20 Dec 2021

Jakarta’s JAKI Wins Gold in ASEAN ICT Awards

by:Syora Alya Eka Putri

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

20 Dec 2021

At the end of 2021, people and the government of Jakarta received triumphant news of JAKI super-app gold medal achievement at the ASEAN ICT Awards (AICTA) competition for public sector category. It ended Indonesia's eight-year wait for top prize in the category that was previously dominated by Singapore and Thailand. The remarkable achievement was made possible thanks to the support of Jakartans who continue to take advantage of the innovations in the JAKI application. Some of you might wonder, how exactly is the journey of JAKI to finally be able to win this prestigious competition?

Made in Jakarta, Ready for ASEAN

JAKI gets an AICTA berth after being selected as the winner in the public sector category at the IdenTIK event in 2020. The victory also allows JAKI to become one of the representatives of Indonesia at a similar event at the regional level, Southeast Asia. Indonesia Entrepreneur ICT (IdenTIK) is a national competition organized by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics. In addition to JAKI, other applications that are also chosen as ‘selected works’ in this category includes Pikobar, Smart Terminal, Sapa Warga, and RSM Mobile.

JAKI innovation as a super-app that can meet the needs of public services becomes a factor in the success of the application made by the Jakarta Provincial Government, thus achieving the best work in the IdenTIK competition. In addition, JAKI is also a forum for collaboration between the community, the government, and other collaborators. As a one-stop service platform, JAKI provides a wide range of integrated public services for easier access. As a result, the community can really reap benefits from convenient and efficient public services. One of the cases is the usage of JakLapor feature for the creation of reports or complaints about various problems in Jakarta that can be monitored by the user.

JAKI in ASEAN ICT Awards Competition

AICTA is an annual information communication technology competition held since 2012, with Cebu, Philippines as its first host. This competition is an initiation and part of recurring projects under the ASEAN ICT Masterplan 2015, ASEAN ICT Masterplan 2020, and ASEAN ICT Masterplan 2025 to appreciate the best ICT solutions or works carried out by entrepreneurs and organizations at the regional level. The aim of the competition is to look at developments in the adoption of information technology, the growth trends and potential of information technology, as well as the role or contribution of technology in regional economic growth. The ASEAN ICT Awards competition has six categories that bring together the best innovations from ASEAN countries, namely public sector, private sector, corporate social responsibility, digital content, startup company, and research and development.

JAKI innovation falls into the public sector category, along with innovations from other countries such as QR Code System by Cambodia and Healthcerts by Singapore. In addition to JAKI, there are Indonesian representatives in other categories, such as Nodeflux, Omnibiotic, Nayakalara, Super Neli, and Rivest. The public sector contains information technology innovations carried out by government organizations to provide efficient public services. Such innovations can be software or hardware to make the service more transparent and effective. 

In the 2019 edition, the team behind Road Tax (Laos) won a gold as the winner in this category, while IMDA Lab on Wheels (Singapore) took silver, and Parents Gateway (Singapore) took bronze. The last time Indonesia stood on top of the podium in this category was in 2013 courtesy of Smartcard for Frequent Traveler while the team behind e-voting Pilkada took silver in 2018. Singapore and Thailand are the two countries that have often dominated this category in previous years.

The Pride of Jakarta Made Indonesia Proud

After going through the judging process, on December 17, 2021, the eight-year wait officially ended. JAKI, the pride application for Jakarta residents, has won a gold medal in the ASEAN ICT Awards competition. For the first time since 2013, the name of Indonesia is again on the top podium for the public sector category in this Southeast Asian competition. JAKI came on top and won the fierce competition from Singapore (Healthcerts) and QR Code System of Cambodia, which sits in second and third place respectively. 

Thank you to all Smartcitizens who have used and utilized JAKI for your needs. Of course, this achievement will be an encouragement for the development of the next innovative features for more efficient and easier public services. For those of you who don't have JAKI, let's make Jakarta even better by downloading the application through Google Playstoreor Apple App Store.

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