25 May 2024

Regulations and Procedure for PPDB DKI Jakarta 2024

by:Eva Simorangkir

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

25 May 2024

PPDB (Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru) is regulated in Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 1 Tahun 2021. The educational units or levels that follow the process are elementary (SD/Sekolah Dasar), middle school (SMP/Sekolah Menengah Pertama), high school (SMA/Sekolah Menengah Atas) and vocational high school (SMK/Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan). If you are a CPDB (Calon Peserta Didik Baru), please follow the procedure! To register, you need to pay attention to the regulations and procedure below. 


PPDB DKI Jakarta. Source: Jakarta Smart City

PPDB DKI Jakarta. Source: Jakarta Smart City


Also read: Regulations and Procedure for PPDB DKI Jakarta 2024


PPDB DKI Jakarta Regulations for Kindergarten Level 2024

Kindergarten (TK) is part of formal education that follows the PPDB process. There are age requirements that must be met by CPDB at the kindergarten level, which are:

  1. at least four years old and at most five years old for group A; and
  2. at least five years old and at most six years old for group B.


PPDB DKI Jakarta Procedure 2024

Each CPDB must prepare a Family Card (KK/Kartu Keluarga). If you reside in the DKI Jakarta, there are several requirements to consider. Here are the procedure for all levels:

  1. CPDB residing in DKI Jakarta and recorded in the KK from the Department of Population and Civil Registration (Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil) of DKI Jakarta, issued no later than 10 June 2023. The KK can still be used if issued after 10 June 2023, due to data changes without a change of residence.
  2. The KK has been verified by Tim Verifikator Satuan Pendidikan of the selected unit as the verification place according to the level.
  3. CPDB is not registered in the targeted public and private education units.

PPDB DKI Jakarta Mechanism 2024

PPDB registration is free of charge. Please be aware of scams that claim to help with the PPDB process. Besides, you need to prepare several documents. Understand the registration mechanism below for elementary (SD/Sekolah Dasar), middle school (SMP/Sekolah Menengah Pertama), high school (SMA/Sekolah Menengah Atas) and vocational high school (SMK/Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan).


  1. Registration/Verification Schedule

  • elementary (SD/Sekolah Dasar): from 20 May 2024
  • middle school (SMP/Sekolah Menengah Pertama): from 27 May 2024
  • high school (SMA/Sekolah Menengah Atas) and vocational high school (SMK/Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan): from 3 June 2024

  1. Account Submission and KK Verification

  1. access https://ppdb.jakarta.go.id;
  2. Make an account on Pengajuan Akun (account submission) button according to the level (SD/SMP/SMA/SMK);
  3. fill out the registration form and CPDB population data according to the original KK;
  4. choose the Satuan Pendidikan (education unit) location for account and KK verification;
  5. upload scanned/photo documents of the original KK;
  6. upload the student's personal document on the front page of the report card/Keterangan Tentang Diri Peserta Didik/Ijazah (diploma)/Akte Kelahiran (birth certificate);
  • for CPDB under guardianship: upload Surat Perwalian Anak di Bawah Umur (guardianship letter for minors) atau Penetapan/Putusan Pengadilan (court decision).
  • for CPDB under the care of siblings of parents: upload the previous KK.
  1. upload SPTJM (Surat Pernyataan Tanggung Jawab Mutlak) (absolute responsibility statement) about Keabsahan Dokumen dari Orang Tua/Wali (authenticity of documents from the parent/guardian of CPDB;
  2. print the proof of account submission containing the Nomor Peserta (participant number and PIN/Token for Aktivasi (activation);
  3. wait for the account and KK verification process online by the Tim Verifikator.

  1. Check Account and KK Submission Status

  1. access the public PPDB website on https://ppdb.jakarta.go.id; and
  2. check the verification status in Cek Status Pengajuan Akun menu for each level.

  1. PIN/Token Activation

  1. access the public PPDB website on https://ppdb.jakarta.go.id;
  2. click the Aktivasi button and input Nomor Peserta (participant number); and
  3. change the PIN/Token with a password.

  1. Choosing Target Schools

  1. access the public PPDB website on https://ppdb.jakarta.go.id;
  2. login by inputting Nomor Peserta (participant number) and Password;
  3. choose the target school; and
  4. print the proof of school selection.

  1. Monitoring Selection Results

  1. access the public PPDB website on https://ppdb.jakarta.go.id;
  2. choose the appropriate level and pathway;
  3. click the selection menu and view the chosen school.

  1. Online Self-Reporting

  1. access the public PPDB website https://ppdb.jakarta.go.id  according to the schedule;
  2. login by inputting Nomor Peserta (participant number) and Password;
  3. click Lapor Diri (self-report) button; and
  4. print the proof of self-reporting.

Have you noted all the information? To avoid confusion, use official information services! You can contact them online  or offline. Share this information to help your family or friends too. Good luck!

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