The Differences Between Jakarta’s Flood in 2020 and 2021

by:Syora Alya Eka Putri

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

26 Feb 2021

In early 2021, some areas in DKI Jakarta were flooded. It is reminiscent of early 2020 floods which also submerge some regions of Jakarta and surrounding areas. In both occasions, extreme weathers with heavy rainfalls became one of the main factors of the flooding. However, is there a difference between flooding in 2021 and flooding in 2020? Let’s find out.


The Differences

The difference between the two years can be seen from several parameters: the number of flooded RW (hamlets), the number of evacuees, the number of evacuation sites, and the times needed for flood to recede. Here is the data that will shows the difference between the two:

source: Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta 


Overall, the data shows a decrease from flooding in 2020 to flooding in 2021. However, before we discuss the differences, there is an equation, namely rainfall, that is equally included in extreme precipitation classification (more than 150 mm/day). The highest rainfall in 2020 was 337 mm. While the highest rainfall in 2021 was 226 mm. The decrease can see the difference in the number of rws that are inundated. In 2020 as many as 390 RW flooded, while in 2021, as many as 113 RW. Subsequently, the number of refugees also decreased. In 2020, 36,445 people were displaced, while in 2021, there were 3,311 people displaced by flooding. Then, the number of evacuation sites decreased as well. In 2020 there were 269 evacuation sites spread across several regions, while in 2021, there were 44 evacuation sites. Lastly, the receding time of puddles also decreases. In 2020 the reservoirs receded for a maximum of four days, while in 2021, the pools reduce in just a day.


Focus on Flood Management

Floods that occur in 2021 show improvements compared to floods in 2020. It can see from the decrease in flood-affected areas. The Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta continues to make efforts to deal with flooding.

  • Normalizing Waterways

Normalizationof waterways is a method used to channel water, especially when rainfall is high. Steps taken for the river's normalization are dredging the river, building sodetan, and constructing dams. The Provincial Government of DKI Jakartacontinues to support river normalization programs that integrate with the central government. 

  • Build Infiltration Well

The Provincial Government of DKI Jakartaalso built an infiltration well. There are about 3,964 infiltration wells in Jakarta. In the future, building infiltration wells becomes a long-term program. The target will be 300,000 infiltration wells to be made. By 2020, the Water Resources Office has created 2,974 infiltration wells.


  • Optimizing the Pump 

In anticipation of flooding, the Provincial Government of DKI Jakartaalso optimized the pump and built five pump houses in Jakarta. Then, in the rainy season, the Provincial Governmentprepared 487 units of stationer pumps and 175 portable pumps. Stationer pumps are scattered near rivers, reservoirs, and floodgates, while mobile pumps are alerted at flood-prone points.


To get the latest information about flooding in Jakarta, Smarticitizen can monitor official channels owned by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta through the Jakarta Flood Monitoringwebsite. Besides, Smarticitizen can also download the JAKI app, via App Storeor Google Play Store, to report puddles with JakReport feature. 

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