17 Jan 2021

Examining Data on PSBB Violations during 2020

by:Aditya Gagat Hanggara


17 Jan 2021

As we all know, Covid-19 pandemic has become a topic that dominated the world throughout 2020. As part of the effort to stop the spread of the Coronavirus, Jakarta's Government has implemented Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). This policy was taken by the government not only to limit the movement of people outside the home but also to foster discipline among people in maintaining their health during a pandemic. Twelve months ago, terms such as "mask mandate" or "social distancing" sounded foreign to our ears. Of course, these regulations serve an important purpose, to suppress and curb the spread of the pandemic. Even so, supervision is needed so that any efforts to stop the chain of a pandemic can take place effectively. 

Participation of Citizens to Supervise PSBB 

In ensuring that the PSBB rules can be followed in an orderly manner, Jakarta's Government continues to invite active participation from the community. This was then realized through the use of the Citizens Relation Management (CRM) system which was active even before the Covid-19 pandemic. With CRM, the people of Jakarta can report various problems, including complaints related to violations of PSBB rules, through 14 official channels provided by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. 

One of them is through the JAKI application, a super-app for Jakartan to make reports through the JakLapor feature. Apart from the mobile application, Jakarta's Government has also opened several other reporting methods, including the social media channel @dkijakarta, email address dki@jakarta.go.id, and SMS contact number 08111272206. All reports submitted by the public are then collected into informative data, which can be used by the government as part of the analytical process for effective policymaking. 

As part of government transparency, this data is also open for the public to view on the corona.jakarta.go.id website. Looking deeper, there is some interesting information, such as the number and trend of reporting during the pandemic period, from March 1 to December 31, 2020.

Most Popular Report Categories 

JAKI, Laporan PSBB, Pelanggaran PSBB

To help Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) in providing a more precise and effective response, residents must first select a category according to the type of problem or violation. From the picture above, we can see how throughout the implementation of the PSBB period (including the Transitional PSBB), the category of disturbance of peace and order topped the list of the ten most popular report categories with a total of 3,391 reports. Violations related to physical distancing rules such as making a crowd of more than five people fall into this category. 

In its follow-up, Satpol PP is often the OPD who answers complaints related to this problem, such as crowds dispersion and provides socialization about the importance of following the social distancing rule. If necessary, Satpol PP is also given the authority to close and seal the business premises that cause the crowd.

Innovation for Secure Reporting

Employer-Employee Relations category is the third most popular category. As we know, this category includes rules regarding maximum capacity at work. This must be followed by all managers of office buildings or workplaces, to minimize the possibility of new Covid-19 clusters. According to data from the Jakarta Manpower and Transmigration Office (Disnakertrans) at the end of 2020, 524 companies were closed due to Covid-19, 12 of which were closed because they did not implement health protocols during the Transitional PSBB period. 

Given the sensitive information reported, this category has also received special attention from Jakarta's Government, particularly with regard to the confidentiality of the reporter's data. Jakarta Smart City, the developer of JAKI, has responded to this concern by launching an innovation in the form of an option to make reports anonymously through the Hide Report feature so that the identity and contact of the reporter are not revealed by outside parties. 

[JAKI’s New Hide Report Feature Helps You Report Safely]

JAKI as The Most Popular Channel 

JAKI, Laporan PSBB, Pelanggaran PSBBJAKI, Laporan PSBB, Pelanggaran PSBB

As already mentioned, there are 14 official complaint channels available to make reports of PSBB violations. From the data above, now we can know that JAKI is the most frequently used by the people of Jakarta. There were 2,898 reports sent via the JakLapor feature in the JAKI application. Twitter came second with 1,324 reports. It allows citizens to send complaints in the form of a tweet and direct message to the official accounts owned by Jakarta's Government. The CRM data also recorded 1,231 reports that were submitted by electronic mail or email. For residents who don't have access or do not want to use an internet connection, the government is still opening a complaint channel via SMS or short text messages, which came fourth most popular for the people of Jakarta.

Where Do The PSBB Reports Come From?

JAKI, Laporan PSBB, Pelanggaran PSBB 

CRM received reports of PSBB violations from all six administrative districts/cities in Jakarta. We can see that East Jakarta was the region with the highest number of reports last year with 980 reports. It may not come as a surprise, because East Jakarta is the administrative city with the largest population in Jakarta. However, the same trend does not apply in the second and third place. South Jakarta, which has the third-largest population in Jakarta, is instead in the second place for the highest number of reports (967 reports). On the other hand, with a larger population, West Jakarta is below South Jakarta with 771 reports. Central Jakarta and North Jakarta sent 684 and 539 reports, respectively. Meanwhile, residents of the Thousand Islands District only sent one report. 

Trends in Reporting PSBB Violations 

JAKI, Laporan PSBB, Pelanggaran PSBB

To find out when the most PSBB violations were reported, we can look at the reporting trend data as seen above. The first spike occurred when Jakarta's Government imposed PSBB for the first time in April 2020. Then, with the Transitional PSBB which began to be implemented in early June 2020, the number of reports that entered the CRM system had decreased. 

This trend continued at least until the second spike that occurred in mid-September 2020, which coincides with the tightening of the PSBB in Jakarta. At that time, Governor Anies Baswedan decided to pull the "emergency brake" after the increase in positive cases of Covid-19 and the occupancy rate of hospital beds during the Transitional PSBB period. After these two spikes, the number of reports has declined again and then stabilized, before increasing slightly by the end of 2020.

Report Completion Rate Reaches 97.7% 

JAKI, Laporan PSBB, Pelanggaran PSBB

Finally, we arrived at the data on the status of PSBB violation reports throughout 2020. Of the total 8,345 reports contained in the CRM system, 8,155 or 97.7% were successfully followed up completely by Jakarta's Government. Apart from health workers and OPD officials who tirelessly work at the frontline, appreciation and gratitude should also be given to all of you who have been part of continuous efforts to stop the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Every PSBB violation report that you send will have a big impact on maintaining order and health together. Keep in mind too, with the turn of the year, it doesn't mean that we can lower our guard. Moreover, the PSBB is back in effect in Jakarta. Therefore, let's continue this collaboration by being diligent in reporting any violations that you encounter. Don't forget to always carry out the health protocols and continue to monitor the development of the Covid-19 case via the corona.jakarta.go.id website.

More in CRM Category

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