24 Jun 2021

Parents Transfer and Teacher’s Children Pathway in Public Schools Enrollment

by:Amira Sofa

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

24 Jun 2021

The Parents Transfer and Teacher’s Children Pathway is one of the admission pathways in the public school enrollment (PPDB) that may seem a bit complex or confusing for Smartcitizen. Besides, this pathway has quite a long period and is still going on until the end of June. That is why, even though we’re already at the end of this public school enrollment period, Smartcitizen who enroll themselves as the prospective new students (CPDB) still need to know more information about this pathway. 

What is exactly the Parents Transfer and Teacher’s Children Pathway? What are the provisions? Read this article to find out! 

What Is Parents Transfer and Teacher’s Children Pathway?

Matched with its name, the Parents Transfer and Teacher’s Children Pathway is a an admission pathway that gives opportunity for children whose parents are transferred to a new area for work, so they don’t lose their rights by the zoning system and for the children whose parents are teachers and want to go to school where their parents teach. 

Who Is Eligible For This System? 

The Parents Transfer and Teacher’s Children pathway is for prospective new students with the following conditions: 

  • Students whose parents received an assignment letter from the agency, institution, office, or company that employs at least 1 year prior to the initial date of registration;
  • Students who choose to go to the same school as where their parents teach.

[Learn About Students Admission Pathways in PPDB]

The Quota for Parents Transfer and Teacher’s Children Pathway 

There is a 2% quota for the Parents Transfer and Teacher’s Children admission pathway in Elementary School (SD), Junior High (SMP), Senior High School (SMA), and in Vocational High School (SMK).

If the number of students who are registering through this system exceeds the capacity, then, the students will be graded through these following priority: 

  • The total weighting of the academic achievement index;
  • Students choices of schools;
  • Registration time

Parents Transfer and Teacher’s Children Pathway Schedule  

The schedules for this pathway are different based on the level of education. For the Elementary School level, the registration, selection, and announcement begins on 7 to 23 June 2021. Self-reporting, which will be done by students who pass the selection, will begin on 24 and 25 June 2021. For the Junior High and Senior High School level, the registration, selection, and announcement begins on 7 to 30 June 2021. Self-reporting, which will be done by students who pass the selection, will begin on 1 and 2 July 2021. For the Vocational High School level, the registration, selection, and announcement begins on 7 to 30 June 2021, with Self-reporting for the students who pass the selection on 1 and 2 July 2021.

[Online PPDB Schedule in Jakarta]

How To Register for PPDB and Its Flow 

It is important to remember that the entire Public School Enrollment process is done online. To apply for the Parents Transfer and Teacher’s Children pathway, the first thing you need to do is to prepare the documents that meet the requirements in the form of softcopy or scan. Then, access Jakarta PPDB web and choose the education level. Next choose the desired pathway admission on the left side of the page. After choosing the right education level and pathway, you need to register an account by clicking the “Ajuan Akun” button. Fill a form consisting of self information and upload the required documents correctly and completely. Preview the information. If the information and documents uploaded are already right, please do statement approval and click the “Lanjutkan” button. You will then get a participant’s number and verification code/token and can continue to the next stage, which is token activation.  

In this stage, you need to visit the Jakarta PPDB web and click the activation button by inserting the participant’s number (provided by Sidanira system). Then, change the token with your desired password. After token activation succeeded, you can get to the next stage, the school registration.

This is how to register PPDB through Parents Transfer and Teacher’s Children pathway: 

  1. Login to the PPDB website by inserting your participant’s number and password;
  2. Choose the education level;
  3. Choose “Pindah Tugas Orang Tua dan Anak Guru” pathway admission;
  4. Click “Daftar” menu.
  5. Choose the desired school;
  6. Print the proof of registration.

After that, you only need to monitor the results of the selection. Participants who pass the selection/accepted in the desired school, are required to do self-reporting. These are the steps: 

  1. Access PPDB web on ppdb.jakarta.go.id;
  2. Login by inserting participant’s number and password;
  3. Click “Lapor Diri” button; and
  4. Print the proof of self-report.

In order to create equal access in the PPDB process, the Jakarta Education Agency has also provided PPDB Service Posts and Regional Posts in several schools that you can use. If you want to know more about the Parents Transfer and Teacher’s Children admission pathway or other information regarding PPDB, you can visit the Jakarta Education Agency’s websiteand the Jakarta PPDB website

It is recommended for you to use the JAKI(Jakarta Kini) application if you don’t wanna miss the latest information about PPDB. JAKI will periodically send you push notifications consisting of information or reminders about PPDB. You can download JAKI through Google Play Storeor Apple App Store. What are you waiting for? Let’s download JAKI and use it to make your PPDB process even easier!

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