07 Jan 2022

Jakarta Smart City: 2021 in Review

by:Teresa Simorangkir

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

07 Jan 2022

New year is usually associated with reflection and resolution. Usually, we look back on all the hard work we’ve done and even failures that occurred during that year. Then, we make a brand new resolution, while maintaining the good parts and fixing what needs to be fixed. That’s also what happens in Jakarta Smart City. In 2021, the Jakarta Smart City team has worked hard to serve Jakarta citizens. We released new JAKI features, handled public complaints, as well as socialized the government programs to the public. Here we go, Jakarta Smart City: a year in review.

2,683,325 Downloaders in 2021

In 2021, as many as two million Jakarta citizens have installed JAKI in their smartphone, either through the Play Storeor the App Store. One of JAKI’s star features this year is the Covid-19 Vaccination Registration. JAKI made it easier for Jakarta citizens to access the Covid-19 vaccine without having to queue at health facilities. A lot of positive responses were coming from the Smartcitizen regarding this feature,  proving there’s great enthusiasm from the people to get the vaccine immediately. Thank you, Smartcitizen, for your enthusiasm to make Jakarta safe again!

Awards for Jakarta Smart City and JAKI

Despite many obstacles that came in the way during the pandemic, Jakarta Smart City as the developer of JAKI continues to grow. In addition to reaching two million downloaders, here are a number of awards received by Jakarta Smart City and JAKI.

Champion Project at the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) Prizes 2021

In May 2021, Jakarta Smart City was greeted with JAKI’s achievement in the e-Government category at the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) Prizes 2021. Jakarta Smart City won second place and holds the status of Champion Project. This award is achieved through the never-ending support from Smartcitizen and the spirit of collaboration that’s always been the main driving force in Jakarta.

The World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) is an annual award event organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The event, which has been running since 2013, rewards government agencies, the private sector, members of civil society, and partnerships in all policy makers who are considered successful in implementing good technology and information infrastructure.

Best Future of Digital Innovation Award at IDC Awards 2021

In October, the award came from International Data Corporation (IDC) Indonesia. This time, Jakarta Smart City won in the Best in Future Digital Innovation category at the Future Enterprise Awards. The Future Enterprise Awards show appreciation to organizations that have made important breakthroughs in digital transformation in the Asia Pacific region. Jakarta Smart City was chosen to be the representative of Indonesia through JAKI. Through continuous development, JAKI always grows and develops with the latest features, to make it easier for the people of Jakarta to meet their daily needs, including during the Covid-19 pandemic.

JAKI Wins Gold Medal in ASEAN ICT Awards (AICTA)

At the end of the year, JAKI won a gold medal in the Public Sector category at the ASEAN ICT Awards organized by ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). Apart from JAKI, Nodeflux and Omnibotika from the Private Sector also won the gold medal, leading Indonesia to become the Grand Champion this year.

AICTA is held to give awards to institutions in the ASEAN region that are considered innovative and creative in the development of ICT. AICTA is also a means to promote the ICT work of ASEAN countries to the global level. The winners of this award are divided into six categories: Public Sector, Private Sector, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Digital Content, Start-Up Company, and Research and Development.

Innovations Born in 2021


In times of uncertainty, being adaptive is the key to keep moving forward. A number of innovations were created by Jakarta Smart City to accommodate Jakarta citizens in facing these changes, one of which is registration for the Covid-19 vaccination. In 2021, the Covid-19 Vaccination Registration feature is available to serve Smartcitizens, so you don’t need to queue and be in the crowd to get vaccinated.

The automatic private system in the JakLapor feature in JAKI was also born in 2021. This was partly driven by the fact that during the pandemic, there were still many people who violated health protocols. There are also offices that didn’t apply work from home regulations. Therefore, to ensure the safety of the user’s identity, the automatic private system is created.

Visits, Events and Publications

Jakarta Smart City is always open for anyone who wants to collaborate and learn together. In 2021, Jakarta Smart City welcomed around 40 visits from various parties: from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Bank of Indonesia, Ministry of Communications and Informatics, schools, universities, and government agencies from other regions.

Furthermore, Jakarta Smart City periodically holds mentoring sessions, reading groups, and seminars. The goal is to provide a space for discussion and of course the exchange of knowledge. Events that have been held include Reading Group Jakarta Smart City Vol 08: Study of the Indonesian Economy during Covid-19 in Java and Bali Provinces, A Cup of Tea: Data Driven Culture with Suharti, and Smart Change Development Lab. Not only discussions, Jakarta Smart City also regularly publishes research publications conducted by the Data Team. In 2021, 162 studies have been successfully written.

Thank you for your support throughout 2021, Smartcitizen! In 2022, let’s strive to be better and continue all the good things we’ve already started!

Authors and Editor

More in Profile JSC Category

Jakarta Smart City has done a lot of things for Jakarta citizens throughout 2021. See some of the summaries in the following article.

Jakarta Smart City through JAKI was selected as the best nominee in the Best in Future Digital Innovation category organized by the IDC Awards.