22 Mar 2022

Sustainable Mass Transportation Innovation in Jakarta

by:Syora Alya Eka Putri

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

22 Mar 2022

In early March 2022, 30 Transjakarta electric buses officially operated on four non-BRT routes. The presence of an electric bus embodies one of the indicators of a smart city, namely the smart environment. This is because this public transportation produces low emissions and minimal noise pollution. Therefore, the electric bus is an example of sustainable mass transportation in Jakarta.


Before discussing sustainable transportation, there is one organization that is engaged in pioneering sustainable transportation policies and projects and accommodating equality, namely the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP). In short, this organization consistently provides recommendations and assistance, including realizing sustainable transportation in big cities like Jakarta.



What is Sustainable Transportation?


“Sustainable transportation is transportation that considers the impact of transportation itself on environmental and social sustainability. Therefore, sustainable transportation is often associated with emissions or inclusiveness as well,” explained Rifqi. Jakarta Smart City had the opportunity to talk with Rifqi Anam, Transport Assistant at ITDP.Then, he revealed, sustainable transportation aims to improve people's quality of life from the environment, economy, and energy security. In the big picture, sustainable transportation is a transportation system that produces low emissions and is easily accessible to the public. 


Three Framework Sustainable Transportation

There are three frameworks, namely avoid, shift, and improve. Avoid is to minimize emissions. While the shift is the transition from private transportation to public transportation. While improving it has the impact to produce lower emissions. "For example, [the transformation of] Transjakarta buses from diesel buses to electric buses are included in the said framework," added Rifqi.



From a study conducted by ITDP Global, there are three indicators to determine sustainable mobility, namely proximity to public transportation, accessibility, and city characteristics. Proximity is the presence of people who live in rapid transit areas and are easily accessible to the public, including low-income residents. Meanwhile, accessibility can be interpreted when more jobs can be accessed via rapid and frequent transit, or it takes no more than 60 minutes to be accessed via public transportation. Then, the third indicator is related to cities that need to have good land use and become integrated cities that have good infrastructure for pedestrians, cyclists, and public transportation.


Sustainable Mass Transportation and Its Challenges


As at the beginning of the discussion, one of the sustainable transportation examples in Jakarta is the electric bus. According to Rifqi, there are several benefits to the existence of electric buses, such as producing low emissions, minimal noise pollution, and in terms of operation and maintenance, they can be more efficient because the components of electric buses are not as complex as diesel buses. The benefits of this electric bus can not only be felt now, but also for the next few years, because it can reduce gas emissions much more. Therefore, the 100 electric buses program carried out by the DKI Provincial Government is a good effort to provide environmentally friendly mass transportation.


"This pilot program of 100 electric buses in Jakarta, in our opinion (ITDP), is a good first step to realize zero-emission public transportation in Jakarta. Because, from the data we have, the emission of greenhouse gases and air pollution in Jakarta based on the type of bus is the highest. Now, if this bus is almost completely electrified, the impact will be very good for Jakarta, because the pollution from the bus track record is high," said Rifqi.


However, apart from the many benefits, there are also challenges that electric buses face. Such as ensuring the availability of sufficient infrastructure for charging places for electric transportation and there are still concerns regarding the sudden breakdown due to running out of energy. So, to make sure electric transportation runs reliably, there are provisions. It is to ensure that it is comfortable for use by the public. From the shape of the interior, there is no difference between electric and diesel buses. The difference is only the charging technology, electric or diesel.


There are still other challenges that need to be considered, namely the need for an ecosystem that can support the success of reducing emissions from electric-powered mass transportation. Such as financing for vehicle maintenance and building other infrastructure, including facilities for pedestrians and cyclists, limiting private vehicles by implementing electronic road pricing (ERP), as well as building public awareness about the importance of using sustainable transportation through knowledge transfer or campaigns.


In conclusion, electric-powered mass transportation has great benefits for the environment, as it reduces air and noise pollution. This transportation with electricity technology is being built in stages by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, as well as other supporting facilities. Well, now it's your turn, Smartcitizen. You can contribute to supporting the program, by using public transportation when commuting in Jakarta, including electric buses that are comfortable and environmentally friendly. In addition, Smartcitizens can find out about the development of policies regarding sustainable transportation through ITDP Indonesia's social media @itdpindonesiaor read other publications in full on the ITDP Indonesiawebsite.

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