13 Apr 2020

Jakarta Government Services Goes Online

by:Aditya Gagat Hanggara


13 Apr 2020

In an effort to reduce the number of COVID-19 pandemic cases which have now reached more than 1,000 positive cases, the Government of Jakarta has closed numbers of face-to-face services to the public. But no need to worry because the government has prepared several online applications and websites that you can access from home.

Utilization of Digital Technology

Thanks to advances in technology that we enjoy today, almost everything we want can be done either through mobile phones or computers. This became an opportunity for the Government of Jakarta to provide public service digitally, ranging from the handling of civil documents to reporting and paying taxes. Utilization of technology like this is another indicator of a smart city. This way, the process of bureaucracy can run more efficiently and transparently.

What Services Are Available?

Did you know that most of the Regional Apparatus (OPD) operating under the umbrella of the Government of Jakarta have already had applications and sites that are ready to serve your needs? If not, then let's get acquainted and we will take a closer look at each service.

Alpukat Betawi

Link to service: Application | Website

This application can be used to take care of all matters relating to civil documents such as KTP, Birth Certificate, Family Card (KK), and Child Identity Card (KIA). To register, you need to fill in some personal information such as name, Resident Identification Number (NIK), Family Card, email address, and mobile number that can be contacted.


Link to service: Website

One-Stop Integrated Services or abbreviated as PTSP is a service from the Government of Jakarta for matters related to permits and non-permits. Before applying you can also know the terms and conditions in advance.

Pajak Online DKI Jakarta (Jakarta Online Tax)

Link to service: Application | Website

Tax now can be made easier with the help of Jakarta Online Tax. To use this service, you can use the following guide:

Taxpayers need to register at pajakonline.jakarta.go.id

For registration, use NIK (personal) or Central NPWP (business entity)

Wait for the activation email

If activation is successful, log in to use the service

The tax object that appears in online tax is a tax object that has been filled with taxpayer NIK/NPWP

If the tax object belonging to the taxpayer has not yet appeared, contact or send an email to the nearest Regional Tax Service Unit (UPPRD) or Samsat.  


Link to service: Application

This application is very suitable for you who like to read books or for those who are currently staying at home. With iJakarta application, you are going to be able to explore thousands of book collections. This application also features other excellent features such as ePustaka, Feed, Virtual Bookshelf, and eReader.


Link to service: Application | Website

If you need to apply for a Business License (SIUP) or Company Registration Certificate (TDP)? You can do this online by downloading the JakEvo application. Before you can use this service, you will be asked to register by filling in your NIK, KK Number, and NPWP.


Link to service: Application | Website

As a manifestation of open governance, the Government of Jakarta has formed an Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID). On its official website, you can search and find a number of public information such as follow-up reports on community reports throughout 2019.


Link to service: Application | Website

If you have a proposal or idea for development in your surrounding area, do not hesitate to participate in the Planning and Development Conference (Musrenbang). Your proposal can now be channeled through one of the two available online platforms, the Jakarta official Musrenbang website or the PlanJKT application.

For those of you who are more comfortable with a computer, you can access https://musrenbang.jakarta.go.id, click ‘menu’ on the main page, choose ‘Kirim Usulan’, and then select ‘Usulan Langsung’. 

While with mobile phones, you can open the PlanJKT application. You might get prompted to log in with username and password, but worry not, you can bypass the process by logging in as the people of Jakarta or ‘Masyarakat Jakarta’. On the homepage, you can access the ‘Usulan Langsung’ menu by pressing the plus icon in the top navigation bar.


Link to service: Application

The Government of Jakarta launched the Jakarta Animal Identification System (JAIS) application as a medium to look after the wellbeing of pets and other animals in the city. With this application, you can not only see your pet's medical record, but also a list of addresses and telephone numbers of veterinarians in Jakarta.


Link to service: Application

A mainstay application for you while in Jakarta. Why? Because almost all needs related to problems in the capital can be done with one application on your mobile phone. Want to file a report? You can. Want to check the price of food on the market? You can do that too.

[Smartcitizen, meet JAKI]

Pantau Banjir

Link to service: Application

No need to be nervous when it rains because you can always be ready. With this application, you can monitor water pump conditions, the water level at the observation post and your nearest floodgate. Smartcitizen, now you can see that the Government of Jakarta has a myriad of applications and online sites that you can use. Do take note and save it so you can be ready right away at any time when you need one of the above government services!

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