26 Jan 2024

Jakarta Launched Disability School Buses

by:Amira Sofa

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

26 Jan 2024

To create a disability-friendly city, the Jakarta Provincial Government, through the Jakarta Provincial Transportation Agency, has launched the first five units of disability school buses. These disability school buses are intended for students with disabilities to commute to school. Similar to other school buses in Jakarta, students do not need to pay, meaning it is free, to ride this particular school bus. If you want know more about disability school buses, read the entire article.

Disability School Buses:

On January 17, 2024, the launching and the first operation of disability school buses took place to help disabled students commute. The event was attended by the Acting Governor Heru Budi Hartono in the courtyard of the City Hall. These disability school buses were designed with special facilities to make students with disabilities commute easier, especially for wheelchair users and visually impaired students. Here are the special facilities of the disability buses.

  • Space for 7 passengers with wheelchairs;
  • 10 seating places;
  • Space for 19 standing passengers;
Disability School Bus in Jakarta

Fasilitas bus sekolah disabilitas untuk siswa-siswi berkebutuhan khusus


  • Closed Circuit Television (CCTV);
  • Tactile flooring as a guide for visually impaired students;
Disability School Bus in Jakarta

Disabled school bus launched for students with special needs in Jakarta

  • Hydraulic platform system to lift wheelchairs into the bus.
Disability School Bus in Jakarta

Disabled school bus launched for students with special needs in Jakarta


These disability school buses travel along selected routes based on the locations of Special Needs Schools (Sekolah Luar Biasa) and the number of students requiring bus access. The routes include:

  • Rorotan-Marunda (passing through State Special Needs School 8)
  • Plumpang-Kemayoran (passing through State Special Needs School 9)
  • Kalideres-YPAC Jakarta
  • Muara Baru-YPAC Jakarta
  • Lubang Buaya-YPAC Jakarta

Currently, there are only five disability school buses available. However, Acting Governor Heru mentioned that the Jakarta Transportation Agency's requirement should be 80 units, so the number of buses will be gradually increased while improving the service of the existing fleet.

That's the information about the launch of disability school buses for disabled students in Jakarta. You can watch the video of the bus launch event here. Hopefully, in the future, there will be more transportation and public facilities that are disability-friendly to make Jakarta inclusive for everyone. Don't want to miss information about school buses in Jakarta? Follow the social media @bussekolahjakartaon Instagram.

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