08 Jun 2023

Rejoice! Jakarta Won 2023 SAS Hackathon

by:Eva Simorangkir

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

08 Jun 2023

Clap for Jakarta! Team JaWaRa (Jakarta Water Resources Analytics) just won the 2023 SAS HackathonSAS, or Statistical Analysis System, is a statistical software originating from the United States that relies on innovative analysis, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Data Management services and software. The SAS Hackathon brought together hundreds of brilliant minds digitally for a month. Jakarta got to participate with their innovative Flood Control System.

JaWaRa DSDA Jakarta SAS Hackathon 2023 winner

Source: SAS

The Jakarta Provincial Water Resources Agency or Dinas Sumber Daya Air (DSDA), data scientists, and StarCore Analytics successfully unveiled their innovation in tackling environmental issues. Curious about their breakthrough? Let us discuss it!

Flood Control System Led Jakarta to Victory

Flooding is one of the challenges faced by Jakarta. Therefore, the Jakarta Provincial Government, together with Team JaWaRa, made efforts to address it with the Flood Control System. They used SAS AI, machine learning, and IoT analytics to analyse real-time data on rainfall, water levels, and river flow for better flood prediction and prevention.

The Early Warning System is part of the Flood Control System used. This Flood Control System optimises flood management using SAS Viya and SAS Analytics. As a result, the Jakarta Provincial Government can continue to take steps to predict, manage, and mitigate floods effectively.

Jakarta Smart City collaborated with the Jakarta Provincial Water Resources Agency (DSDA) to implement the Flood Control System. Actions taken include collecting historical data such as water levels, vibrations, temperature, and CCTV from IoT and sensors installed in 178 pump houses. The collected data is then analyzed to design policies for flood management.

Flood Control System Jakarta Smart City

Praise for Team JaWaRa

Team JaWaRa successfully won three categories in the 2023 SAS Hackathon: Asia Pacific (region), Public Sector (industry), and Machine Learning (technology). Einar Halvorsen praised Team JaWaRa for their success. "Team JaWaRa is typical of the great work we saw in this year's Hackathon," said the Program Lead of the SAS Global Hackathon.

Support Jakarta and Their Innovations

Jakarta, as a smart city, will always be there to help their residents overcome challenges. So far, Jakarta residents are able to find flood-prone areas through the JakPantau feature on JAKIand the official website pantaubanjir.jakarta.go.id. With support from everyone, hopefully Jakarta will be able to continue creating useful innovations for their residents.

Read also: Flood Control System Sensor in Jakarta

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