Lihat Jadwal dan Lokasi Vaksinasi di Jakarta
There's enthusiasm among Jakarta residents’ to participate in Covid-19 vaccination program. On July 26, 2021, 47,354 Jakartan got their first dose and 17,010 of them are already fully vaccinated with their second dose of Covid-19 vaccine. How about you? Do you meet the vaccination recipients’ criteria? If you do, let’s get your dose immediately!
To make it easier for people to find the schedule and location of vaccination in Jakarta, the team at Jakarta Smart City has summarized its data in this article. You can also check the vaccination schedule and location through the JAKIapplication and the Jakarta Covid-19 Response Team website.
[Check Covid-19 Vaccination Schedule in JAKI]
Where and When You Can Get Vaccinated in Jakarta
You can join the vaccination program in various vaccination locations, such as health facilities in the district, vaccination centre, or mobile vaccine cars.
These are the following health facilities in the district that serve vaccination registration through JAKI. The quota shown is the total quota for 19-30 July, 2021.
Central Jakarta Area
No. | Location Name | Sub-district | District | Total Quota |
1 | GOR Mangga Dua Selatan | Mangga Dua Selatan | Sawah Besar | 2.700 |
2 | Puskesmas Kecamatan Senen | Kenari | Senen | 1.500 |
3 | Puskesmas Kelurahan Petojo Selatan | Petojo Selatan | Gambir | 2.700 |
4 | RPTRA Matahari | Cempaka Putih Timur | Cempaka Putih | 2.700 |
5 | SMK 3 Kemayoran | Gunung Sahari Selatan | Kemayoran | 2.700 |
6 | SMP 40 Bendungan Hilir | Bendungan Hilir | Tanah Abang | 2.700 |
7 | SMPN 2 Jakarta Pusat | Johar Baru | Johar Baru | 2.700 |
8 | SMPN 8 Jakarta | Menteng | Menteng | 2.700 |
North Jakarta Area
No. | Location Name | Sub-district | District | Total Quota |
1 | Gelanggang Remaja Kecamatan Kelapa Gading | Kelapa Gading Timur | Kelapa Gading | 2.700 |
2 | Jakarta Islamic Center | Tugu Utara | Koja | 2.700 |
3 | Kantor Camat Cilincing | Cilincing | Cilincing | 2.700 |
4 | RPTRA Sungai Bambu | Sungai Bambu | Tanjung Priok | 2.700 |
5 | RUMKITLAP Artha Graha Peduli (AGP) Ancol | Ancol | Pademangan | 2.700 |
6 | SMP 112 Pejagalan | Pejagalan | Penjaringan | 2.700 |
West Jakarta Area
No. | Location Name | Sub-district | District | Total Quota |
1 | Aula P3PAUD Kebon Jeruk | Kebon Jeruk | Kebon Jeruk | 2.700 |
2 | Aula Puskesmas Kecamatan Tambora | Krendang | Tambora | 2.700 |
3 | Puskesmas Kecamatan Cengkareng | Cengkareng Barat | Cengkareng | 2.700 |
4 | Puskesmas Kecamatan Grogol Petamburan | Wijaya Kusuma | Grogol Petamburan | 2.700 |
5 | Puskesmas Kecamatan Kembangan | Kembangan Utara | Kembangan | 2.700 |
6 | SDN 01 Pinangsia | Pinangsia | Taman Sari | 2.700 |
7 | SMA 84 Kalideres | Kalideres | Kalideres | 2.700 |
8 | SMAN 78 Jakarta | Kemanggisan | Palmerah | 2.700 |
East Jakarta Area
No. | Location Name | Sub-district | District | Total Quota |
1 | GOR Ciracas | Susukan | Ciracas | 2.700 |
2 | Gedung A Kantor Walikota Jakarta Timur | Pulo Gebang | Cakung | 2.700 |
3 | Mall City Plaza Jatinegara | Balimester | Jatinegara | 2.700 |
4 | Pondok Pesantren Minhajurrosidin | Lubang Buaya | Cipayung | 2.700 |
5 | Puskesmas Kecamatan Kramat Jati | Kramat Jati | Kramat Jati | 2.700 |
7 | SDN Pekayon 07 Pagi | Pekayon | Pasar Rebo | 1.800 |
8 | SMA 71 Jakarta Timur | Duren Sawit | Duren Sawit | 2.700 |
9 | SMA Negeri 48 Jakarta | Pinang Ranti | Makasar | 1.350 |
10 | SMAN 31 Jakarta Timur | Utan Kayu Selatan | Matraman | 2.900 |
11 | SMKN 26 Jakarta | Rawamangun | Pulo Gadung | 2.700 |
12 | Universitas Borobudur | Cipinang Melayu | Makasar | 1.350 |
South Jakarta Area
No. | Location Name | Sub-district | District | Total Quota |
1 | Prudential Mall Kokas | Menteng Dalam | Tebet | 900 |
2 | Puskesmas Kecamatan Jagakarsa | Jagakarsa | Jagakarsa | 2.700 |
3 | Rumah Dinas Kantor Camat Kebayoran Lama | Kebayoran Lama Selatan | Kebayoran Lama | 2.700 |
4 | Rumah Sakit Umum Petukangan - Petukangan Medical Center (PMC) | Petukangan Selatan | Pesanggrahan | 1.350 |
5 | SMA Perguruan Cikini | Duren Tiga | Pancoran | 1.800 |
6 | SMP 141 Jakarta | Pela Mampang | Mampang Prapatan | 2.700 |
7 | SMP Negeri 86 | Cilandak Barat | Cilandak | 2.700 |
8 | SMPN 12 Jakarta | Melawai | Kebayoran Baru | 2.700 |
9 | SMPN 57 Guntur | Guntur | Setiabudi | 2.700 |
10 | Universitas Tanri Abeng | Ulujami | Pesanggrahan | 2.700 |
The Thousand Islands Area
No. | Location Name | Sub-district | District | Total Quota |
1 | RPTRA Pulau Tidung | Pulau Tidung | Kepulauan Seribu Selatan | 2.700 |
2 | SDN Pulau Kelapa 01 Pagi | Pulau Kelapa | Kepulauan Seribu Utara | 2.700 |
Meanwhile, the following is a list ofvaccination centres that serve vaccination registration through JAKI. These locations are the result of collaboration between the Jakarta Provincial Government and collaborators.
Date | Location Name | Address | Total Quota |
21-23 July 2021 | PT Jakarta Propertindo x Jakarta Experience Board - GOR Cendrawasih | Kel. Cengkareng Barang, Kec. Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat | 1.350 |
21-23 July 2021 | Markas Komando Pasukan Pengamanan Kesehatan | Kel. Petojo Selatan, Kec. Gambir, Jakarta Pusat | 2.950 |
21-30 July 2021 | Polkes Jakarta Pusat | Kel. Gunung Sahari, Kec. Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat | 1.800 |
21-30 July 2021 | PPK1 Klinik Makostrad Gambir | Kel. Gambir, Kec. Gambir, Jakarta Pusat | 1.800 |
21-30 July 2021 | RSPAD Gatot Subroto | Kel. Senen, Kec. Seneng, Jakarta Pusat | 2.700 |
Date | Location Name | Address | Total Quota |
21-30 July 2021 | Polkes Jakarta Utara | Kel. Kebon Bawang, Kec. Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara | 1.800 |
21-30 July 2021 | Polkes Cijantung | Kel. Cijantung, Kec. Pasar Rebo, Jakarta Timur | 1.800 |
21-30 July 2021 | Polkes Jakarta Timur | Kel. Kebon Manggis, Kec. Matraman, Jakarta Timur | 1.800 |
21-30 July 2021 | Polma Kodam Jaya | Kel. Cawang, Kec. Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur | 1.800 |
21-30 July 2021 | RS DIK Pusdikkes | Kel. Kramat Jati, Kec. Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur | 1.800 |
21-30 July 2021 | RS TK II Moh. Ridwan Meureksa | Kel. Pinang Ranti, Kec. Makasar, Jakarta Timur | 1.800 |
Date | Location Name | Address | Total Quota |
21-30 July 2021 | Polkes Jakarta Selatan | Kel. Pesanggrahan, Kec. Pesanggrahan, Jakarta Selatan | 1.800 |
21-30 July 2021 | PPK1 Klinik Kostrad Jakarta Selatan | Kel. Kebayoran Lama Selatan, Kec. Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan | 1.800 |
21-25 July 2021 | Cilandak Town Square | Kel. Cilandak Barat, Kec. Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan | 1.000 |
28 June-24 July 2021 | Gedung SMESCO - HIPPINDO | Kel. Pancoran, Kec. Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan | 17.450 |
22-24 July 2021 | Stasiun MRT Blok A | Kel. Pulo, Kec. Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan | 1.800 |
Date | Location Name | Address | Total Quota |
24-25 July 2021 | Baguna PDIP DKI Jakarta | Kel. Tanjung Duren Utara, Kec. Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat | 600 |
24-26 July 2021 | Kadin Indonesia TNI POLRI (JCC Senayan) | Kel. Gelora, Kec. Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat | 9.000 |
24 July-2 August 2021 | Kantor Pusat PT Pertamina (Persero) | Kel. Gambir, Kec. Gambir, Jakarta Pusat | 1.000 |
25 July 2021 | Bank DKI Juanda | Kel. Kebon Kelapa, Kec. Gambir, Jakarta Pusat | 250 |
26-30 July 2021 | Sentra Vaksinasi JIEP | Kel. Jatinegara, Kec. Cakung, Jakarta Timur | 2.500 |
28 July-3 August 2021 | Vaksinasi Kolaborasi Bank Mandiri | Kel. Senayan, Kec. Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan | 1.000 |
24 July 2021 | Vaksinasi Pengayoman - Kesdam Jaya | Kel. Cipinang Besar Utara, Kec. Jatinegara, Jakarta Timur | 300 |
26-27 July 2021 | Sentra Vaksinasi IKA UNHAS-Nindya Karya | Kel. Cawang, Kec. Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur | 1.200 |
Regarding vaccine cars, with its nature of mobility, that means it will be regularly moving into different locations each day. But no need to worry because you can track its schedule and location via JakWarta feature in the JAKI application.
And there you have it, the schedules and locations of Covid-19 vaccination program in Jakarta. Hopefully, it can help you to get your vaccines as soon as possible. If you don’t want to miss the latest information regarding vaccination locations, you can access the JakWarta feature on JAKI, the Jakarta Covid-19 Response Team website, as well as the official social media accounts of Jakarta Smart City and the Jakarta Provincial Government. You can download JAKI through Google Play Storeor Apple App Store.