13 Jan 2023

Jakarta’s Five Nominations for World Stage of WSIS 2023

by:Muhammad Raedyan Kahfi

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

13 Jan 2023

Jakarta and Indonesia should be proud! In early 2023, we were greeted with happy news that five Jakarta innovations were nominated in the international competition World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Prizes. This event is a forum that supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), by awarding and encouraging the development of initiatives through information and communication technology (ICT). Competing with innovations from around the world, the annual event is organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), an affiliation of the United Nations (UN). This year, the innovation projects are divided into four categories. What are the categories and projects? Let’s see the explanation!


In using information technology, it is necessary to feel confident and safe to use it, especially with regard to users’ personal data. This is because the internet is a vulnerable place for data leaks. According to Surfshark, a Netherlands-based cybersecurity company, there were 12.74 million accounts leaked in Indonesia in the third quarter of 2022 recorded until September 13, 2022.

JakLapor comes as a public complaint platform that prioritizes data security, using the principle of Privacy by Design. This means that the JakLapor system does not store and utilize the reporter’s personal data. This makes the reporter’s identity hidden, even from officers. Your report will be resolved properly and your personal data will remain safe!

Data Science Trainee dan Master Data Management

Technology evolves with the passage of time. Its implementation must of course be adjusted, so that it can fit the needs. All aspects are affected, including science or data. It is like a double-edged knife that can be useful, but can also be the opposite. Insufficient human resources can be one of the challenges.

Jakarta Smart City has a Data Science Trainee program as a form of support to build a smart city community. This activity is a process of increasing knowledge and skills aimed at creating digital talent in the field of information technology, using the Data Science approach. This program can create an inclusive environment that can increase innovation, participation, and creativity to provide smart solutions.

In terms of data processing and integration, Jakarta is developing Master Data Management (MDM). Master data from various valuable sources across agencies, applications, and services will be identified and managed in a central repository as high-quality master data. MDM integrates and standardizes population data, providing a faster, more accurate and accessible picture. This will facilitate and bridge various needs in Jakarta, one of which is the distribution of social assistance.

Jakarta Smart City Living Lab

In the digital era, information has become one of the main needs for everyone. Especially in this so-called post-truth era, where lies can become truth by ignoring objective facts. Therefore, there is a need for a channel that is a trusted source of information and shares knowledge about smart cities that is more widely understood by the public.

Jakarta Smart City is here to answer that challenge by presenting two information channels in the form of websites and social media. The content varies from ePosters, videos, articles, to infographics. Some of the topics covered by JSC are vaccination services, JAKI digital public services, and other topics related to urban issues.

In addition, collaborations with various stakeholders, such as local and overseas universities (i.e. UI, Oxford University, ITB), startups, the private sector in Jakarta and other provinces, as well as other countries (Berlin and Bangkok) are also carried out to get a broader and more comprehensive view. Hopefully, information can be spread to various spheres of society.

Smart Change Project

Collaboration and cooperation is one of the essential elements of a city. As the country’s capital city, Jakarta has important roles and functions, such as government center, economy, banking, and financial services. In addition, Jakarta is also home to the embassies of foreign countries.

Smart Change program comes as a form of collaboration between Jakarta and Berlin funded by the European Union. It aims to promote good governance and sustainable urban development in Jakarta, through a Local Government partnership between Jakarta and Berlin and a triangular partnership with Bangkok.

There are two pillars designed to complement each other. The first one is the empowerment of local authorities in the urban sector. The second pillar is the underlying macro structure and entrepreneurial ecosystem, by enhancing the growth and development of startups for sustainable development.

The Flag Bearer in The World Stage

In the WSIS Prizes 2023, not only Jakarta was nominated to represent Indonesia. There are 24 other work/program initiatives spread across 13 different categories, out of a total of 18 categories competed such as SATUSEHAT which is Indonesia’s representative in the health sector, bringing innovation in integrating various health services through technology. Currently, the competition is in the voting stage. Then it will advance to the next stage, namely determining one winner and four category winners.

Well, Jakarta needs the support of smartcitizens so that it can continue to the next stage. How do you do it? Follow the tutorial on this poster. Eits, if you still don’t understand, the tutorial is also available in video form on JSC Youtube! In 2022, Jakarta succeeded in bringing victory for the Flood Control System innovation. Now, let’s help Jakarta make another achievement in WSIS Prizes 2023!

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