21 Jul 2023

Five Fascinating Facts About LRT Jabodebek

by:Eva Simorangkir

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

21 Jul 2023

Commuters in Jabodebek are now ready to enjoy a smooth journey with LRT (Light Rail Transit) Jabodebek. Did you get to register yourself for the trial run? The period is taking place from July 12 to August 15, 2023. People were very enthusiastic about it, considering that 24,000 peopleregistered to participate.

Read also: Differences of LRT Jakarta and LRT Jabodebek

For those of you who are still unfamiliar and curious, here are some facts about the LRT Jabodebek that will fascinate you. Let's read below!

Operated Without a Train Operator

Trains are usually operated by train operators. However, LRT Jabodebek actually uses the Communications-Based Train Control(CBTC) system with Grade of Automation (GoA) level 3 operational automation.

The CBTC system can accurately determine the train's position through two-way communication, ensuring a safe distance between trains. The train detects its position using Wayside Radio Set (WRS) on the tracks and its components, connected to the Operation Control Center (OCC). The OCC controls the train without a train operator. Then, the GoA level 3 system operates automatically to reduce the potential for accidents due to human error. This operation improves the punctuality of train schedules.

Lima Fakta Menarik LRT Jabodebek

Source: DITJEN PERKERETAAPIAN (dephub.go.id)

The train still has a Train Attendant who will control the train if needed. The use of the GoA system was established by the Ministry of Transportation through the Minister of Transportation Decree Number KP 765 of 2017.

Safety in the LRT Jabodebek is protected by Automatic Train Protection (ATP) and Interlocking & Zone Controller. Both protections are useful to prevent routing errors and to distribute authorisation for train operation control.


Made in Indonesia

The Jabodebek LRT is a product of PT INKA (Industri Kereta Api) from Madiun, Indonesia. This is also one of the government's efforts to empower the domestic industry.

Source: Product INKA - LRT Jabodebek

"As citizens, we feel satisfied to use transportation facilities made by our nation," said the Director-General of Railways. Indeed, it is something we should be proud of!


Possess a Total of 18 Stations

LRT Jabodebek has a total of 18 stations. These 18 stations are spread across two lines, namely the Cibubur Line and the Bekasi Line. Here is the list of LRT  Jabodebek stations:

  1. Dukuh Atas Station
  2. Setiabudi Station
  3. Rasuna Said Station
  4. Kuningan Station
  5. Pancoran Station
  6. Cikoko Station
  7. Ciliwung Station
  8. Cawang Station
  9. Halim Station
  10. Jati Bening Baru Station
  11. Cikunir 1 Station
  12. Cikunir 2 Station
  13. Bekasi Barat Station
  14. Jati Mulya Station
  15. TMII Station
  16. Kampung Rambutan Station
  17. Ciracas Station
  18. Harjamukti Station

Rute LRT Jabodebek

Source: @lrt_jabodebek

By the way, for the first one-kilometre journey, you will be charged a fare of Rp5.000. Then, the fare for each subsequent kilometre is Rp700. For example, the distance of Stasiun Dukuh Atas–Jati Mulya is 27,3 kilometres. So, if you travel that distance, you will be charged a fare of Rp23.000 to Rp24.000. This fare was determined by the Ministry of Transportation.


Different Roof Colours for Stations

LRT Jabodebek stations can be identified by their roof colours. These roof colours are adjusted to the service lines. Here are the roof colors of the LRT  Jabodebek stations:

  1. Golden Yellow: Cawang Station for transit if you want to travel from the Cibubur Line to the Bekasi Line and vice versa.
  2. Blue: Line 1 stations including TMII, Kampung Rambutan, Ciracas, and Harjamukti.
  3. Orange: Line 2 stations including Dukuh Atas, Setiabudi, Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Pancoran, Cikoko, and Ciliwung.
  4. Green: Line 3 stations including Halim, Jati Bening Baru, Cikunir 1, Cikunir 2, Bekasi Barat, and Jati Mulya.

LRT Jabodebek Stasiun Cawang

Source: @lrt_jabodebek


Quick Service

LRT Jabodebek can be an ideal choice for your daily mobility. This train has a maximum operating speed of 80 kilometre per hour! Here are the travel timesfor each route:

  1. Jati Mulya-Dukuh Atas: 33 minutes 11 seconds (weekday), 35 minutes 57 seconds (weekend)
  2. Dukuh Atas-Jati Mulya: 35 minutes 57 seconds (weekday), 35 minutes 32 seconds (weekend)
  3. Harjamukti-Dukuh Atas: 33 minutes 49 seconds (weekday and weekend)
  4. Dukuh Atas-Harjamukti: 33 minutes 11 seconds (weekday and weekend)


Source: @lrt_jabodebek

That's the sophistication and safety features of LRT Jabodebek. By using public transportation like LRT, you can reach your destination quickly while promoting the sustainability of the city. You contribute to improving air quality, reducing traffic, and supporting the progress of the domestic industry. The train will officially operate on August 18, 2023, so mark your calendar! Don't forget to follow the social mediaof LRT Jabodebek to get the latest information.

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