11 Nov 2021

Exploring Pantau Banjir Website

by:Amira Sofa

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

11 Nov 2021

The Jakarta Provincial Government through Jakarta Smart City together with the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) and the Water Resources Agency (DSDA) launched the Pantau Banjir website. The website serves as a one-stop information portal regarding the flood mitigation in Jakarta. With the arrival of this year’s rainy season, you need to know the ins and outs of the Pantau Banjir website. Let’s check out the Pantau Banjir website’s menu and its use. 

Home Menu

The first menu on the website is the homepage. The homepage consists of news slides, early warnings, weather forecasts, water level data, available water pump data, information shortcuts and flood services, to procedures for reporting flood inundation through JAKI.

The news slider contains news about inundation, flooding, mitigation, and handling. The news available is sourced from beritajakarta.idand is updated every day. Through this news, you can find out the latest and most accurate information regarding the flood conditions in Jakarta.


Next is an early warning notice. This sub-menu provides warnings related to extreme conditions that can trigger disasters such as deep puddles, floods and so on. Usually, what is displayed is an area with extreme weather conditions. This data is accurately sourced from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG). Because extreme weather does not occur all the time, this early warning does not always appear on the site. So, no need to worry if one day you don't find an early warning on the Pantau Banjir website.

If you scroll down the page a little, you will find the next sub-menu, namely weather forecasts. You will be informed about the weather forecast for a number of Jakarta areas so that you can anticipate the changing conditions during the rainy season.

Next, there is also water level data and available water pump data. You can see the weather, water level, floodgate alert status, and observation posts around you or other areas. In addition, you can also check the total and operational status of water pumps in various regions.



The Home menu on the Pantau Banjir website also provides several shortcuts for information and services about flooding. Among them are Panggilan Darurat (Emergency Calls) to contact Jakarta Siaga 112, Info Banjir (Flood Information) to find out things about Jakarta floods in detail, Peta Bencana (Disaster Maps) to find locations affected by floods, Akses Data (Data Access) to view visualizations of disaster data in Jakarta, and Tanya Jawab (Frequently Asked Questions) to view various questions and answers related to the Jakarta floods.

If you find puddles, floods, or other problems that can trigger flooding, you can report them through the JakLapor feature in JAKI. The Home menu of the Pantau Banjir website also provides procedures for reporting inundation or flooding through JAKI, so you can use it as a guide for reporting. This procedure is also equipped with a shortcut to download the JAKI application through the Google Play Storeand Apple App Store.

At the end of the homepage menu, you will be presented with snippets of news and infographics about floods and BPBD social media. This feature aims to make it easier for you to view news, social media, and download available infographics. You can browse more complete versions of the three in the next menu on the Pantau Banjir website.

Data Menu

The Data menu presents data related to flooding. Currently, the data includes the Flood Scenario Dashboard: Potentially Inundated RWs, Jakarta Flood Monitoring Dashboard, and Jakarta Water Resources Service Dashboard.

Through the Flood Scenario Dashboard, you can see areas on the map that are affected by flooding based on certain scenarios, which include flooding due to rain from upstream, flooding due to local rain, and so on. In addition, you can also see the waterways, the number of kelurahan, the number of RT and RW, the number of people and families, and the overview of the affected area.

Next up is the Pantau Banjir Monitoring Dashboard. On this dashboard, you can check the condition of the water pump, the top 5 pump houses with the number of active pumps per hour, the condition of the floodgates, and the percentage of the floodgates that are on standby. Then, you can also see a summary of the reports that were sent to the Cepat Respons Masyarakat (city’s reporting channels), starting from the number of reports per region, report completion status, affected RWs, water level reports, pump report details, floodgate reports details, to flood CRM reports details. All this data is live and updated regularly.

The next dashboard, namely the DSDA Dashboard, provides data related to stationary pumps, mobile pumps, sluice gates, river/river flows, reservoirs, infiltration wells, connection panels (PHB), wastewater treatment plants (IPAL), water treatment plants (IPA) , heavy equipment and dump trucks, local CCTV, to CCTV network.

Map Menu

The map menu displays flood-related maps, namely the 2021 Flood History Map, Flood Information Map, RT-Based Flood Map, and Flood Scenario Map.

On the 2021 Flood History Map, you can see the flood-affected areas throughout 2021. The flood-affected areas will appear based on the region, sub-district, village, and the time period you choose. In addition, you can also find out the name, number, and area of the RT affected by the flood.

Then, through the Flood Information Map, you can see sluice points, observation posts, pump houses, rainfall, CRM reports, flood posts, viral objects, and reservoirs spread across Jakarta. You can also set time settings to view data on certain days and hours. This map also provides information on the depth of inundation or flooding which is divided into 4, namely 10-30 cm, 31-70 cm, 71-150 cm, and 150 cm and above.

The next map is the RT-Based Flood Map. Here, you can find out which RTs are affected by floods in Jakarta. When the point on the map is clicked, you will also find information about the RT, such as the name of the sluice gate, the name of the river, the water level, the time of the last update, and the status of the water level.

Next is the Flood Scenario Map. Like the Flood Scenario Dashboard, the Flood Scenario Map also displays data on RWs affected by floods in Jakarta. The data can be filtered based on flood scenarios, regions, sub-districts, urban villages, RWs, and waterways. You can also see the number and area of affected RTs, the number of families and the number of people in the RT, to the number of RWs per affected sub-district.

Flood Information Menu

The Flood Information menu provides various information about floods in Jakarta. This menu consists of two sub-menus, namely About Jakarta Floods and Cross-Year Flood Data.

In the About Jakarta Floods sub-menu, you can see general information about floods in Jakarta. The information includes the causes of flooding, flood mitigation efforts from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and the community, information about how to find out flood locations, how to report flood inundations, what to do before a flood occurs, when there is a potential for flooding, during a flood, and after a flood.

On the Cross-Year Flood Data page, you can see data on flood conditions in Jakarta from year to year. This data is sourced from BMKG, BPBD, and Jakarta Open Data. The data available is in the form of rainfall data, affected areas, average water levels, to the number of fatalities each year.

Media Menu

The media menu consists of the Documents, Infographics, News, and Gallery sub-menus.

In the Documents sub-menu, you can view and download documents or press releases about disaster information in Jakarta. All documents and press releases are official information from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

In the Infographics sub-menu, you can view and download infographics regarding disaster information in Jakarta. This infographic is based on official information from the Jakarta Provincial Government.

The next sub-menu is news, which contains news and articles about flood disaster information in Jakarta. All the news is official information from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

The last sub-menu on the Media menu is Gallery, which contains photos of flood events. Photos are arranged by year and month of flood events.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Menu

Do you have any questions about flooding? No need to worry. The Pantau Banjir website, especially on the FAQ page, provides frequently asked questions and their answers. The list of questions and answers is divided into 3 categories, namely Flood Information, Facing Floods, and Flood Handling.

Contact Menu

Last, but not least is the contact menu. This menu summarizes emergency numbers, emails, along with addresses of OPDs (Regional Apparatus Organizations) that you can contact if you experience a flood, namely Jakarta’s BPBD, Jakarta Social Service, and Jakarta’s DSDA. In addition, this page also provides shortcuts for various applications that can be contacted to request flood assistance, such as BMKG SignatureSantanuMHEWS BNPB, and PetaBencana.id.

Report Flood Problems as a Mitigation Step


Not only did the Jakarta Provincial Government create the Pantau Banjir Website to mitigate flooding, but they also took various further prevention measures, such as improving drainage, dredging reservoirs, and others.

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As a resident of Jakarta, you can also contribute to mitigating floods by reporting inundation, flooding, or other problems that could trigger a similar disaster through the JAKI application. You can find detailed steps for reporting on the Pantau Banjir websiteas mentioned earlier.

These are the intricacies of the Pantau Banjir Website that you can access to find out the latest flood conditions in Jakarta. In addition to the Pantau Banjir website, the Jakarta Provincial Government has also taken various mitigation actions, such as improving drainage, dredging reservoirs, and others. As a resident of Jakarta, you can also contribute to mitigating floods by reporting inundation, flooding, or other problems that could trigger a similar disaster through the JAKIapplication. JAKI can be downloaded on Google Play Storeor Apple App Store

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