 99 | Jakarta Sigap Senusa by JAKPRO |
50 | PT Pondok Indah Golf | 100 | PT. Spedak Utama Sipindo |
Individual Collaborator
1 | H. Yendra Fahmi |
2 | Sarah Diana Yulianti |
3 | Sri Haryanti |
4 | Afifudin Kalla |
5 | Tuti Maryati |
6 | Ratih Savitri Ali |
7 | Suharno |
8 | Sunaryo |
9 | Ny. Grace |
10 | Bpk. Aldo |
11 | Bpk. Emir |
12 | Hj. Ratmi |
1 | ACT |
2 | PMI DKI Jakarta |
3 | Rumah Zakat |
4 | Dompet Dhuafa |
5 | Human Initiative |
6 | BAZIS BAZNAS DKI Jakarta |
Thank you for collaborating through the KSBB platform.
Smartcitizen, you can also monitor collaborator data summaries and channel aid for the Jakarta KSBB program through the KSBB Dashboardand the KSBB Collaboratorfeatures.
Call to Humanity
The pandemic is still not over. There are still many vulnerable people who need your help. Therefore, Jakarta calls you to collaborate and become part of this movement. You can register as a large-scale collaborator or simply contact the aggregator who will collect and distribute your aid funds. Come visit get complete information about KSBB. Let's go through this difficult time by strengthening each other.