Virtual Visit of North Kalimantan Province
North Kalimantan Province made a virtual visit to Jakarta Smart City on March 17, 2022. During the visit, there was a discussion between the Province of North Kalimantan and JSC regarding the application of technology and information to the government to encourage digital transformation in North Kalimantan.
Deputy Governor (Wagub) Kaltara Dr. Yansen TP, M.Si. accompanied by Head of the Kaltara Communication, Information, Statistics, and Encryption Service (DKISP), Iskandar Alwi and his staff, attended an interesting discussion regarding Smart City with Yudhistira Nugraha as Head of the Jakarta Smart City, Rika Zikriyyah as Head of Communication and Marketing, and other JSC teams.
The discussion opened many collaboration opportunities for North Kalimantan and Jakarta Smart City in the future. Curious? Let's look at the discussion points.
North Kalimantan: A Young Province with Lots of Potential
"The development of digitalization started only three years ago," said Yansen about the current condition of North Kalimantan. Even though it is only nine years old and the development of digitalization is only three years old, North Kalimantan is already in the 20th position out of 34 provinces in the application of information systems and technology, beating other older provinces. However, the existing system is still very limited, so there are bound to be obstacles to be found in North Kalimantan.
Yansen also said that the development of a Smart City in North Kalimantan cannot be done once, it needs a process that takes a lot of time. However, with the presence of the Capital of the Archipelago on the island of Kalimantan, North Kalimantan as a buffer zone for IKN must strive to prepare technology-based government management. Therefore, it is necessary to do step by step efforts and align which sector will be developed first.
Iskandar Alwi also explained the various challenges faced by North Kalimantan, such as a very wide geographical condition, almost as wide as the Provinces of South Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi when combined. From these geographical conditions, only 72% are covered by the internet network and only 10-15% of public services are already IT-based.
This of course needs to be seen as a challenge and great potential for North Kalimantan to implement digital transformation step by step.
Learn from Jakarta Smart City
The Covid-19 pandemic has encouraged the escalation of digitalization to serve the community more effectively and efficiently. Even so, Yudhistira Nugraha emphasized that the implementation of Smart City cannot be simply a copy and paste, because it is not certain that what is implemented in Jakarta can be applied in other areas. This is because the implementation of Smart City must be adjusted to the demographics and needs of the local community.
"Smart City is about people," said Yudhistira Nugraha. He explained that the essence of implementing Smart City is to provide convenience for the people and encourage public participation in government, so that two-way communication occurs between the government and its citizens.
An example of implementing people-oriented service digitization in Jakarta is CRM. The platform for receiving public complaints originating from 14 complaint channels is adjusted to the community's ability to complain about problems.
Jakarta Smart City will further endeavor to assist in the development of provincial digitization in accordance with the demographics and culture of North Kalimantan. The Smart City which will be developed in North Kalimantan must be adapted to the needs of the people.
Collaboration Opportunities for North Kalimantan and Jakarta Smart City
"What is clear is that our desire to be able to implement Smart City in North Kalimantan is very high," said Yansen at the end of the meeting that day. There are so many collaboration opportunities that can be discussed in the next more intense discussion room. Yansen also hopes that DKISP Kaltara and Jakarta Smart City can further study the digital needs of North Kalimantan and the regencies/cities in it and together create a Smart City ecosystem in North Kalimantan that focuses on its citizens.
What do you think about the results of the collaboration between North Kalimantan Province and Jakarta Smart City? Let's wait for the good news in the future.
If you are interested in trying various digital-based public services in Jakarta, you can try the JAKI application which can be downloaded at Google Play Storeor Apple App Store. You can also get to know more about Jakarta Smart City on the official website