Cepat Respons Masyarakat: 2021 Year in Review
Smartcitizen, are you a JakLapor user at JAKI? If so, you must already know how easy it is to report various problems in Jakarta. The JakLapor feature in JAKI is one of the complaint channels in the Cepat Respons Masyarakat (CRM) system, which is an integrated system in the form of mobile and web applications that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government can use to follow up on citizen reports more efficiently. Apart from JAKI, there are 12 other complaint channels where you are free to choose which channel suits you best. Of course, JAKI as a complaint channel is the most popular choice at this time because it is easier for residents to use and more effective in monitoring the follow-up process for reports. In brief, JAKI and 13 other complaint channels are used by residents, while CRM is used by report follow-up officers.
To improve the performance of CRM, Jakarta Smart City continues to make improvements and innovations that make CRM better from time to time. Here's a CRM journey throughout 2021.
New Features of CRM 2.0: Validation and Verification
In April 2021, CRM v2.0 was launched with an improved system and added validation and verification features. This feature was born from reports from residents who complained that the follow-up reports from officers in the field were not as expected. So, this validation and verification feature is here to review the follow-up work of officers at the problem location. Validation and verification process is carried out by the Government Bureau.
With this feature, the report handling flow is increased by one step: incoming reports, reports directed to field officers, officers following up on problems and documenting follow-up, validation and verification by government bureaus, status awaiting validation and verification, if appropriate, the report is declared complete, if it is not appropriate then the officer must follow up again until the problem is completely resolved and declared finished.
The existence of this feature is very useful for the residents of Jakarta so that residents are more confident that the problems they reported are really being handled as well as possible.
Privacy by Default Feature at JAKI
When reporting problems and violations that occurred in Jakarta, residents are still worried about their identity being spread even though JAKI already has a privacy system. JAKI as one of the complaint channels that previously had an anonymous privacy system then made further improvements and enhancements to the system to better protect the whistleblower. This is done by adding the Privacy by Default feature which was launched on May 4, 2021.
Previously, the option for private reports already existed, but the reporter had to tick the privacy button first. With the automatic private report feature, the reporter will be able to see that each report immediately becomes a private report and will only turn public if the reporter presses the Public button on his own intention.
In addition, photos of violations that usually appear in the officer's CRM are hidden and can't be seen by even officers. That way, Smartcitizens no longer have to worry about reports being leaked because the privacy system at JAKI has been improved.
Wins as the Selected Work at IdenTIK 2021
The presence of JakLapor's Privacy by Default feature at JAKI, which was launched in May 2021 to protect the privacy of citizens who report problems, garnered appreciation at the IdenTIK 2021 competition held by the Ministry of Communication and Information as one the selected works. IdenTIK is a national competition that aim to explore and find the best information and communication technology products that has potential to compete at regional and international levels.
The existence of this award in the journey of CRM innovation is a good step and an encouragement for the team behind the scenes to create other innovations that are beneficial to citizens. The spirit to build the nation may always grow and continue.
CRM in Numbers: Reports and Follow-Up Data
Throughout 2021, CRM received as many as 132,374 complaints or reports from 70,287 reporters. Of the total number of reports, 96.3% or 127,534 reports has been completed by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government officials, while 1,588 or 1.2% are still in the coordination stage.
Next you may ask, what are the most reported types of reports sent by the public? For that we can see the data listed below.
As we know, when we report a problem, you will be directed to choose a category first. Now, for 2021, the category of complaints that are most reported is the category of Disturbance of Peace and Order. Perhaps it is not surprising because this category is often used by residents to report violations of health protocols during the PPKM (Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions) period.
In second place, there is the Road category (11,844 reports) that residents can choose to report damage to surrounding roads, then there is the Illegal Parking category with 10,443 reports, then the Tree category (8,424), and the Garbage category (7,119) which completes the five categories with a total most reports.
So where did the report come from? As previously written, CRM is a system that integrates 14 complaint channels managed by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. And from the channels that have been provided, it turns out that JAKI is still a mainstay for Jakarta residents with 100,692 reports (out of 52,751 reporters). Leaving far behind other complaint channels such as Qlue which distributed 12,022 reports, then Twitter (9,447 reports), email (4,498 reports), and Facebook (2,333 reports) in the top five. You can see more in the table below.
And if we look at the graph below, it can be seen that the reporting trend throughout this year has been quite ebb and flow in numbers. February was the month with the highest number with 15,699 reports. Then the number of reports decreased before showing an increasing trend again which peaked in July and became the month with the second highest number of reports (12,201 reports).
In ensuring citizens' satisfaction with public services from the government, the speed of the follow-up process is one of the benchmarks for the success of implementing a CRM system. In 2021, it was noted that the average coordination time throughout the year was 6.45 hours, while the average report completion time was 39.25 hours. This means that, on average, complaints reported by the public throughout 2021 can be resolved in less than two days.
With Covid-19 pandemic still pretty much the main theme during 2021, CRM is also still focusing on collecting data related to the enforcement of health protocol rules such as PPKM. The city of South Jakarta became the area with the highest number of reports related to the implementation of PPKM, with 4,825 reports. This figure is collected through the calculation of reports with the categories of Disorders of Peace and Order, Social Assistance, Health Data Collection, Worker-Employer Relations, and Health Facilities Owned by the Center/Private/Private Clinic. From the map below, each administrative city area of Jakarta is symbolized in blue, where dark blue indicates the higher number of reports and light blue represents the lower number of reports.
Even so, the reports that go into the CRM system are still quite varied. Through the following word cloud illustration, we can see what words appear the most in every report submitted by citizens. Are there words that are familiar with the problems you usually report?
Be the Next Part of CRM Innovation
Innovation will always be a part of the CRM journey in the future. If you are not yet a part of JAKI users as a CRM complaint channel yet, now is the time for you to be a part of change in Jakarta. By reporting various problems in Jakarta through JAKI, you have helped in makinge Jakarta a better place. In addition, you will also be part of the next CRM innovation, so that it becomes a better and more useful system for Jakarta. Haven't downloaded JAKI yet? Download JAKI here.