13 May 2022

Do's and Don'ts While Picnic at Tebet Eco Park

by:Syora Alya Eka Putri

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

13 May 2022

Enjoying the green atmosphere in the middle of the city can be an option for you to fill your free time or spend the weekend. Yup, you can come to one of the newest parks in Jakarta, namely Tebet Eco Park. But before having a picnic here, there are some important things for you to note, read this article!

Getting There

Tebet Eco Park is located in Tebet Timur Raya area in South Jakarta. What is amazing about this park is that there is no entrance fee! The park is open every day, starting from 06.00 to 19.00 WIB. In addition, access to this park is also very easy! You can use public transportation because of the limited parking space provided, such as the KRL Commuter Line and then get off at Tebet Station. Arriving at Tebet Station, you can walk for 10 minutes to be able to arrive at the park location. Alternatively, you can also come using Transjakarta corridor 5N (Kampung Melayu-Ragunan), Mikrotrans JAK18 (Kalibata-Kuningan Station), and Mikrolet M34 (Kalibata-Manggarai), then later stop at the nearest stop Tebet Park.

Rich with Relaxing and Fun Activities

In this 7,3 hectare park, there is a wide selection of zones that can be visited which are divided into two sides, namely north and south. On the north side, you can find a plaza that provides food and beverage stalls, grass areas on the community lawn, and thematic gardens that provide various types of plants and flowers. Then, on the south side, there are spots that can be visited such as community garden zones, educational zones on the wetland boardwalk, children’s play zones, tree areas in the forest buffer. Well, to be able to visit both sides, you can pass the infinity link bridge that connects between the northern park and the southern park.

In each of these zones, you can picnic on the community lawn, take pictures at some of the available photo spots, walk on the infinity link bridge, thematic park, or on the wetland boardwalk. Here there are also other facilities such as toilets, musala, and benches to relax. In addition, those who bring children, can play in the playground area in this park. There are so many choices of activities that can be done here?

The Do’s When Visiting Tebet Eco Park

Well, so that you can still feel comfortable when visiting this park in the midst of a pandemic, there are some things you need to do, such as the following.

  • Make sure your body is healthy when visiting this public area. After activities in this public space, it is important to consume nutritious food, get enough rest, and take vitamins as a step to maintain the body’s immunity.
  • Stay away from the crowd and keep your distance by choosing a spot spot that is not too crowded.
  • Always wear a mask and carry a hand sanitizer.
  • Bring personal equipment such as cutlery and personal worship equipment.

The point is that when traveling to the park, it is still important to do health protocols even if you are in an open room. Especially to keep your distance and stay away from the crowd, so that the risk of contracting it from the Covid-19 virus can be reduced. Well, likewise if you want to invite children to travel here, such as the following.

  • Ensure the child’s condition is healthy both before leaving and after returning home by providing nutritious food, getting enough sleep, giving vitamin supplements, and vaccinating.
  • Teaching children to obey health protocols, such as using masks, washing hands thoroughly, and maintaining distance from others when doing activities in public spaces.
  • Provide information to children not to touch the face area when hands are dirty and play in the park area. This is done as a step to reduce Covid-19 infection.

Important Rules When In Tebet Eco Park

In addition to maintaining health protocols, when visiting here it is important to remember the rules in Tebet Eco Park, such as.

  • Maintain park facilities and do not commit vandalism.
  • Throwing garbage in the place that has been provided.
  • Not smoking inside the park.
  • No alcoholic beverages.
  • Not carrying pets.
  • Don’t take shelter near a tree. 
  • It is forbidden to give fish food carelessly.

Then, you can also determine the destination before visiting this park, such as the time of visit or what activities you want to do. This is useful for the anticipation of avoiding crowds in public areas. To eat after activities, there is an MSME area in the plaza or there are several cafes or restaurants around Tebet that you can enjoy.

There are many things you can do before visiting this park. The activities carried out here are quite diverse, but still prioritize to always adhere to the 6M health protocol because the pandemic is not over and do not forget to vaccinate up to booster doses. May you always stay safe and healthy when having a picnic at Tebet Eco Park!

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