28 Mar 2020

Why Do You Need to Stay at Home for 14 Days Amid COVID-19 Pandemic?

by:Aditya Gagat Hanggara


28 Mar 2020

One by one, the countries that had been infected with the COVID-19 pandemic began to impose a lockdown to limit the movement of citizens outside their homes. The Government of Jakarta is not taking the same measures at the moment but has issued an appeal to the public to stay at home. The hashtag #DiRumahAja (#StayAtHome) has popped up on several social media, welcoming the message from Governor Anies Baswedan about the importance of physical distancing and avoiding crowds.

"The responsible attitude today is to choose to be at home, not to do activities outside the home. It protects us, others, and it is an attitude of responsibility,” said Governor of Jakarta Anies Baswedan during a press conference at Jakarta City Hall on 20 March.

Suggestions for all citizens not to leave their house except for important activities have also been listed in the Jakarta Governor's Call No. 4 of 2020. Now, you are probably wondering, “Why do I need to stay at home for two weeks?”. Let’s find out the reason, shall we?

Reducing Rate of Spread

The thought of staying indoors and not being able to go anywhere for two weeks might sound scary. But you must know Smartcitizen that this is a small sacrifice we can make for the greater good. The 14-day self-isolation period is in accordance with known estimated incubation periods (time interval between the start of an infection and the onset of symptoms) of COVID-19.

Asymptomatic Transmission

In the early stages of COVID-19 outbreak, many people assumed that all of the confirmed cases showed symptoms at first. However, we now know that the transmission of this disease can occur from people who have no symptoms, or in medical terms known as asymptomatic. It is another reason why we are encouraged to remain at home. Because even if we show no symptoms, there is still a possibility that we have been exposed to COVID-19 without us knowing and pose a risk for other more vulnerable people.

Helping Government Efforts

In battling coronavirus, governments around the world tried to avoid what is called exponential growth, a rapid increase of cases in a short amount of time. The Government of Jakarta is now facing the same challenge. When exponential growth occurs, the curve of spread will be hard to contain. It could result in numerous problems such as overcapacity for the referral hospitals. So, in short, by staying at home, you can reduce the risk of wider transmission and easing the workload of health workers. This could also mean that the curve trajectory of new cases will be flattened and more manageable.

[A Look at Jakarta Health Agency Command Center for COVID-19 Pandemic]

What You Can Do When Stay at Home

There are several recommendations for you to do when you stay at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. These following steps could be useful to further reduce the risk of transmission, especially if for example, you live with another family member or people in a vulnerable condition.

Wash your hands properly with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds

Use hand sanitizer if soap and access for water is not available

Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands)

Immediately put away used tissue into the bin and wash your hands afterward

Clean objects or surfaces you used often such as door handles and handphone with cleaning products

While at home, it is important to look after your health and wellbeing. Make the most of your time by doing activities or hobbies that you love, like cooking, reading a book, and doing light exercise. Keep in touch with families and friends to help you avoid feeling lonely.

Smartcitizen, in these difficult times, we have to remain vigilant. Don’t miss any latest information or data about COVID-19 by visiting corona.jakarta.go.id. If you have any question, or feeling symptoms similar to COVID-19, contact Jakarta’s official response team at 112, 081-112-112-112, and 081-388-376-955.

[Important Things You Can Find On The Jakarta’s COVID-19 Website]

Let's get through this together and stay at home!

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