03 Jan 2024

Citizen Relation Management Kaleidoscope For 2023

by:Eva Simorangkir

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

03 Jan 2024

Jakarta as a big city often faces various challenges. If you, a Smartcitizen, find an urban problem, it's best to report it straight away. Through the system of CRM(Citizen Relation Management), the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is always willing to follow up on reports from all Jakarta residents.

CRM in Jakarta. Source: Jakarta Smart City

CRM in Jakarta. Source: Jakarta Smart City


CRM is useful for governance in Jakarta. What has the journey been? Below is a kaleidoscope of CRM through 2023.

Daily and Monthly Data Dashboard & Map Dashboard

Officers from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government carry out follow-up reports using the CRM integration system. This system exists in the form of a mobile application and website. Starting in 2023, Jakarta residents can also monitor progress reports per day or per month. This development can be seen through two types of Data dashboards on the CRM website: Dailyand Monthly.

As a smart city, Jakarta must implement the Smart Governance indicator. Open data in the form of CRM dashboard pages is a form of realization of this indicator.

CRM Daily Data Dashboard

CRM Daily Data Dashboard

CRM Daily Data Dashboard


The MapDashboard on the CRM website was also added in 2023. Here, Jakarta residents can see the distribution of reports in Jakarta. Everyone also can see details of how they are handled by clicking on the location icon. The available report distribution point comes from JAKI, Jakarta's super-app, which has geotagging technology.

CRM Map Dashboard

CRM Map Dashboard


CRM in Numbers for 2023

CRM data for 2023CRM data for 2023

CRM data for 2023

Jakarta residents have the right to report various city problems they face. Apart from that, we all have the right to know how the resolution process works. If you open the CRM site, residents can see report data that has been followed up. Below is data from through 2023.

Total 173,325 Reports Received

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government completed 170.112 or 98.1% of the reports received. All these reports come from 173,325 reports received from 35,530 reporters in Jakarta. All these reports were sent by 35,530 reporters in Jakarta. From January 1–December 31 2023, officers need an average of seven days to complete reports.


19,602 Reports for the Road Category

Jakarta residents can report according to the available problem categories. In 2023, the five report categories most frequently received by CRM officers are:

  • Jalan (roads): 19,602 reports
  • Pohon (tree): 15,139 reports
  • Parkir Liar (illegal parking): 15,040 reports
  • Sampah (trash): 11,663 reports
  • Jaringan Listrik (power grid): 11,663 reports


158,375 Reports Submitted Via JAKI

CRM integrates 13 complaint channels. This means that Jakarta residents have the right to report via whatever channel is most suitable. With 158,375 reports from 32,424 reporters in Jakarta, JAKI is the channel most used for reporting. Furthermore, Twitter or X of @DKIJakartareceived the 2nd most reports with 5,323 reports from 841 reporters.


Jakarta residents can also report face to face. CRM received reports from residents who came to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government City Hall. During 2023, there were 1,294 reports from 836 complainants who used this complaint channel.


    Reporting channels of CRM

Reporting channels of CRM

Reporting channels of CRM


After reporting, the reporter will receive a report number from the officer. To track the progress of the report, enter the report number into the CRM site or the Citizen Report feature on JAKI. The quality of Jakarta will improve if we all participate in reporting problems. All Jakartans can contribute via 13 complaint channels provided:


  1. Twitter 

  1. DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Facebook

  1. Email 

  1. Personal social media for the Governor or Deputy Governor

  1. SMS/WhatsApp 08111272206

  1. City Hall

  1. Inspectorate Office

  1. Mayor's Office

  1. District Head's Office

  1. Sub-district Head Office

  1. Mass Media Public Aspirations

  1. LAPOR! 1708


Let's contribute together to make Jakarta a more comfortable city. For further information about reporting problems in Jakarta, please follow social media of @cepatresponjktand @jsclab.

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