01 Jul 2024

Jakarta Disability Services Portal: Strengthening Inclusion in Jakarta

by:Eva Simorangkir

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

01 Jul 2024

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is committed to providing inclusive services to its citizens. One of the ways is by launching the website jakarta.go.id/layanandisabilitas. This service is designed to make information more accessible to people with disabilities. By accessing the website, residents can also see what disability services are available in Jakarta, from Kependudukan (population) to Komunitas (community). The public information available is:

  1. Layanan Disabilitas Pemprov DKI Jakarta (DKI Jakarta Provincial Government disability services);
  2. Kamus SIBI (SIBI dictionary); and
  3. Berita dan Kegiatan Inklusif (inclusive news and events).


Laman Layanan Disabilitas (disability services portal). Source: jakarta.go.id/layanandisabilitas

Laman Layanan Disabilitas (disability services portal). Source: jakarta.go.id/layanandisabilitas


Accessibility Features

The website jakarta.go.id/layanandisabilitas  was developed in accordance with WCAG (Website Content Accessibility Guidelines). A website will be easy to access if it follows its four guidelines: perceivable, operable, understandable, and strong robust. People can access the website jakarta.go.id/layanandisabilitas  which is equipped with these 13 useful features:

1. Mode Suara (sound mode);

2. Perbesar Teks (enlarge text);

3. Perkecil Teks (minimize text);

4. Skala Abu-Abu (greyscale);

5. Kontras+ (contrast+);

6.Sembunyikan Gambar (hide image);

7. Rata Tulisan (alignment);

8. Tulisan Dapat Dibaca (readable writing);

9. Tinggi Garis (line height);

10. Animasi Dijeda (animation paused);

11. Kursor (cursor);

12. Spasi Teks (text spacing); and

13. Garis Bawahi Tautan (underline links).

Accessibility Features. Source: jakarta.go.id/layanandisabilitas

Accessibility Features. Source: jakarta.go.id/layanandisabilitas 

The features above can be accessed by pressing the accessibility widget button in the bottom left corner of the page. Apart from that, the features can also appear by pressing CTRL + U on your device’s keyboard.


DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Disability Services

The jakarta.go.id/layanandisabilitas  page provides information on eight DKI Jakarta Provincial Government disability services. These are the services provided to people with disabilities in Jakarta. You only need to click on the service you want to read and the website will take you to the intended page. You will see a video explaining the service in full, complete with a transcript. Here are the eight DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Disability Services:


Kependudukan (population):

This service is useful for ensuring that every person with a disability in Jakarta has their population status. People with disabilities can process their population data by coming directly to their homes, opening service booths, or working with foundations or social organizations.

Pendidikan (education)

Education is an important sector for every resident of Jakarta. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government continues to fulfill the right to equal and inclusive education for all residents of Jakarta. The available programs are:

  • Sekolah Inklusif (inclusive schools);
  • Kartu Jakarta Mahasiswa Unggul;
  • Kartu Jakarta Pintar.

Kesehatan (health)

Every resident of Jakarta has the right to access quality healthcare services. These are the health services that are easily accessible to all people:

  • Jamkesjak (Jaminan Kesehatan Jakarta); and
  • Sarana Layanan Kesehatan: guide tiles, wheelchairs, elevators, and health workers who serve the needs of people with disabilities.

Transportasi (transportation)

Integration between modes of transportation makes it easy for residents of Jakarta to travel. The facilities in them also need to be designed inclusively so that they can be used by everyone. The following are transportation facilities for people with disabilities:

  • Bus Sekolah Khusus Disabilitas (special disability school bus);
  • Sarana Prioritas (priority facilities); and
  • Stiker Khusus Disabilitas (special disability stickers).

Layanan Sosial (social services):

The rights and needs of people with disabilities need to be guaranteed. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government also realizes equality in life for its citizens by providing special social services for people with disabilities, such as:

  • Penerima KPDJ (Kartu Penyandang Disabilitas Jakarta);
  • Alat Bantu Disabilitas (disability assistive devices): ABF (Alat Bantu Fisik); and
  • UILS (Unit Informasi Layanan Sosial).

Karier (career):

People with disabilities have the right to progress and develop without discrimination. The following are skill programs in Jakarta that are useful for people with disabilities:

  • ULD (Unit Layanan Disabilitas) Ketenagakerjaan (ULD/Unit Layanan Disabilitas employment); and
  • Pelatihan Jakpreneur (Jakpreneur training).

Fasilitas Umum (public facilities):

Public spaces in Jakarta need to be attractive to visit and also be disability-friendly. Public facilities that make it easier for people with disabilities to be active in public spaces are:

  • Perpustakaan (libraries);
  • Ruang Terbuka (open spaces); and
  • Destinasi Wisata (tourist destinations).

Komunitas (community):

People with disabilities are free to continue to express themselves and gather. You can share inspirational stories with the special disability community networks in Jakarta. Explore the information on the Jejaring Komunitas Disabilitas service (disability community network).


Kamus SIBI (SIBI Dictionary)

Being able to do sign language is important. With this expertise, residents can communicate with their friends who have disabilities. If you scroll down the jakarta.go.id/layanandisabilitaswebsite, you will find Kamus SIBI/Sistem Isyarat Bahasa Indonesia (SIBI dictionary) content. In this content, you can learn sign language instructions and vocabulary.

Kamus SIBI. Source: pmpk.kemdikbud.go.id/sibi/kosakataKamus SIBI. Source: pmpk.kemdikbud.go.id/sibi/kosakata

Berita dan Kegiatan Inklusif (Inclusive News and Events)

The jakarta.go.id/layanandisabilitaswebsite has Berita dan Kegiatan Inklusif (inclusive news and events). In the Berita section, you can see what Jakarta is currently doing to serve people with disabilities. The Kegiatan Inklusif section displays information about various events that can be attended.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will always embrace the hopes and dreams of its citizens, including people with disabilities. Hopefully, the disability services portal can create a more inclusive and just society. All residents of Jakarta have the right to have equal opportunities and reach their full potential. Let’s create a friendly and inclusive Jakarta for everyone!

Also readJakarta Launched Disability School Buses 

Hopefully, with the disability services onjakarta.go.id/layanandisabilitas, public information and services will be more accessible to all levels of society. This is a step forward towards a more inclusive Jakarta. You can also contribute by spreading this information. Don’t want to miss news about disability services? Don’t forget to follow the @jsclab  socials!

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