Students Admission Pathways in PPDB Jakarta 2021
Parents, teachers, and students are currently busy preparing for the new student admission. This year, there are four admission pathways in PPDB Jakarta. There are admission through the zoning system, affirmation, parents transfer and teacher's children, and academic and nonacademic achievement. Based on Governor Regulation Number 32 of 2021about Technical Instructions for Admission of New Students, here are the summary of the PPDB Jakarta admission pathways:
Source: @PPDBDKI1via Twitter
Zoning System Pathway
This admission system is intended for students who live within the designated zoning area. The zoning path is determined based on the domicile of the students with the following conditions:
- First priority zone, students who live in the same neighborhood of the school location;
- Second priority zone, students who live directly adjacent to or intersects in the neighborhood of the school location, and
- Third priority zone, students who live in the same urban village as the school location.
If the number of students who are registering through the zoning system exceeds the capacity, then, the student will be graded through these following steps:
- age from oldest to youngest;
- students’ school choice, and
- registration time.
Affirmation Pathway
Admission through the affirmation system is subsidized by the government with the aim of providing greater opportunities for children from underprivileged families.
- First priority consist of:
- foster children, who are listed in the Orphanage Family Card;
- persons with disabilities, students with special needs and evidenced by a certificate from a competent party;
- students whose parents are health workers who passed away during handling the Covid-19 Jakarta. Evidenced by a letter of statement signed by Head of Health Department
- students who are recipients of the Jakarta Smart Plus Card as well as recipients of the Smart Indonesia Program, except for elementary school level.
Note: students who are registered as the first priority are not subject to a selection process.
- Second priority consists of:
- Jakarta Smart Plus Card holders who are still active in phase I and phase II in the current year;
- students who are registered in the Social Welfare Integrated Data from the Social Service;
- students whose parents are Trans Jakarta driver who drive a small bus, recommended by the Department of Transportation; and
- students whose parents are workers/laborers who have regional identity cards with salary ranges equal to 1.1 times the provincial minimum wage, not limited by years of service. Must get a recommendation from the agency in charge of manpower and transmigration affairs.
Parents Transfer and Teacher's Children Pathway
This admission pathway is for children whose parents are transferred to a new area for work, so they don’t lose their rights by the zoning system. This system is also intended for children whose parents are teachers who want to go to school where their parents teach. This system is intended for students with the following conditions:
- students whose parents received an assignment letter from the agency, institution, office or company that employs at least 1 (one) year prior to the initial date of registration; and
- students who choose to go to the same school as where their parents teach
If the number of students who are registering through this system exceeds the capacity, then, the student will be graded through these following steps:
- the total weighting of the academic achievement index;
- student school choice; and
- registration time.
Academic and Nonacademic Achievement Pathway
This pathway aims to give appreciation to children who have demonstrated academic and non-academic achievements. The indicators and weighting of academic and non-academic achievement indices are determined by the head of the department in charge of education.
If the number of students who are registering through this system exceeds the capacity, then, the student will be graded through these following steps:
- the total weighting of the academic achievement index;
- order of school choice; and
- registration time.
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