15 May 2023

Exploring News Feature in JAKI

by:Amira Sofa

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

15 May 2023

As a smart city, Jakarta's development is relatively rapid. In the first half of 2023, several infrastructures are reviewed and developed, such as Tanah Abang Station and the normalization of Ciliwung River. That’s only regarding infrastructures, not to mention urban development in other fields.

With the pace and intensity of Jakarta’s city development, have you ever thought about how you can keep up with information? How do you ensure that the news you read is valid? JAKI has News feature to help you solve this! Read more to find out about the feature.

News Feature: Presents Accurate and Up-to-date Information from Official Sources

News is one of the top features of the JAKI application which provides news and information about Jakarta. What is the difference between News feature and other portals? The information and news that you get through News feature come directly from the related Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD). In fact, each OPD publishes information in JAKI through their respective accounts, so you can easily find out where the information was obtained.

For example, Jabodetabek’s daily weather forecast. This information will be uploaded directly by the Regional Disaster Management Agency from their account. After that, you will get notifications regarding information, especially if the information is classified as an emergency. With this integrated access system, the news you get are guaranteed to be accurate and you can get them quickly. Apart from that, News feature is also equipped with a push notification feature, so you don't have to worry about missing the latest news.

What’s in News?

Now, you already know the functions and advantages of News feature. In order for you to access information smoothly later on, let's go through the feature!

When you open JAKI, you will find a series of excellent features. Click the News icon to access its feature. Then, you will be directed directly to the News page. This page was updated in 2022 to make it easier for you to navigate News and get more complete information. This is the interface you will receive.

At the top of the page, you will find the Jakarta News slider. This slider contains the five news coverage and publications of the most recent Beritajakarta (Jakarta News). For your information, Beritajakarta is one of the information service channels for the public carried out by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta through the Office of Communication, Informatics, and Statistics. Therefore, the news that you receive through the slider is trusted. 

The Jakarta News slider in the JakWarta feature contains the latest news about Jakarta which is integrated with the Beritajakarta information service channel.

The sliders can shift automatically. If you want to read one of the news items on the slider, you can click on the photo or news title. You can also share the information. To do this, click the icon at the bottom right of the slider.

To read more news, click All on the top right of the slider. There, there will be other news that you can access. If you click on the desired information, the whole news will appear. Below the news title, there is also a feature to copy the news link and share it on Facebook, Twitter, or email.

Swiping down from the Jakarta News slider, we have Info Terkini (The Latest Info). In this section, you can see information uploaded directly to the JAKI application by Jakarta Smart City and OPD. Various information is available, ranging from information on the Jakarta Smart City event, MSME training, weather early warning, and others. The Info Terkini sliders do not shift automatically, so you need to move the slider yourself if you want to see more information. To share information, click the icon at the bottom right of the slider.

Want to see information other than what is shown? Click Semua at the top right of the Info Terkini. You will find a list of other up-to-date info. You can search for news by typing keywords on the search bar. If you click on one of the information, the entire information will appear. There are features to copy news links, share links to Facebook, Twitter, or email, as well as like and save information.

The Latest Info Slider contains information uploaded directly to JakWarta by Jakarta Smart City and OPD.

Next, there is Cuitan dari Jakarta (Tweets from Jakarta). This section contains information that has been published through the Twitter account of each OPD. Such as water level information from the Water Resources Service's Twitter and Weather Early Warning from the Regional Disaster Management Agency. The sliders do not shift automatically, you can swipe left to see other posts.

Just like in the previous sections, to see all the information on Cuitan dari Jakarta, you can click Semua at the top right. There is also a search bar that can help you find desired tweets using keywords. Each tweet has the features to like, share, and save the link.

The Cuitan Jakarta slider in JakWarta contains information that has been published through the Twitter account of each OPD.

Lastly, we have the complementary feature of News, Majalah JaKita (JaKita Magazine) at the very bottom of the page. This section is your shortcut to the Majalah JaKita website. Majalah JaKita itself is a digital magazine owned by The Jakarta Provincial Government which covers topics around Jakarta in each edition, ranging from information on services, and communities, to new things in the capital city. With this shortcut on News, you can access Majalah JaKita more quickly in just one application.

Majalah Kita section in JakWarta is a shortcut to the JaKita Magazine website.

How easy is it to access News feature? Currently, News' information integration is still being developed. Hopefully, in the future, more OPDs will be able to integrate their publications with this feature so you can get more comprehensive information. In the meantime, let's continue to use News feature to get accurate information about the city! Don't have JAKI to access it yet? Download it on Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Have fun exploring the feature!

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