17 Apr 2023

JSC Talks Vol.28: Get to Know Digital Sadaqah

by:Muhammad Raedyan Kahfi

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

17 Apr 2023

The month of Ramadan is a month full of blessings, many rewards multiply if we do good. This moment is the right time to compete with each other to gain rewards through various kinds of worship, one of which is through charity. One of the virtues of charity in Ramadan is to erase sins, as the Prophet said in HR. At-Tirmidzi that charity can erase sins like water extinguishes fire.

Almsgiving comes in many forms, from money to labor. Nowadays, along with the development of technology, the ease of giving alms is increasingly felt. The emergence of the alms platform allows you to find out more details about the recipient of the assistance, starting from who, where it is channeled to the biodata of the person who needs the help.

JSC Talks as a forum for discussion and introduction to the concept of smart cities, is back this week live on Youtube and the Zoom app. This time, the topic of discussion was about the ease of almsgiving through digital platforms. This discussion is moderated by Amira Sofa who will have an exciting conversation with Fara Devara as Public Relation Manager of Kitabisa and Nova Adriyanti as Founder of Indonesia Pintar Foundation. There are so many new ideas and knowledge related to the ease of charity from digital platforms, and participants can also ask questions directly to the speakers. Curious about the excitement? Check out the flashback!

Citizens Help Citizens

Paparan Kitabisa

The discussion session was started by Fera Devara from Kitabisa. She introduced Kitabisa as a trusted fundraising and donation platform in Indonesia. Established in 2013, it initially consisted of six people with an office in a garage. Over time, it grew into a small team and continues to grow today.

“Kitabisa is here to be able to help each other, from citizens and for citizens.”

Having a vision to build the largest community of people who help and protect each other. Just as the Ministry of Social Affairs provides a social safety net from the government for the community, Kitabisa provides a social safety net in the form of collective people support.

To support its vision of mutual help between communities, Kitabisa derives it in a mission, namely, providing a social safety net for all people in need by connecting goodness on a large scale.

In undergoing the process, Kitabisa has two legal entities that can continue to carry out the mission of goodness in a sustainable manner. First, Yayasan Kitabisa as the operator of all fundraising and donation activities on the Kitabisa.com platform, starting from the registration of fundraising verification, to reporting to donors and the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Second, PT Kitabisa Indonesia. Is a business entity that offers services and consulting in the social field, such as:

  • Technology development and management
  • Consulting and agency services for CSR companies and NGOs.

From these two legal entities that are finally managed to provide technological support for the platform so that it can continue to be sustainable.

Infinite Kindness

Penjelasan Kitabisa

Fera added, every month Kitabisa facilitates more than 1.5 million good donation transactions with 4,000 social fundraisers. It also involves hundreds of foundations and social institutions that contribute in 34 provinces.

In 2022, around 6 million good people have donated through the Kitabisa platform with 100,000 successful fundraisers involving 3,000 foundations / NGOs / social institutions.

Through the Kitabisa platform, people can give alms safely and comfortably. With just one touch, alms are channeled to those in need.

Becoming a Smart Indonesia

Paparan Yayasan Menjadi Indonesia Pintar

The same thing was also conveyed by Nova Adriyanti, Founder of the Menjadi Indonesia Pintar Foundation in the second discussion, “With education, we believe Indonesian children can become better people”. Menjadi Indonesia Pintar is the result of the ease of charity through digital platforms that can help the education of marginalized people and children who drop out of school. The presence of digital platforms such as Kitabisa makes it easier to create a fund.

One of the results of the fundraising that has been made is the presence of schools, namely the Asemka and Ciputat Safe Schools. This school teaches children subjects that are taught in formal schools by foster siblings.

In addition to learning, there is also a routine activity of sharing Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha gifts for foster siblings. With a total of 80 children, underprivileged children get access to education through the foster sister program and teaching and learning activities with volunteer teachers every Saturday and Sunday. The discussion and presentation was closed with a question and answer session from the participants.

Here is a flashback of JSC Talks Vol.28 with the theme: “Making Almsgiving Easier Through Digital Platforms.” Hopefully the discussion and delivery from Kitabisa and Yayasan Menjadi Indonesia Pintar will provide new insights in doing good in the month of Ramadan, especially giving alms. Visit this Youtube channel to watch the program. Let’s never get tired of doing good until the fatigue we feel becomes Lillah.

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