Get Electronic KTP plus NIK and Access Personal Info via Akun Warga!

by:Eva Simorangkir

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

16 May 2023

Hip hip hooray! Who has turned 17 years old? Congratulations on reaching this fabulous milestone! Now, it is time to celebrate the sweet seventeen by applying for an official electronic ID card or electronic KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk). Are you ready?

Electronic KTP is a must-have item for all Indonesian residents. The main requirement is that a resident has to be 17 years old or is already married. Are you curious about how to apply for one? Let us dive in!

Preparations to Apply for an Electronic KTP

Smartcitizens need to ensure certain things to apply for an electronic KTP. There is a certain due date you have to be aware of and prepare some documents. 

Residents need to apply no later than 14 days after:

  • turning 17 years old;
  • date issue of Letter Statement of Address Change or Surat Keterangan Pindah Datang for relocation from out of city or country;
  • date of resident status change, from being temporary Foreigner Resident to being an Indonesian resident.

Documents that need to be prepared: 

→ for new electronic KTP

  • photocopy of Family Card or Kartu Keluarga and
  • photocopy of Birth Certificate or Akte Kelahiran

→ for in and out migrants, electronic KTP will be issued altogether with newFamily Card.

→ for change of data

  • original Family Card or KTP and
  • supporting documents such as photocopy of marriage certificate, death certificate, divorce certificate, birth certificate, college diploma, appointment setting, or change of religion certificate.

→ for replacement of missing or broken KTP

  • Letter of missing or broken KTP from the police department
  • Photocopy of Family Card.

Procedure to apply for an electronic KTP:

→ online application:

  1. click, choose Masuk or Login, and enter NIK or password;
  2. choose Pencetakan e-KTP;
  3. click Tambah Permohonan;
  4. click Cetak on the column of family member whose electronic KTP is about to be issued;
  5. review the submitted data;
  6. choose one kinds of the KTP (new/change of data/broken/missing/or change of domicile);
  7. for new KTP, click “Kirim Permohonan Cetak”. Other than that, tick the boxes of “Dokumen Persyaratan”, input your phone number, and click “Kirim Permohonan Cetak”;
  8. upload the required documents and then click “Upload”;
  9. choose the Service Point or the place of printing and pickup date of KTP. After that, click “Kirim Permohonan Cetak”;
  10. if there is no change of place and pickup date, choose “YA”; and
  11. click the printer icon at the bottom to download the KTP application letter.

Smartcitizens will get a text message if your electronic KTP is already issued. 

Remember to pick up the issued electronic KTP at the point you have chosen before.

→ offline application:

  1. visit the sub-district or kelurahan/desa office, approximately from 08:00 to 16:00 o’clock;
  2. bring your documents such as the original and photocopy of Family Card or Kartu Keluarga and RT/RW cover letter; 
  3. acquire the queue number from the counter and wait for your turn;
  4. show your original documents and hand over the photocopied ones to the officer;
  5. get your photo taken by the officer and do the fingerprinting;
  6. sign your autograph on the available equipment;
  7. do a retina scanning; and
  8. collect your official signed and stamped covering letter or Surat Pengantar.

The Surat Pengantar can be used as a temporary ID card. After going through the whole process, Smartcitizens are able to expect the issued electronic KTP in two weeks. You will be informed when it is done. Do not forget to bring your Surat Pengantar to the kelurahan/desa office!

Access Your NIK-Integrated Personal Data Using Akun Warga on JAKI

You will get Nomor Induk Kependudukan (NIK) after applying for an electronic KTP. What you really should know is that using the Akun Warga (Citizen’s Account) feature on JAKI, you now can access all the NIK-integrated data such as family data, residential data, and many more. Want to know how to access it? Let us find out below!

  1. sign up or log in to your JAKI account;

  1. click "Profil";

  1. verify your NIK;

  1. enter your full name based on your electronic KTP, NIK, and upload the photo of your electronic KTP;

  1. take a selfie whilst holding your electronic KTP, and then choose "Ambil Foto";

  1. click "Sesuai" when the photo is taken appropriately;

  1. tick the agreement statement to confirm your personal data, and then click "Konfirmasi"; and

  1. now, you only have to wait for the NIK to get confirmed by the officer. 

It will take at least two days to get your NIK confirmed. When it is done, you will finally be able to access all your personalised information, such as:

  • Pendidikan
  • Kesehatan
  • Sosial
  • Status DTKS
  • Ketahanan Pangan
  • Informasi Rusunawa

meanwhile, there will be more coming soon options:

  • Objek Pajak
  • Tenaga Kerja
  • UMKM
  • Kepemudaan & Olahraga

Education shapes your bright future! Find out about your educational support using the Pendidikan option. Here, Smartcitizens are able to see information about Kartu Jakarta Mahasiswa Unggul (KJMU) dan Kartu Jakarta Pintar (KJP). This option shows the periods, steps, and years of support acquisition. 

If Smartcitizens choose the Kesehatan option, you can see your Covid-19 vaccination status.

Information about Bantuan Sosial for your family is available using the Sosial option. The kinds of supports from Bantuan Sosial are Kartu Lansia Jakarta (KLJ), Kartu Anak Jakarta (KAJ), dan Kartu Penyandang Disabilitas Jakarta (KPDJ). Here, you can see the acquisition periods and amount.

When choosing the Status DTKS option, Smartcitizens will find information about Data Terpadu Kesejahteraan Sosial. Data of Penerima Bantuan Iuran (PBI), Bantuan Pangan Non-Tunai (BPNT), Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP), Kartu Keluarga Sejahtera (KKS), dan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) are visible here.

Take a look at the Ketahanan Pangan to find information about acquisition of subsidised food. Choose the year and you will see your bank account there.

Smartcitizens are also able to access information about housing. You can see your domicile address and status of slum RW.

Also read: Akun Warga: Personalized Services and Information

Very convenient, isn’t it? The Akun Warga feature comes in handy when it comes to giving your personal information. Now, who is more excited to apply for an electronic KTP and acquire an NIK? When you are done, never forget to download JAKI on Google Playor AppStore!

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